Posts Tagged ‘seeing things’

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party…

If anyone is looking for a way to change their life to something better. If you are looking to become a more powerful human being. If you want more happiness in your life. If your seeking wealth. If you want a clearer way of seeing things. If your looking for anyway to improve your life, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are quite possibly what you are seeking. Thanks to Mark Hamilton I am thinking on a totally different level. I am no longer afraid of what life sends in my direction. I am truly powerful.Thank you Mark Hamilton and the TVP.
Sincerely, Steve S

about the society


i have been a member Neothink for thirty years it has changed my life for ever it is the best thing you can do for your self and your family and you fellow man and woman i order too see through this world the way we should see this world you haft too be open too a different way of seeing things you trust your thoughts too make sense out of something but you will not see the forest through the trees until you step out of your own shell and realize you don’t know or can see things in another light or different thought i hope I’m getting through too all the negative people that don’t understand how great the society truly is and will be forever when we get the ball rolling on the twelve visions party and the rest will fall into place so stop the hate and start changing the way you see us please , love and peace steve, langridge chicago il.

Mark Hamilton, I am seeing things in an all new light…

I am 59 years of age and in severe debt. I am on the threshold of bankrupcy, and my life has been on a downward spiral for years. However, upon being discovered by Mark Hamilton, I am seeing things in an all new light, free of illusions and mysticism. I have taken control of my job, and now make $14,000.00 a year more than I did a year ago, and I know this is only the beginning. I am in control of my destiny again, and I want to stand at the ready to assist others with their break from the anticivilization. THANK YOU,MARK HAMILTON.

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty(sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e,learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.

Sincerely, Ricci

I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature


I have read quite a bit of Mark Hamilton’s literature and feel extremely lucky to have done so. I wish I had happened upon it decades earlier.

Just before reading the literature I was in a situation in my life where I was looking at starting over (or at the beginning of a new chapter). I recall thinking to myself , “I really need to start to do and see things differently because this isn’t working out – my life isn’t working out!”. I’m reminded through Mark Hamilton one of the basics in life is happiness which I had forgotten.

The values received from Neothink are immense. Some of it to me is common sense forgotten as time passed by. The idea of fully integrated honesty (sounds like a no-brainer but people forget, I did); being fully honest within oneself, being one’s own authority and not just lead by others made me realize it was time to take control of my life; Remembering to use percepts and then conceptualize and look at the bigger picture (i.e., learning to see what’s ahead). Also, how to have truly healthy romantic love relationship were topics I zoned in on at first. Neothink has opened my eyes far more than I can articulate here. If I hadn’t come across it I believe I would have become a depressed, not to mention lost, person!

Neothink is about taking off our blinders and seeing things as they really are politically, philosophically, romantically, economically, etc…The time has come it seems for human beings to evolve into healthier happier people which is what Neothink is. I look forward to the experience of more and more people using Neothink.



March 2025