Posts Tagged ‘simplicity’

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I am your apprentice and always am your apprentice. I have really enjoyed the whole process. The heirloom packages are priceless. It helps me pierce through everything. See the real side of life.
The Ten Second Miracles to easily make miracles possible for all of us in our real daily life. And you give us the abilities to distinguish the right and wrong pierce through essence. You taught us to be the creators and leaders of the society. The simple way to find our Friday night Essence and live our life and find the child of the past.…Although I am not involved with politics but the simple fundamental law is easily understand by non-legal person. These simple facts everyone can comprehend. I like the simplicity of everything. From learning to applying to our day to day life the whole transition is so easy and painless. We can teach our children and grand children. So they are not blinded by media, social network and politics.
Thank you again!!
Your apprentice
C. Wong

The beginning of reality!

For four an a half decades I was alone in dreams that I could never bring into my reality. I was a pariah! Frustrated at my own ineptitude! But, I was lucky…..I got an invitation, that if I was not aware enough, I would have passed by completely. I was invited by Mark Hamilton to join the one organization that would teach me how to manifest all the things I had ever dreamed of. Not through any hocus-pocus dream building fantasy, but through reality based philosophy that not only described who I am, but, who I could become! Despite my age, I accepted this invitation. Through this philosophy I discovered that most of the things I was taught to believe throughout my life were not only wrong, but, purposefully misguided. Not through the intention of those I learned from, but, from the intention and strong effort of those who would have me be a slave my whole life and never rise up to realize the reality of this world and the wonders I could create in it! I am ETERNALLY grateful to Mark Hamilton and his amazing outreach to the “seekers” of the world, without whom I could not have begun to realize my true self and begun this fantastic journey of Love Creation, Discovery, Family, Prosperity, and LIFE!!!!! thank you Mark and thank you to the marvelous family I have discovered here. Through my thought discipline, and control I am becoming more than I could have ever dreamed, and with better results and greater creativity!
In Truth, Simplicity, and Love
Steve LaValley

Power of a Huge dream


Thank you Thank you Mark Hamilton for having the boldness and courage to seek me out and then proclaim me the searcher. Thank you for telling me I am more than a human being, I am a human becoming. Thank you for giving me hope for the future and what a glorious future it will be. A future with the gorgeous simplicity of prime law. I stand in jaw dropping, drooling Awe at what you have done at such a young age and am thrilled and grateful that I can recognize it. Seneca said, “nothing is more disgracelful than that an old man should have nothing to show to prove that he has lived long, except his years”.You and anyone that learns Neothink will never suffer that affliction. You are a brillant brillant man and with all humility say that I and anyone can achieve the same genius. WOW! Neothink. A new way of thinking.You have shown me the power of a huge dream.I know this is just the beginning. I do not know how I will fit or integrate into the scheme of things, but after I close my jaw and wipe my face I am going to find a way to “participate” not just watch in the wonders of the Twelve Visions World. JG

March 2025