Posts Tagged ‘self awareness’

May you live forever, Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton, although we have not yet met in person, the impact your, the Neothink Society, and the growing TVP have made on my life has been profound. In attending the New Jersey convention in March 2010, I caught a glimpse of what it felt like to have the lens of my glasses cleaned for very first time. I caught a glimpse not only of love, but of love in its purest form, as it is born out of rational thought and out of self awareness, and awareness of the world around us, the state it is in, and why.
I feel so much gratitude for each and every letter I receive from either you or your movement, and will continue to strive, to best of my ability, to contribute towards the world you are creating, by pursuing my essences within at least two of these three realms, and continue receive bountiful moments of pure love and happiness, as a result of the wisdom you have imparted and continue to impart.
May you live forever, Mark Hamilton.
With love and sincerity,

Mr. Hamilton, in my book you are the…

Hello Mr. Hamilton
Good day, I cannot express my generosity enough, for sharing the Neothink experience with me. You have given me the road map to conquer most of the issues that plagued mankind. The Neothink society has been a tremendous help to me. If offers a life-long knowledge of vital information of which i was not aware of. I have red many books in my
life time, but I have to say the Neothink literature has lifted me to higher degree of understanding. When I received your introductory letter and red it, i know the redemption of a broader knowledge was about unveil. Even though i knew i was a special person, because i was constantly told by my parents. I cannot go into details on this because this is a confidential issue.
Your literatures and teachings are one of the most educational, self awareness, eye opening experiences I ever had. I was in the darkness of planetary diseases which caused by neocheater’s activities. The journey with Mark Hamilton is great. I will encourage anyone who has not read the literatures as yet to get on board. Experience
your true you, its dying to get out. You are suppressing your knowledge of growth. In this so called modern society, getting an educated is great, but getting an education in the Neothink society is a life time of values that you will never find in a text book.
Mr. Hamilton, in my book you are the catalyst that will open lots of eyes in this universe.

Mr. Hamilton, in my book you are the catalyst that will open lots of eyes in this universe.


Hello Mr. Hamilton
Good day, i cannot express my generosity enough, for sharing the Neothink experience with me. You have given me the road map to conquer most of the issues that plagued mankind. The Neothink society has been a tremendous help
to me. If offers a life long knowledge of vital information of which i was not aware of. I have red many books in my life time, but i have to say the Neothink literatures has lifted me to higher degree of understanding. When I received your introductory letter and red it, i know the redemption of a broader knowledge was about unveil. Even though i knew i was a special person, because  i was constantly told by my parents. I cannot go into details on this because this is a confidential issue.

Your literatures and teachings are one of the most educational, self awareness, eye opening experiences I ever had. I was in the darkness of planetary diseases which caused by neocheater’s activities. The journey with Mark Hamilton is great. I will encourage anyone who has not red the literatures as yet to get on board. Experience
your true you, its dying to get out. You are suppressing your knowledge of growth. In this so called modern society, getting an educated is great, but getting an education in the Neothink society is a life time of values that you will never find in a text book.

Mr. Hamilton, in my book you are the catalyst that will open lots of eyes in this universe.

Phil M

Thank You Mark Hamilton


Joining this wonderful society has helped me a great deal develop my business and help to realize who the neocheaters in my life were and how to abolish these negative influences in my life so I claim my own sovereign self awareness and wisdom. I can highly recommend Neothink and TVP for becoming a fully conscious being. and therefore able to become a worthwhile citizen of the universe and live a life full of passion and potential. the wisdom that has been imparted to me is priceless and ageless once again thank you and most sincerely Mark Hamilton for allowing this wonderful opportunity into my life and business.

The Journey to Self-Awareness for me is about getting myself organized

I got through Levels Two, Five and Seven, now Levels Three, four, and Six are next. After being out of touch for three months and then seeing the order they were in did puzzle me, soon I thought there must be a purpose for it, so I dug into it. I’ll be going through it again this month. IThe reason I ask is knowing that I will be getting back to my Journey to Self-Awareness again, but I will stay with my Lessons with you, my Mentor also. Along the way of Levels Two, Five, and Seven Meetings, a few times you spoke of things that pulled me to the need and burning desire to get back to the Journey to Self-Awareness, but I didn’t let them thoughts disrupt me from my lessons.                                                                                                                                                                                The Journey to Self-Awareness for me is about getting myself organized, and focused on a mental and emotional stand point. It’s primarily about, forward movement, digging inside myself through much thought and reflection to find the Patterns I set up over Time, and then blast them out using Gary Craig’s EFT Tapping, but sometimes I don’t need to Tap, for as soon as I identify some things, they instantly dissolve. It’s about getting me to a Forward Movement Point, by eliminating negative patterns that are keeping me idle. Steve R helped me identify one of them in the Level Fourteen Meeting, and there are a few others to clarify and purge. In this Journey I’ve been in deep study of the GIN CD’s to gain in depth understanding, also I did get another invitation but due to affordability I’ll have to pass again, besides I want to learn as much as I can and get some material success from the CD’s first. On all this said, the results have been amazing and the CWI ( child within inspiration) is pulling me back to it.                                             Thank You, Greg K.   M

March 2025