Posts Tagged ‘second reading’

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton
Thank you for all your Herculean efforts. I am in awe of you.
I have just completed a second reading of Pax Neothink and am almost through a second reading of Miss Annabelle. I am suffering greatly from the loss of a dear friend and companion of twenty five years. I get comfort and hope from your books. I can tell you have experienced the excruciating pain of loss and how it is magnified on the eve of immortality in the Twelve Visions World. I admire your ability to carry on after the death of your Dad. I have had glimmers of the joy and exhilaration of the child of the past, but they are fleeting and very brief. I am hopeful time will heal. I obviously relate to Sally and Jasmine.
I look forward to learning more and becoming the person I am meant to be, however, it is profoundly sad without my friend.
Thank you for listening.
Jean G

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you directly.
First let me convey my sincere condolences for the loss of your father and mentor. It was very sad to receive that news.
My understanding from the meeting of 8/19 was to write a testimonial for the Neothink society to use. Although this is a letter directed at you, please use it as you see fit if it will benefit the society.
I hardly know where to begin.
Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me. I am very grateful for that. Although I have not yet found the success in many areas of my life, that you have so profoundly laid out before me, I remain undaunted.
I have just started my second reading of the multigenerational manuscripts to recapture the exhilarating inspiration I felt in the first reading. I must admit it was difficult for me to keep up with the apprentice meetings and reading the first time through. All of the information, all those pearls, were easy for me to intellectualize, however, applying the knowledge has been quite a struggle. The inspiration of iron grip control has, for the most part, eluded me so far. Therefore I’m certain a second reading is in order.
I will say that I have improved. I have read more books in the last year than I have read in the last twenty or thirty years. This too, I want to thank you for.
Currently, I am working on making my actions align in harmony with my thoughts. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been many things I wanted to convey to you, alas I let them slip back in to the ether.
I think you would be disappointed with my progress to date. I have been sitting on the sidelines and not integrating myself with the clubhouses or A-teams or the TVP except to attend conference calls. Please have patience with me. I want to be living proof of neothink success.
Again, I want to thank you for opening a line of communication, and I hope it will remain open that I might write to you again in the future.
Mark B

I am in awe of you.

Dear Mark

Thank you for all your Herculean efforts.  I am in awe of you.

I have just completed a second reading of Pax Neothink and am almost through a second reading of Miss Annabelle.  I am suffering greatly from the loss of a dear friend and companion of twenty five years.  I get comfort and hope from your books.  I can tell you have experienced the excruciating pain of loss and how it is magnified on the eve of immortality in the Twelve Visions World.  I admire your ability to carry on after the death of your Dad.  I have had glimmers of the joy and exhilaration of the child of the past, but they are fleeting and very brief.  I am hopeful time will heal.  I obviously relate to Sally and Jasmine.

I look forward to learning more and becoming the person I am meant to be, however, it is profoundly sad without my friend.

Thank you for listening.

Jean Goodwin.

Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you directly.
First let me convey my sincere condolences for the loss of your father and mentor. It was very sad to receive that news.
My understanding from the meeting of 8/19 was to write a testimonial for the Neothink society  to use. Although this is a letter directed at you, please use it as you see fit if it will benefit the society.
I hardly know where to begin.
Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me. I am very grateful for that. Although I have not yet found the success in many areas of my life, that you have so profoundly laid out before me, I remain undaunted.
I have just started my second reading of the multigenerational manuscripts to recapture the exhilarating inspiration I felt in the first reading. I must admit it was difficult for me to keep up with the apprentice meetings and reading the first time through. All of the information, all those pearls, were easy for me to intellectualize, however, applying the knowledge has been quite a struggle. The inspiration of iron grip control has, for the most part, eluded me so far. Therefore I’m certain a second reading is in order.
I will say that I have improved. I have read more books in the last year than I have read in the last twenty or thirty years. This too, I want to thank you for.
Currently, I am working on making my actions align in harmony with my thoughts. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been many things I wanted to convey to you, alas I let them slip back in to the ether.
I think you would be disappointed with my progress to date. I have been sitting on the sidelines and not integrating myself with the clubhouses or A-teams or the TVP  except to attend conference calls. Please have patience with me.  I want to be living proof of neothink success.
Again, I want to thank you for opening a line of communication, and I hope it will remain open that I might write to you again in the future.
Mark B

March 2025