Posts Tagged ‘self defense’

The Future of the Species and Planet

Dear Friend,
I am a new member of Mark Hamilton’s society and the Neothink concept. I am in the process of completely reorganizing my life. Because of the hectic pace associated with this reorganization, I have not had time to become as immersed in Mark Hamilton’s Neothink views as I hope to be a couple of years from now. My opinions are based on a reading of the manuals, my knowledge of people who are members, and how it all is synchronized with my view of life. I would like to emphasize that I have not been converted, so to speak. In the process of observing life, and growing up, I came to the same conclusions as Mark long ago.
In my opinion the Neothink philosophy is all about the future of humanity and the future of the very planet we live on. Mark’s views represent a radically enriched future, because of a reorientation of our priorities. This reorientation occurs because of Neothink. Try to remember the outlook you had as a young child. The innocent point of view, when you were sure that life was probably fair. You did not understand yet, that a high percentage of the population could not afford health care or legal representation. You did not understand yet that the deck was stacked in favor of large corporations. You did not understand yet that money controlled the government.
Mark Hamilton, his society and Neothink represent the best prospect that I have encountered for creating that fair and prosperous future for all people.
• It is a future where all disputes among nations are settled with something other than force.
• It is a future where we do not run the risk of annihilation because there are no nuclear weapons.
• It is a future where the United States does not feel compelled to spend as much on defense as the next 35 nations combined. We only have self-defense forces in this new future.
• It is a future where all kinds of capital (human and economic) flows freely across what used to be called borders.
• It is a future that realizes that human intelligence, human consciousness, and economics are the most powerful forces in our (human) universe.
• It is a future that rejects radical mysticism of all types and combines love, intellect and economics to raise the standard of living of every one.
• The combination of love, intellect and economics recognizes the fragile environment and produces a sustainable economic structure in a Neothink future.
• It is a future of radically extended human life spans. The health care system in this future is oriented toward prevention and life extension for all people.
• It is a future where the elected representatives in government represent all people, not just wealthy special interest groups.
• It is a future where all people have access to a fair legal system.
• It is a future that I will be proud to give my children and a grandchild if we have not figured out the eternal life thing by the time my life is exhausted.
Pessimists will look at this vision and say it will never happen. My reply is I know that it is going to happen. I am just not sure how long it is going to take.
Walter Johnson

March 2025