Posts Tagged ‘self improvement’

Thank you Mark Hamilton

I’d like thank Mr. Mark Hamilton all who know that
NeoThink is based on self impowerment though Individual creativity. By studying the information Mr. Hamilton has created & appling it w/my own creativity I have become more in tune w/the way a business should flow.
So to test this knowledge my family & I left the States & applied what I’ve learned & I have had some success. But now I am being tormented by those I’ve helped, so I can understand what Mr. Hamilton is dealing with & I support him & I will stand w/ him, because he stands for self improvement though Individual Creative.
I didn’t mention that I live in Tokyo w/my family & we’ve been here for 5yrs.& I don’t speak Japanese, & we live where most Japanese can only dream of living.
Thanks to Neothink & my Creativity I can live well anywhere.
Thanks Mr.Hamilton for Transendinal knowlegde you help others gain.
Keep up the good fight, because this warrior of Truth will stand w/U.

personally like to Thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for creating…

I WALTER WRIGHT TRUTHFULLY testify that the Neothink Society Manual Scripts and Heirloom packages by Mr. Mark Hamilton is beneficial for the intellectual thirsty few individuals, that are responsible enough to exercise supreme rational intellect at all times. My Manual Scripts/ Heirloom Packages are my universal key to all civilizations, that matured my ascribe vision\knowledge to the infrared vision were I now see much clearer thru the clouds of deception on a daily basics. In brief, The Manual Scripts/Heirloom Packages written by Mr. Mark Hamilton are the final solution to ones inherit mental pollution. I personally like to Thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for creating the above mention self improvement materials and bestowing it upon the blessed and privileged few here at The Neothink Society.

Ps. When they leave you alone, that’s when you know your doing something terrible wrong. Please keep creating value for the Neothink Society !!!!!


I personally like to Thank Mr. Hamilton…


I WALTER WRIGHT TRUTHFULLY testify that the Neothink Society Manual Scripts and Heirloom packages by Mr. Mark Hamilton is beneficial for the intellectual thirsty few individuals, that are responsible enough to exercise supreme rational intellect at all times. My Manual Scripts/ Heirloom Packages are my universal key to all civilizations,t hat matured my ascribe vision\knowledge to the infrared vision were I now see much clearer thru the clouds of deception on a daily basics. In brief, The Manual Scripts/Heirloom Packages written by Mr. Mark Hamilton are the final solution to ones inherit mental pollution. I personally like to Thank Mr. Hamilton for creating the above mention self improvement materials and bestowing it upon the blessed and privileged few here at The Neothink Society.

Ps. When they leave you alone, that’s when you know your doing something terrible wrong. Please keep creating value for the Neothink Society !!!!!

Forever Grateful

There are far too many available obstacles and challenges in today’s world. There are many illusions, lies and pitfalls that many people easily fall victim to. Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature has allowed me to pull out of the self imposed stagnation trap and rise like a phoenix from the ashes above the destruction, oppression and negativity that is rampant in society. I now see a whole new society filled with love, honesty, creativity, business, science, art and camaraderie.

Before being exposed to this life altering literature I felt hopeless in many ways. I could see many things wrong with society and with my life, but had no clue how to improve them. The knowledge Mark Hamilton shares in his books gives people hope, real hope and tangible values for self improvement. It is hands down the most beneficial and empowering tool in my life.

Each time I receive a new book from Mark Hamilton, I devour it. I am simply so VERY thankful that I have been exposed to his potent mind. I look at life in a whole new way now. I’m much more productive, happy, understanding and creative. Mark Hamilton’s literature has unleashed a side of me that I never new existed!

Thank you Mark Hamilton, I am forever grateful!

Jeff Smith

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


My name is Robert K and this is my Neothink story. In April of 2004 I received a letter that changed my life forever, at first I thought it was a sales gimmick but as I read on I knew something was different about what I was reading this time. That was my first exposure to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton which at that time was a secret society (recently the Neothink Society has gone public) After I received the first Heirloom literature I found it held a lot answers I had been looking for most of my life which at that time I was 55 years old, I only wish that Mark Hamilton could have found me when I was younger but I guess he had his reasons, but as they say never too late to learn. The fact that now I know I will be able to live longer then I could have ever imagined through the Neothink Society and the pursuit of immortality through the writings of Mark Hamilton, I feel age is not issue. This is one thing I also worried about was to live long enough to do what I wanted to do in my retirement years. The one thing Neothink has taught me is now I can feel comfortable in my own skin, this was because I was never sure about the God/heaven religion issue, I was always was sort of a fence sitter until I became a Neothinker (as now I know the truth)I know I was different but not sure why. At that point &time (4-04) I never knew what integrated vs bicameral thinking was or, FNE, Childhood of the past, TSM etc. I am still learning everyday by reading the Neothink literature, and also being able to understand it better by becoming more integrated, there are some Neothink members that have read the heirlooms two or three times. I have learned more about myself and more knowledge through Mark Hamilton’s essence meetings and taking part in the weekly conference calls with other  Neothink members. The one thing that I am continually amazed at  is the self improvement I have made in myself. Through most of my life I have had a self destructive behavior and also a short temper that now both of these tendencies have all but disappeared and it was all due to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and not through an anticiviliztion therapist. My goals are to live as I long as I can as I have been more focused on natural supplements to try and get off of some of my prescriptions. Another goal is to become fully integrated and live in a fully integrated society(Twelve Visions World)where everyone will be able to live in a fully integrated Neothink Society where we will be able to enjoy health, wealth and happiness by removing the dishonest Neocheater politicians and the mystic religions from the world.

March 2025