Posts Tagged ‘self sacrifice’

Mark Hamilton and Neothink has returned my childhood to me…


If I ever had a childhood, I don’t remember it. I was an orphaned statistic. Because of a few basic survival skills, I was always expected to behave like a grown-up and therefore was treated like one. Today, at 40 years old, Mark Hamilton and Neothink has returned my childhood to me to live as it should have been. I am no longer abused, neglected, or ridiculed for learning, growing, or advancing in the world.

During my teen years, I was considered a social outcast. My adoptive parents were very strict on me. They would only let me participate in church activities or chaperoned ball games. I found solace in reading and creative writing and gained intelligence, knowledge, discipline, responsibility and the overwhelming desire to be on my own. Older and more distinguished people praised this in my character and I was labeled a goody-two-shoes, a nerd so to speak. In my desire to “fit in”, my behavior rebelled against my parents in that  I took the blame for the trouble my peers got into and let them take advantage of  and bully me. I had this idea that my self sacrifice would prepare me for the abuse of such a cruel world. I was  anything but a typical teen, yet this is what was expected of me. Every now and then, when my parents decided to reward me with a little leniency, I had to beg and plead to be invited to a party or social gathering. I was  always  embarrassed, humiliated, or totally ignored. Today, through the integrations of the Neothink family and apprentices, I am the one being sought out for my learned lessons, advice, abilities, and other priceless values of character and being including that it is not the world that has gone bad, but the people in it has accepted tragedy and tyranny as the general way of life. I have gained access to a wealth of information on every walk of life through countless pieces of literature that I never would have known had it not been for Neothink. Neothink is teaching its members to reverse this ideology. Words will never express how grateful I am or how much I appreciate Neothink for choosing me to help fulfill this purpose.

This abusive and destructive behavior followed me into my older  years as I became the shadow in everyone’s limelight. I had the intelligence to be everywhere at once but I could never be found. I was the proverbial “Jack-of-all-Trades.” But at the same time, no one wanted or needed any interference from me. I was always called upon to organize and clean-up a mess. Yet, I was cast aside and never acknowledged or allowed to take credit for my endeavors or talents. Once someone was through using me, I was shut up and locked away until further notice. I was a prisoner within myself. I did not know who I was supposed or expected to be. Religion looked like an easy way out, but there was just too many requirements of basic human existence and ritualistic demands of free thinking to give up. Then one day, Mark Hamilton and Neothink unlocked my cell and destroyed the key. They have taught me the confidence and bravery to defend all things good and  honest. The  ability to say “no” to evil and destruction is a lot easier to do now thanks to Neothink. Today, I have the freedom to choose, to believe, to love, to live, to celebrate being a human being, but most of all I have the freedom to be myself. There’s no one else better qualified.

All in all, whether they be veterans, apprentices, or incumbents, Neothink members have been taught from their day of invitation until now that there are three paths of society for the human race to follow. There is the society of “that is”, the society of “what appears to be” and the society that “knows the difference.” Neothink is the society that knows the difference. While the societies of “what appears to be”, and the society of “that is “run an even battle of spreading chaos and confusion  for the human being’s purposes, functions, systems, and processes in the world called the “anti-civilization”, Neothink, the society that “knows the difference” is ahead of the battle to teach their members this difference so that they too can relay the message of pure love and honesty to the world. Neothink provides a wealth of information that can make their members the healthiest, wealthiest, happiest, and the most beloved of all without the use of external  authorities we call the anti-civilization forevermore.
Mary Kennedy

Thank you Mark Hamilton


First and foremost I would like to thank my Mentor, Mark Hamilton , for taking the time to haelp us become the people we where always meant to be. Second I would like to thank the society. Thank you for the opportunity to soar beyond the clouds and the chance achieve the wildest of dreams.

The knowledge I have acquired has helped me to leap into a place where I no longer have any competition. I am working on becoming self reliant and making any type of dependency on anything or anyone, obsolete. I am now immune to any failure or negative thoughts and able to break through any manufactured truths. The techniques I have learned in the society will allow me to achieve anything I would desire by taking control of my own destiny. I am now 100 times more confident than I was before absorbing these secrets. As I put these techniques into practice, my creativity soared. This will give me the opportunity to make a living off what I have created. The advantages have helped become a self leader. I say it proudly.
I have come to realize, through experience, that focusing on me, like the literature says. The smallest , simplest money making unit and power thinking what I need, from developing the product to marketing and everything in between will help me to drive my business forward into new realms of business. Threw the prime literature I have learned to steer clear of altruism and its destructive effects. I always thought self sacrifice to be a noble deed but wondered why most people just took and took without a care and I ended up with no productivity and depleted happiness. I have come to understand that neo-cheaters use Higher causes , noble causes to usurp values from the honest hard worker. Neo-cheaters such as politicians and professional mystics(value destroyers )make their careers off of other peoples sacrifices and never learn to produce honest values that can be sold or traded to become an independent , happy person.

I have learned to be selfish rather than selfless. For the first time in my life. I am pursuing my dreams, attentively, guiltlessly, and happily. No longer will I sacrifice my time, my value, my well being to negatives. I personally experienced the effects in my life and thanks to Mark Hamilton I can spot negativity and laziness and stop it in its tracks. I have learned to counter their attacks by using honesty, never letting up. Using fully integrated honesty I have broken threw some situations where I should have fallen victim. To me this is powerful. I could never put a price tag on what I have learned. If this is only ¼ of the literature I can only imagine what else there is to learn. It gets me excited to know there’s still more to learn. The feeling I get from using my brain to create and integrate reality is indescribable. I have had to face my fears and personal mysticisms and as a result I am a new man. I am like they say “ Born Again”, not in a cristian sense but I am a whole new person. No longer do I hang on to illusions or rationalize my decisions to stay in situations or relationships that are harmful to me and my livelihood. And if I am in a relationship where this is the case I always have the upper hand. I have been able to break away from false realities put forth by outside forces, leaving them nervous, paranoid, and most important of all, powerless. I have come to a point where I have to be honest not only with others but myself. Only this way will I move forward. I have reached what I call the ultimate business like mind Richard Roque

March 2025