Posts Tagged ‘self respect’


To have withstood many viscous attacks on my life, from humanoids and atomatons near my location that took place over the past five years and still preserve my sense of self respect, I publicly testify to the value of Neothink Education. Neothink Education is, at this point in my life, the most outstanding education of all education I recieved previously in my life. Thank You Mark Hamilton.

Ongoing Appreciation

Looking back over my life, focusing my minds’ eye on the values that I embraced such as [honesty, compassion, self-respect], I publicly declare that The Science of Neothink, has assisted me…if you will, enhance those qualities. Vision #12,[You Will Live With Perfect Physical and Mental Health] is the area of human life that I have been interested in over most of my life. And though I have many skills, and interest. The over-arching or most interesting to me has been Mental and Physical Health. So, again I thank you, Mark Hamilton for the Magnanimous-Opportunity to enhance another Life for the good of all Creation.



It is a great honor to have the opportunity to express my thoughts and gratitude about Mark Hamilton. I came aboard The Neo-Think Society in August 2004,after recieving a letter from MH.At first I was skeptical after reading the letter,then I reread it and decided to answer. About two weeks later I recieved an Orientation Booklet which gave me more details about his invitation. From that point on I Have been steadily improving my life (Psychologically,Emmotionally). Mark Hamilton is, in, my openion, a briliant value producer and creator that has demonstrated through his publications and writings moral and compassionate standards. Also in my openion, anyone who has ever demonstrated (valuation for human life, self-respect, clear thinking)would support or embrace the Society Mark Hamilton has established.

March 2025