Posts Tagged ‘several times’

I have read your literature several times

I have been with you a little over 3 years now. I have read your literature several times. Every time I read it I have a better understanding of my life and what is in store for me and my family. I think our future is limitless to the possibilities of living a happy and prosperous life. What you are building is what our founding fathers envisioned the future by integrating facts of history with natural law, physical reality and common sense actions so that we can live a free and prosperous life without government intervention
thank you

what mark hamilton means too me

mark hamilton means to me alot he change my of thinking the snergy which i got from my books is my motivation i love my books and i have nothing but love for mark hamilton and twelve vision party he show how i can think for my self how i can achieve my goals and dreams and desires, i won the lottery several times after reading his books mark is a man i would stand behind and the twelve vision party i am learning alot about the government which i didnt pay attention too before at the convention in chicago i met people from all which i still keep in touch with when i listen to tvp and intergade with my members i can honestly say thanks mark hamilton for believing in me i know i can achieve any thing i want the child in me comes out for time to time if you ever need me i be by your side

love deirdre

I’m not one to give testimonies but I decided…

I’m not one to give testimonies but I decided I would do it this time. I read your material over several times trying to learn everything you wanted me to learn. I greatly appreciate the way you wrote it. It is simplistic and to the point. Since reading your material I have engaged in writing books. I have written two novels, one being edited now and will be published later, and the other, Mom-Bre, Is out as well as The Lonely Star which is a children’s book.
Neither have been a big success thus far but I have sold several copies. I have several more children’s stories to publish as well as several poems.
In using the turnkeys you presented has helped me in believing I will be a success in writing books. Your teachings has also helped me in public speaking. Now i am able to stand and speak with confidence about the subjects I am speaking about. Due to this confidence The A Team of Indiana has asked me to be the chairman of the TVP. I have written a poem for the TVP called ‘Monumental Change.’ I believe it will help us to focus on the task before us.
In conclusion, thank you for your books and the many things you have helped me to accomplish. Your belief in all of us to accomplish goals is highly commendable.
Thank you,
jim w

I have read your literature several times


I have been with you a little over 3 years now. I have read your literature several times. Every time I read it I have a better understanding of my life and what is in store for me and my family. I think our future is limitless to the possibilities of living a happy and prosperous life. What you are building is what our founding fathers envisioned the future by integrating facts of history with natural law, physical reality and common sense actions so that we can live a free and prosperous life without government intervention

thank you


March 2025