Posts Tagged ‘self confidence’

Mark Hamilton and his writings have allowed me to free my mind

Mark Hamilton and his writings have allowed me to free my mind and think for myself. Since reading the first book, I have been able to get the inner working begun on several of my own world-changing projects. I could never have the skills or the self confidence to even think about beginning the necessary steps to my own personal freedom if I have not been introduced to such people or ideas. I am very thankful for that and cannot wait until all my works and efforts come to fruition it is definitely time consuming, and coming together slowly, but, much faster than if I had no previous knowledge of how to even begin. Thank you again, I have seen the Neothink world, for years before it was ever painted by Mark Hamilton, and I just cant wait to go “home”! I have pouring myself into so many projects it is unbelievable. I run three businesses on top of raising two children full time, I am their teacher, their friend, their boss and their mentor. It is a lot of work, but very rewarding at the end of the day when I can finally relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Thank you again for this opportunity to be a free, and happy, healthy person

I am becoming stronger in my new life…

I would like to start off by saying, I have not fully, or for that matter, not even partially comprehended the information to which I have received from Neothink. There is so much to grasp that it will take a very long time. However, as I read/use the information in my life, I know it is manifesting in ways to which I am not aware. The information when consumed in the soul, takes on a whole new life. It is not information one is use to receiving from the current establishment- anti-civilization. So as I feast on the new knowledge, to myself, I am becoming stronger in my new life which is being created; but only new to me because I have been living in darkness. Now am I beginning to see the life I was meant to live and I am walking in that life with a renewed self-confidence. My ability to see/vision myself in the Twelve Visions World is catching momentum, and I am all for a place in existence when the poor can become rich and live a life of freedom.
Riches, knowledge, and happiness for every man, woman and child.

Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad

Hello to all that reads this letter of testimonial to the Neothink society. Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad. There is no anger, revolt or any sort of negativity what so ever with this system of knowledge. This is no cult or religious group, and only has a positive approach to many things in this world. This group of people can only create a better society for all of us, as an advancement into a productive and loving system. I highly recommend this system and what Mark Hamilton has tried to do. If some people who purchased the books were not happy with them, this does not make the Neothink system wrong in any matter. I have a masters in psychology, and I can speak from my own experience, that it wakes up the sleeping areas in some brains and gives self confidence to all. This always has positive and negative reactions as so does many things. There are many things in this world that can be dangerous and wrong for us humans, but this system is a product of each individual, not the system itself. In other words, it is the person themselves that react to a product, and it is them who makes it what it turns out to be for themselves and only themselves. I hope this gives a light into what is proposed. Thank you for taking the time to read – and be well to all…..David Brockway

Dear Mark Hamilton


Sitting down and reflecting over the past few months, I have realized a lot has changed in my life personally. I have been reading the prime literature daily and I learn new insights every time. The more I understand and apply the tools provided in the books, the more I grow.
After 4 years of grasping the knowledge, I can say I have CONTROL of my life. This is the best feeling in the world. In the last 6 months I have started  my own 2 new businesses. I teach golf and love the game, but I needed more CONTROL to do what it is that I am meant to do. I have gained courage and self confidence to start these new ventures. My creative energy has increased and I’m implementing new programs that I have always wanted to accomplish. I am excited and happy that I’m in CONTROL of my destiny. It is like the straight jacket has been taken off. I have broken my old mentality of working for someone else and now I am smiling from head to toe because I’m creating new ideas that will create value to my customers. The tools in the books have given me the courage to surpass the limitations that have been put on me by society and so called friends.
My head is spinning with new ideas and I’m integrating these ideas into action with the mini-day schedule. I understand my dreams and I am now actualizing  them.
My child of the past is alive and vibrant!  I have ideas and plans to market an extraordinary program for the youth, to help them with their golf games and  life skills to make them better people. Most of these programs are for only the rich, but I am going to make this affordable to the middle class. I am excited to give them the best coaching and education to fulfill their dreams.
My other business with the Neothink Society is growing everyday. I’m talking to people, sending letters, making phone calls, and sending e-mails. To help people realize their full potential is my drive and passion. To help people find their passion and purpose in life is a huge responsibility and must be actualized.  Both of my businesses are very close in the meaning of what their purpose is about. My golf business has certain techniques and tools to be successful. The Neothink Society business also has tools and techniques to be successful in life.  To be successful at golf and life a person must have the right focus and MENTALITY  to create his or her dreams. From what I have learned you need control over your emotions to truly  be honest about improving your golf game or life.
Finally, I want to say that it was humbling and an honor to meet other Neothink Society members at the inaugural National meeting in Durham, North Carolina. The pure love in the meeting room was energizing and heart felt. The members are family and I would do anything to help them. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they would do the same for me and anyone else. The journey is just getting started and I’m excited and thrilled to be part of this society.

Your Friend,

Neil Barnhill

Mark Hamilton and his writings have allowed me to free my mind

Mark Hamilton and his writings have allowed me to free my mind and think for myself. Since reading the first book, I have been able to get the inner working begun on several of my own world-changing projects. I could never have the skills or the self confidence to even think about beginning the necessary steps to my own personal freedom if I have not been introduced to such people or ideas. I am very thankful for that and cannot wait until all my works and efforts come to fruition it is defiantly time consuming, and coming together slowly, but, much faster than if I had no previous knowledge of how to even begin. Thank you again, I have seen the Neothink world, for years before it was ever painted by Mark Hamilton, and I just cant wait to go “home”! I have pouring myself into so many projects it is unbelievable. I run three businesses on top of raising two children full time, I am their teacher, their friend, their boss and their mentor. It is a lot of work, but very rewarding at the end of the day when I can finally relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Thank you again for this opportunity to be a free, and happy, healthy person

The concept of what Mark Hamilton is teaching us,…

Dear Mark Hamilton ,
I would like to thank you with all of my heart for opening me up to a better life for myself and all the others around me in my life .
There are not enough words to describe the way my life has been changing . It has opened me up to so many great and wonderful things and each day I am feeling even more alive each day, then I did the day before. I can never thank you enough for turning my life around. And believing in myself again ,something I haven’t done in a long time and it feels great to have self-confidence back again !!

Hello, to all of you fine people, the many, that have not yet become a part of the Twelve Visions Party already. You have no idea as to how much knowledge you CAN, and WILL learn if you were to join with us, the new Society of NEO-Thinking !
This new way of thinking has opened my eyes quite wide. I was searching for something, I was on a knowledge kick, looking for something that was missing from me and my life ! It is like I could feel a empty space inside of me. I knew for a time that this world of ours was down in the dumps ,with all of the violence and destruction and deviants that are destroying the entire world ,and I could feel, that some where, there was something or somebody that, knew or read something or that had some knowledge and that if it came to light, would help to put ourselves back together again. I feel there is a need for all of us to pick up the pieces and rebuild this entire world.
Not too soon either ,While I was searching I have found out things on line, And now because of that I am learning so much with the Twelve Visions Party, so much more too, I am actually learning a more appreciative and powerful new and smarter way of handling my entire life, My passions and ideals are smoothing out, and there is a profound sense of feeling in myself that wasn’t there for a very long time.
The planet, if you will, needs to find a more proficient way of learning better personal and professional management practices, like right now.
Mark Hamilton is a remarkable man and I am really proud to say that. His teaching has done so much for me and so many others. He has found a new and more efficient system that actually works .That is what thousands of people are now finding out about even as you read this.
The concept of what Mark Hamilton is teaching us, has made me more aware of many new fundamentals of learning. I am definitely becoming much more efficient ,and not only in business ,but in my personal life as well. I am beside myself, with having found that, with this “Neo-thinking” I am actually getting organized in my private life and I never would have thought that was possible. I am sort of new to this way of thinking and the teaching of this information, is absolutely remarkable, and then putting the information to use in this new and professional very efficient system of creating I am accomplishing so much more each and everyday. It is really absolutely fantastic!!
Mark Hamilton only has the people’s best interests at heart, and with this new way of teaching us, these concepts(ideas) will indeed, make all our lives more in tune with our thoughts and actions and the entire nation can and should open up their hearts and minds to this vast and very insightful knowledge . We the people of this “Neo-Think Society” have found that as it is a new conception of ways to apply oneself we can learn to do things more efficiently and there’s nothing wrong with that, is there.
We (Neo-Thinking Society) only want to let the rest of the public attendance, who haven’t heard of this new way yet, know that this new and much better way of managing our lives, is definitely going to make great changes in all of us. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to learn something new. If we,” the people on earth “(everyone) learned this new and easier but more advanced way of “Neo-thinking” earlier in our lives ,I believe the world would not be so disorganized as it is now, and right now wouldn’t you agree that it is a “real mess.”
The lessons that myself, and the many others in this new society have, or will learn, are very logical, and reliable ways of making all of our (you and me) goals much easier to accomplish, and with all the goals that you set for yourselves, can and will make a huge and much better difference in all of your(our) lives and that is a good thing. The things that you can learn to accomplish, will make your daily personal and business lives much more enhanced and advanced. It is truly quite an amazing feeling, to know in your heart, how much more you can and will learn if you allow yourselves to expand and to really advance your knowledge into the better way of managing our futures, and that of our great nation. It is where the entire population on this planet live. Where I live and where you live…;
So, now this letter is just scratching the bare surface of the information and knowledge that is out there for us to learn, There are infinite tunnels of knowledge just waiting for us to acquire it, absorb it. The positively numerous amounts learning is just waiting to be acknowledged by us . These things are the things that Mr. Mark Hamilton are opening all of our eyes to. In my book there nothing wrong with all of the things he has been, and still is teaching us ,Absolutely nothing . If we were smart enough to look for knowledge we would have found it too.
I did, there is nothing greater then knowledge and as father time must have thought, as it was, just a “”MATTER OF TIME” before it came to light and Mark just happened to figure it out for us. Now he is helping all of us learn to use these same tools that will shed light all around I guess that it is just another part of “evolution” and there is nothing wrong with evolution we live it each and every day, right !!

Mark Hamilton I thank you again for all the knowledge you have given us, enabling me with the advantage to learn as much as I can and I will always be behind you and with you 100% you should be very proud to know ,you have help so many of us learn of all the possibilities that are here for each and everyone to learn and apply them in our everyday lives, both professional and personal !!Yes, Mark we are grateful that you pointed us on the path to this great and powerful source of Knowledge.!!
&n bsp; God Bless,
Tammy Jo

I had the opportunity to study Mark Hamilton’s Neothink

My  name is Steve. I am 45 years old. I have a decent paying job and have been current on a mortgage and living within my means for quite a few years now. It is important to me that I tell you this so that you will understand that I am not trying to sell you on anything.

A little short of 2 years ago I had the opportunity to study Mark Hamilton’s Neothink, and apply it too my life. As of this writing I am paying the same mortgage on the same house and working the same decent paying job that I was as when I first began studying and applying Neothink. Here’s the difference.

Before coming into Neothink I was a person who most of my waking hours was dwelling in a state of negative thinking. Everything I saw on the news, heard on the radio, read in newspapers was “making me feel bad”.  I was easily affected by the information that was being passed on to me in the mainstream media.

By adopting and applying a very simple and easily understood set of concepts to my life, I have come to a state of mind that is no longer encumbered by the baggage of unwanted negative emotions. Please understand that I am not trying to say that all is well in the world.  We all know that things are deteriorating rapidly. And we also know that sooner or later something will have to give.

However, when I go about my day ,  I solve my problems without worrying about what the things that are out of my control are going to do to interfere in my progress. I simply assess the situation apply some very simple principles and concepts to these problems, and have found that all the bad news I was hearing and all the negativity can only bring me down into a reduced quality of life if I let it. By being able to see things as they are and not as others tell me that they are, I have now come to attain a sense of self confidence and self reliability that makes me feel happier and more fulfilled now than I have ever felt in my life. I am beginning to realize my life’s dreams now. I also know that I have it within myself to live my dreams and increase my quality of life without interfering with the well being of others. And if I can do that then anyone can.

All we ask is that we be allowed to exercise our fundamental right to live in Peace. It’s a simple idea really. I will not initiate force, threat of force, fraud or coercion against any individual’s self, property, or contract.  I ask that you consider that simple primary law for a while. As near as I can tell it contains no errors. I honestly believe that on the day when we can all see the value in, and honestly apply that law in our lives, then that day will be then dawn of true Peace and happiness for all.

My testimonial is indeed under girded by a deep sense of self realization and confidence; a sense that I appreciate more and more who I am, and the purpose of my existence. It is also given with a strongly saddening sense of pity, perhaps strong enough to border on misery, for those who have not had the opportunity (or have indeed had it but failed to recognize it) to indulge and engage their soul in soul searching and self exploration that is sparked and guided by the heirloom publications by Mark Hamilton.

From the initial letter of contact, Mark Hamilton’s publications immediately brought me a sense of connection with myself where my rational logic and the inner spiritual appreciations were working with ease in an integrated fashion and in harmony, projecting a power from within that gave me self confidence and peace.

While I have increasingly prided myself as an integrated thinker even before my contact with the Neothink Society’s publications by Mark Hamilton, the letters and heirloom packages provided a structural framework to connect my inner self with the physical day to day world that we live in. Mark Hamilton’s publications provided guidance to better manage my time, thoughts, goals and aspirations, and the day to day relationships.

Essentially, these publications have provided a practical blueprint and ignited the inspiration along this journey exhilarating journey of life. The benefit here is not only mine, but for my loved ones (and they extend far and wide), and certainly a cascade of resonance effects.

If you have not done so, please get yourself the heirloom publications by Mark Hamilton of Neothink Society. The will help you be happier because you appreciate yourself more.  You owe it to yourself.

Kuria K

March 2025