Posts Tagged ‘self starter’

in Favor of Mark Hamilton


I would like to take this opportunity to add my voice in Favor of Mark Hamilton.  He has given to society insights that when properly understood and internalized will advance the forward moving development of our world.  Throughout mans history, there have always been person with mature meaningful insights designed to aid mankind in his quest for forward development.  Mark Hamilton is one of those individuals.

It is not Mr. Hamiltons  fault if those who have heard what he has to offer the world are not emotionally mature enough to grasp his insights.  I personally have gained many benefits by his insights both personally and professionally from his insights and ideas.  Tasks that once seemed impossible to complete within the course of my daily work are now easier to complete  but are now ahead I repeat ahead of schedule.

I now spend more time with My family doing the kinds of things that bring about balance and stability to my life.  For that alone Mr. Hamilton I could never thank you enough. I mean that.  I am now on to accomplishing

a lifelong ambition  that will be of great benefit to many people who would under normal circumstance would be left out of the fruits of a productive life.  I will end this letter by saying this:  The day I was contacted to explore the concepts offered by Mr. Hamilton was and is a pivotal point in my life.   I am not a person who needs to be told what I should do.  I am a self starter in every sense of the word.  I have established my self as a leader in every endeavor I ever really put my efforts to.  But all people leaders or those that follow can benefit from helpful insights from time to time.  The concepts offered by Mark Hamilton are key insights that advance forward thought and his work must continue without interruption.

Mr. Leon S

Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Neothink means a new way of thinking to be a self leader, this is nothing new to me,
I have always tried to be my own man self educated, self starter and a leader, but looking back on my life there seems to have always been limits imposed by society, limits beyond my control. So what has the Neothink Society done for me?
It has shown me how to get around those limits and provided me with the tools to cut the chains that bound me to a self destruct, greedy, one tract mind, self centered, all for me Society of idiots. The world has gone crazy, but I am free now to live with my own thoughts and answers with out guilt. I know a better way to live and work and have hope for my Grand children and future generations. It has also presented solutions to change this crazy world, not just me.  The goal of the Neothink Society is to have Health, wealth, love, peace and respect for each other, this is possible through the twelve visions party.  I am 81 years old and the society has given me reason to live to be 100.
Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Melvin G C

March 2025