Posts Tagged ‘self discovery’

Reading Mark Hamilton's Neothink Heirloom's has moved me …

Reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Heirloom’s has moved me from being a person who had given up on love, to a person who has deep faith in love’s power to heal the divisiveness that is the human experience existing in today’s world. The journey with the Heirloom’s has taken me to a place of honest self-discovery and has led me through a continual process of illuminating belief’s that create divisive and unbalanced results in my life. The Heirlooms are teaching me to use time and thought to honestly integrate self into my self’s creative experiences. The techniques that Mark Hamilton points out in his writings have given me a viable way to create happiness and success. I am more balanced and aware of my thoughts and effectively use self-control. I actively create thoughts and actions that enhance the loving and harmonious life that I want to live.

A ‘someone has authority over me’ control system was deeply ingrained into my life’s path before I read Mark Hamilton’s informative Heirloom’s.

So, with great gratitude, THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done!

Life has been an interesting series of events for me. I grew up in a highly religious family and began as a very dedicated bible student at the young age of eight. Because of my personal, in-depth studies and knowledge of deep-rooted principals, I began to break through mysticism, and being reliant on external guidance in the year 2000 when I was only seventeen. I later left my place of residence in Central Oregon, USA to live in Loreto, Mexico on the Baja Peninsula for half a year when I was eighteen. Being immersed in that culture at a young age began a SUPER-EXPLOSION of new thoughts and new ideas and concepts that caught me by surprise. I began to transform into a different person. The problem was I didn’t know how to control, or use, my new-found feelings and thoughts in the proper way. Everyone I knew was a part of some false ideologies and because I didn’t share certain viewpoints anymore, my family and friends stopped coming around eventually. They just couldn’t understand. This is the point in my life when I felt truly alone!
I thought it was me…was I doing something wrong? So I decided, spontaneously (within 30 days), to leave and start over somewhere else. I traveled all the way across the country, landing in New York — broke, all by myself, and with only two bags of luggage! I LEFT EVERYTHING! My car, my family, my house, all of my furniture, and my cushy job at a law firm. But I was on a mission…to search out knowledge, to expand, and make a new beginning, a new life. I was excited and scared of what lay before me, so I devoted this next “chapter” of my life to self-discovery. I needed to start thinking about myself for a change. I was tired of being taken advantage of by being selfless.
When I did, my life began taking IMMEDIATE change and the Universe took immediate and drastic action! Through a series of events, I met a unique and important individual who took me under his wing, who personally mentored me and is still doing so today. I have been able to meet some very interesting people and life has become EXCITING again! I currently am a part of powerful associations, I am assisting in the creation of a “dream city” here locally, with a few multi-million dollar deals, I have WONDERFUL relationships, and people cannot stop coming around to give me more and more financial and networking opportunities. I HAVEN’T HAD TO DO MUCH OF ANYTHING EITHER! I have also personally met a few prominent and successful individuals — including a retired golf pro, inventors with patents on projects everyone would recognize that has produced BILLIONS of dollars, film directors and producers many would recognize by name, prominent medical doctors who specializes in natural cures and treatments for illnesses, as well as others.
I don’t intend to quit now! There is no going back for me! And I intend to continue to help others help themselves first. I am only 26 and the above testimonial was actualized in only a year’s time. It approached so fast with change, it caught me by surprise. So, with great gratitude, THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done! I wouldn’t be where I’m at today if it wasn’t for this knowledge I’ve been searching for all of my life. Thank you again!
With Appreciation;
Adam H.

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society that believe in helping each individual


To: Mark Hamilton
I received a letter from Neothink Society November 2006. I had been invited to join a exclusive group of individuals from around the world was ready to share their knowledge of how to achieve wealth  in all areas of life. My first impression was to go forward and look into this by ordering the Neothink material that had been offered. My first book once I started reading I could not stop it held my attention for days and weeks and weeks turn in to months. I was amazed at the honesty that was shining threw and the knowledge that kept me reading. The wonderful information was eye opening, a wide scope to view life and my life experiences to be able to look at the world in a objective way, and how one can succeed in life. I have to be honest their was some doubt if I would be able to succeed and survive. But the Neothink literature on Self Discovery lit a burning desire within me that took off like a rocket, gave me the confidence to achieve in my life what ever I desired. Since I left my job and started my own company it has been a fast pace of growth. This Year 2009 our company has done ¾ of million dollars in service work in the construction field. We are project next year to be doing 2 to 3 million dollars in service work. We are very excited about the future. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society that believe in helping each individual to find the creative ability that each of us have. Everyday life has become exciting. The mentoring has been life changing. The key is to want more out of life and Neothink offer the tools and knowledge for each individual to go after their dreams and desire. What a wonderful contribution to mankind. Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  
Larry Johnson

So, with great gratitude, THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done!

Life has been an interesting series of events for me. I grew up in a highly religious family and began as a very dedicated bible student at the young age of eight. Because of my personal, in-depth studies and knowledge of deep-rooted principals, I began to break through mysticism, and being reliant on external guidance in the year 2000 when I was only seventeen. I later left my place of residence in Central Oregon, USA to live in Loreto, Mexico on the Baja Peninsula for half a year when I was eighteen. Being immersed in that culture at a young age began a SUPER-EXPLOSION of new thoughts and new ideas and concepts that caught me by surprise. I began to transform into a different person. The problem was I didn’t know how to control, or use, my new-found feelings and thoughts in the proper way. Everyone I knew was a part of some false ideologies and because I didn’t share certain viewpoints anymore, my family and friends stopped coming around eventually. They just couldn’t understand. This is the point in my life when I felt truly alone!
I thought it was me…was I doing something wrong? So I decided, spontaneously (within 30 days), to leave and start over somewhere else. I traveled all the way across the country, landing in New York — broke, all by myself, and with only two bags of luggage! I LEFT EVERYTHING! My car, my family, my house, all of my furniture, and my cushy job at a law firm. But I was on a mission…to search out knowledge, to expand, and make a new beginning, a new life. I was excited and scared of what lay before me, so I devoted this next “chapter” of my life to self-discovery. I needed to start thinking about myself for a change. I was tired of being taken advantage of by being selfless.
When I did, my life began taking IMMEDIATE change and the Universe took immediate and drastic action! Through a series of events, I met a unique and important individual who took me under his wing, who personally mentored me and is still doing so today. I have been able to meet some very interesting people and life has become EXCITING again! I currently am a part of powerful associations, I am assisting in the creation of a “dream city” here locally, with a few multi-million dollar deals, I have WONDERFUL relationships, and people cannot stop coming around to give me more and more financial and networking opportunities. I HAVEN’T HAD TO DO MUCH OF ANYTHING EITHER! I have also personally met a few prominent and successful individuals — including a retired golf pro, inventors with patents on projects everyone would recognize that has produced BILLIONS of dollars, film directors and producers many would recognize by name, prominent medical doctors who specializes in natural cures and treatments for illnesses, as well as others.
I don’t intend to quit now! There is no going back for me! And I intend to continue to help others help themselves first. I am only 26 and the above testimonial was actualized in only a year’s time. It approached so fast with change, it caught me by surprise. So, with great gratitude, THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done! I wouldn’t be where I’m at today if it wasn’t for this knowledge I’ve been searching for all of my life. Thank you again!
With Appreciation;
Adam H.

Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.

To: Mark Hamilton
I received a letter from Neothink Society November 2006. I had been invited to join a exclusive group of individuals from around the world was ready to share their knowledge of how to achieve wealth in all areas of life. My first impression was to go forward and look into this by ordering the Neothink material that had been offered. My first book once I started reading I could not stop it held my attention for days and weeks and weeks turn in to months. I was amazed at the honesty that was shining threw and the knowledge that kept me reading. The wonderful information was eye opening, a wide scope to view life and my life experiences to be able to look at the world in a objective way, and how one can succeed in life. I have to be honest their was some doubt if I would be able to succeed and survive. But the Neothink literature on Self Discovery lit a burning desire within me that took off like a rocket, gave me the confidence to achieve in my life what ever I desired. Since I left my job and started my own company it has been a fast pace of growth. This Year 2009 our company has done ¾ of million dollars in service work in the construction field. We are project next year to be doing 2 to 3 million dollars in service work. We are very excited about the future. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neo think society that believe in helping each individual to find the creative ability that each of us have. Everyday life has become exciting. The mentoring has been life changing. The key is to want more out of life and Neothink offer the tools and knowledge for each individual to go after their dreams and desire. What a wonderful contribution to mankind. Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Larry J

I received my first book from Mark Hamilton in 2004


I have asked myself a number of times just how would I go about telling someone about the Neothink® Society.   For each person it is different, for me it has been a five year journey of self discovery.   I received my first book from Mark Hamilton in 2004. That was the year that I began to wake from a lifetime of believing that I could never make a difference in this world.  Each turn of the page showed me a step by step blue print of not only the world that had suppressed and held me back from becoming the person I was meant to be, but it showed me just how I could pull myself up and grow in ways that would shock my family and friends.

Like so many others who have read these books, I began to take control of my own life.  If I wanted to be happy, it was my responsibility to bring happiness into my life.  Mark Hamilton provided me with a way to reach out to others and make contact.  For months I would exchange ideas with other members on the website that Mark Hamilton provided for us.  Then came that day when all the members who lived in my state decided to have a face to face meeting.  My heart was pounding in my chest as my husband and I made the two and a half hour drive to the meeting place.  When we entered the building, I knew these people, even though I had never seen them before, I knew each and every one of them.  Forget about handshakes my friends. These people hugged me as if I were a long lost family member.  We talked about everything under the sun and set up study groups to go over the information in Mark Hamilton’s books.  Keep in mind that this was going on all over the USA.  People were meeting at coffee shops, restaurants, libraries, and in living rooms.  Each group was developing in their own way, coming up with new ideas.  Our group was no different in that respect.  Because of what I learned from Mark Hamilton’s books, I was not afraid to go out and do research.  I wanted to make a difference, and I wanted that difference to be of value to those who needed it.  At that time the price of gas was starting to rise to unheard of levels.  The people who were being hurt the most were those who could not pay for the gas it would take to get to work and put food on the table for their children.  I started to learn all that I could about alternative energy.  I don’t consider myself to be a genius but I understand the need for value.   With the help of some of the other members I began to collect information on ways to improve gas mileage in older cars.  I am not an inventor, but I can build things from scratch and I found a system that I could build.  I have made a number of hydrogen on demand systems and priced them so that anyone can get one.

These are the values that are coming out of the Neothink® Society.  Our members are putting into action the values found in the books from Mark Hamilton.  We are seeing the needs,   and taking action.  Bringing honesty and value in everything we do.  We the members have formed the Twelve Visions Party, bringing the words of Mark Hamilton to life.  Words that were written on a page are now coming true.  How thrilling it is to be a part of this

A New Puzzle-Picture of Self-Discovery


My name is Adam, and I would like to share my personal story of what Mark Hamilton’s multi-generational manuscripts have personally done for me with the Neothink Society®.

I would first like to speak about Mark Hamilton and who he is. He has become one of the greatest mentors and visionaries of all time. By publishing his own literature, the heirloom manuscripts, he has created these values for society that everyone can share in. Not only is he a teacher, but he is also an artist and a friend. He has painted a beautiful puzzle-picture of the future, and everyone needs to get their hands on his multi-generational manuscripts and be “in the know” about really what is controlling society today and going on in the world.

I grew up in a very religious background, began public speaking in my church when I was only eight years old. I also spent most days evangelizing. When I was eighteen, I even traveled to Mexico, BAJA, and was a Missionary for six months. However, I always questioned the world around me versus the information I was told was factual. Well, I never have necessarily just “taken” what others have told me, so while other kids were playing outside or watching their Saturday morning cartoons, I was studying, reading, and cross-referencing scripture. My knowledge and my mind began evolving as unlocked little secrets for myself. These “secrets” I unlocked through my Volumes of research and study were like little puzzle pieces to a bigger picture. So I started snapping those pieces together, and as I was doing that, I instantly “snapped” out of my mysticism, and ALL the religious knowledge I had – I was able to see exactly what it was.

Well, this ostracized me from my family and ended my marriage at 22 years old. I was living in Oregon at the time. Well, as there really wasn’t much left for me, I decided to start over and begin living my life the way I saw it, which was with a NEW way of thinking.

I only had two suitcases of luggage, jumped on a flight within thirty days of concluding that leaving Oregon is something I wanted and needed to do, and traveled all the way across the country to New York where I am at today.

It wasn’t until about eight months or so being in New York, as I began working, I met a member of the Neothink Society® through a very interesting series of events. You see, even though I thought differently, it was something I came up with on my own, and I never know what I don’t know. So that’s what brought me here. I discovered abilities within myself I never new I had. It was the association I had, who I listened to, and the mentoring from my teacher and friend, Mark Hamilton.

While getting to this “spot” in my life, I hit rock bottom several times. I was broke. I was alone. I attempted suicide three times in my life and couldn’t even get THAT right! Well, obviously I’m here, and there must be a reason. And that’s where my PASSION comes from! Those who know me know my thoughts and feelings with Neothink® and TVP® which is why when Mark Hamilton gets maligned and LIED about, those things strike an even stronger chord with me….and with my friends in the Neothink Society®. We become stronger, more united than ever….not weaker!

If you are an individual like I use to be, who listens to outside influence rather than figuring out the TRUTH on your own, then listen to the influence Mark Hamilton gives. That’s the person you need to listen to! He’s here to help! And you won’t get that from “leaders” today. You won’t get that from the President. You won’t even get that from Judges, journalists, police officers…not with the way society is today – bent on crookedness, deceit, lies, and dishonest propaganda. Who do you listen to?

I suggest everyone begin to look inward, to themselves, and discover the person you were meant to be and live the life you are MEANT to live! Thank you Mark Hamilton for your guidance. I’ve been at rock-bottom. I’ve been in that world. And now that I’m here, I only move forward with personal growth and discovery after discovery. I am still snapping puzzle pieces together, again – this time with a new way of thinking – and I can see the puzzle-picture of self-discovery forming. I can now see the bigger picture before it is even complete. What do you see in life?

Love and Peace!!
Adam Huntley

The Incredible Journey Home…


Life is a journey of self-discovery, and self awareness. An evolution of consciousness. We are thrust,as spiritual beings into the harsh reality of this physical universe. We basically know who we are initially. We created it.
Then we denied that creation, and ceased to take responsibility for it.
When you deny cause, you become the effect of that cause. Then you have to forget that you were the cause or else this universe would cease to exist.
When you deny responsibility for who you are then you give that control to someone or something else.
In essence, undeniably, we each create our own trap. A trap of not knowing, no responsibility and no control.
Perhaps this is a survival mechanism because these bodies are weak and small in the infant stage.
As we mature, gradually becoming stronger and more self sufficient we begin to remember who we are and that we can create effects upon people and things around us.
If we are “lucky” this is allowed, but more often, it is not.
Others before us have been taught that certain things are considered bad,wrong and unacceptable, and others are considered good ,right, and acceptable.
As soon as we agreed to that, we gave up our own power to act as a self-leader and control our own future.
We have sprung the trap on ourselves and are caught in the effect of it for our entire lifetimes.
Because we have abandoned our true essence, we sleepwalk through life, never essentially being , doing or having what we truly want.
Now, lacking the ability to create and surround ourselves with admiration and pleasure, we instead create disability and pain.
We are here to experience.
Mark Hamilton’s writings awakened the naturally creative child inside me.
It is wonderful to feel empowered, instead of ineffective!
Now, I do. Not, fear to try.
I can visualize possibilities and achievement, where I only saw barriers and defeat before.
The barriers to success no longer exist and winning is the only option.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society have changed my life.
The love, encouragement and support for the fulfillment of all my dreams, is my new reality.
I am starting my own business, and I will live happily and reap rich rewards for the values I will create daily.
Thanks to Mark Hamilton and Neothink I am eternally free to be me, play at life and have fun! I have Wealth,
Health and Peace.

WOW! The puzzle picture just got bigger


Wow, I just had the most amazing and scary perceptions this morning.
Forgive me for not being on the Neothink or the Twelve Visions Party conference calls this week. I’ve been at the Tapping World Summit every evening. It’s been an amazing journey of self discovery studying the Blood and Geno type sciences, the  Neothink manuals, Integrations from out Teacher Mark Hamilton and now Tapping. Tapping is definitely a means in which to find that child within us.
My thoughts about Wide Scope Accounting just got wider. This puzzle picture forming in my head has gotten so large that it now extends beyond my head. Like the atmosphere around the earth. Being held tight by not gravity but sheer will and desire. I can’t believe I just said that. It scares me, Forgive me if I just scared you. I’ve had integrations like this all my life but have rejected them because How I am perceived by others is important to me. You must think I crazy now. I do!
I can see now that It will be difficult separating my message of Wide Scope Accounting to Businesses and everyone else. I have developed the Neothink marketing approach for businesses. Now I must think about how to reach and stimulate each individual as well.
I really must work on getting the outline and thoughts so far, for this book , out of my head, put it on paper and see if I can attract a publisher and Get a commitment so I can work on this book full time and not worry about my ever pending financial doom.
This puzzle is much bigger than I ever could of imagined. I wonder, if man had known about all the complexities of consciousness ahead of time. Would we have chosen to go there? I think I would of in spite of the difficulties because These integrations are so exciting. I’m beginning to see some connections between all of this and the universe around us. Just maybe, our Teacher Mark Hamilton might be onto something when he describes Human consciousness being the missing link in the unifying theory.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
Love, Carl

Timely Discovery

I’ve read some of the criticism , directed at Neothink/and have come to the conclusion that the most ardent complainer’s are not up to the challenge of self discovery. Please let me share with you a little secret: IN THE Process of vehemently objectifying the Literature of the Neothink is the choice of wakening up and leaning on your own spine, or becoming more dependant on the existing facade of remaining fairy tailed story. Neothink ,is a Discovery Tool who’ time has come at the Global-World’s greatest hour of need. A Grateful, Thank You to All of Brave Hearts Involved!!! Balamuruga Mentor 2008 Love.

March 2025