Posts Tagged ‘small minority’

People like Mark Hamilton, who have the guts…


I proudly served my country for nearly 18 years in the US Air Force when I got cancer from being exposed to nuclear fallout for most of my life, from bomb testing % exposure to chemicals before we found out they were carcinogenic.  As a result, I was permanently disabled and medically retired.  I didn’t blame our government for this, it was just a bad set of circumstances.  It didn’t me long, however, before I started becoming disillusioned with what my government was doing to me and every other citizen.

I watched as they steadily started breaking contract promises to veterans and dragging our country down into the financial pit we are now in.  I watched as we let sat on our lazy behinds and let them do it to us.  We let a very small minority dictate what goes on and our elected officials continually giving themselves pay raises and letting “Big Business” run amuck while the rest of us pay for it all.  Our government seems to have taken a new motto of “Rob the Working Class to Line the Pockets of us and our Friends.”  This is no longer a “government of the people, by the people, for the people” but a government for the greedy.  It sickens me to see the country I sacrificed so much for, deteriorate to this point.

I have several friends from other countries (most associated with the military) and they all say the same thing, “The US doesn’t care about its people and is becoming weak.”  I fully agree with them and it’s past time for a change.

I did all the internet research on Neothink when I received my first letter, and I have to say, most of it was pretty negative.  I looked at the people making these comments and discovered that none of them had any idea of the Society because they never bothered to find out first hand. They all relied on the comments of other unknowing people to form their opinions.  Fortunately, for me, I very seldom just take the word of others.  I have to find out for myself and what the letters were saying caught my interest enough to find out more.  It was the best investment I’ve made.

I was at a point in my life where I was ready to abandon everything and move to Europe.  Since reading the books I finally saw a glimmer of hope.  The Neothink Society actually cares about what is happening in this country.  It’s about time we had someone who will stand up to all the greed and corruption going on in our government.  I applaud the effort of the few officials who try to do the right thing but they are to few to have much of an impact and are forced to play the game to get any good done and their efforts are buried so deep by the rest no one ever hears about them.

People like Mark Hamilton, who have the guts to do something to help the rest of us are persecuted by our government and their special interest groups because it threatens their fat pockets and their easy way of life at our expense.  We need the Twelve Visions Party to shake things up and get this country back on track where it belongs so I can, once again, be proud to be a citizen.  I want my friends to say, “Wow!  This is a great country and I’m glad to live here.”

I have been a member of the Neothink Society since August 2008.  Since my involvement with the Society my life has changed dramatically from a person that had given up on life to my present being who has come out of retirement and reopen my business.  I owe this to Mark Hamilton who through his prime literature made me a believer that  I can still be a value creator and  pave the way for my son & grandsons to enjoy a better quality of life for themselves and future generations.  In December 25, 1999 I lost my oldest son in a car accident.  It rip me apart and   I got sick with diabetes, cancer of the prostate and a heart attack that required four by-pass heart surgery.  My wife and I could not agree on anything and I moved out of the house, I began to mismanage my real estate business so I decided to end it.   I got involved in a relationship and I went to church for healing and to The Veteran’s Clinic for counseling but none of that helped.    My appendix ruptured and my relationship was not working out, I was getting more depressed and many times I felt that I had no other reason to continue living,  then I received that letter from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society which changed my life 360 degrees.  My health has improved tremendously, my diabetes is under control , my blood pressure is good,  I feel happy and people often wonder what happened to me and complement me on my looks as if I look younger to them .   The Society members are my new family and I enjoy being a part of them since now I talk to people who are like minded as I am.    We believe in good health and encourage people to develop new products that will help eradicate diseases and promote wellness.   We encourage people to became value creators as self leaders through business.   Mark Hamilton with his prime literature guides new members step by step on how to become value creators and start their own businesses.   You will soon realize that much can be accomplished if you are not depending on government but become a self leader and actually develop jobs for others and a better quality of life for your own family through your own business.  Mark Hamilton’s literature is not only about teaching you how to became a successful businessperson, but also it teaches about becoming a happy person in this planet and to promote peace in the world instead of  hate and destruction.  He teaches about loving the arts and the art of loving your family, nature and your country.   Career politicians interpret the laws anyway they want to and manipulate our constitution to benefit themselves under the illusions that they are trying to help the people. We have allowed them to do this and we are losing control.   It is time for us to take back our Country and that is why we are now starting a new political party to return government back to the people, the way it was meant to be by our original founders.  Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party objective is to return to a protection -only government in order to unleash an unprecedented prosperity-explosion that will make all the people rich, including the poor.  Through enforcing the Prime Law of no initiatory force as spelled out in the National Platform of the Twelve Visions Party it will control the lawmakers, law interpreters, and law executioners, not the other way around.  Government’s role will change to that of protection only. The protection of people’s rights and their property and contracts is the top priority of the Twelve Visions Party.  Won’t you join us to make this a better world for our families and future generations.  Thank you Mark Hamilton for giving me a purpose to live and the tools to help my family and for giving me the opportunity to be part of the society.  I have learned so much and I’ m glad to be part of this movement to make our world a better place to be.  A healthier and peaceful world.

March 2025