Posts Tagged ‘savior’

Thanks to Mark Hamilton

I believe that our road to success is the one and only one of moving ahead in a society which contains now so much corruption and disdain for its own people.
I believe that the TVP party and its content has to be viewed as the only savior in our own mess we got our self’s in and created since corruption and greed has taken over by officials and groups who carriers many diseases throughout the world.
Society can only be corrected and adjusted by changing the attitude of the people and starting at the bottom.
We and I from the Secret Society and TVP party has the knowledge and the now how to turn away from corruption and greed by being honest about ourselves and our goals.
Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the support he is getting throughout the world and his believe in the party and society, it can and will achieve the goals of a more humane society.
I have opened my eyes and felt through reading the heirloom packages and listening to speakers and meetings I attended too, that It changes my outlook and my honest feeling towards myself and others and have learned to be an integral part of a group who are believing in the party movements and future.
No, other party can offer such insight and revelation going forward.
Adrian G


Our Savior


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.
My name is Michelle A. I have been a Member of the Neothink Society for 3
years now. When I first received Mark Hamilton’s Multi Generation Manuscripts I was going threw a really tough time, at that time. But by reading those Multi Generation Manuscripts… I over came my problem’s and figured things out for myself, I was deeply depressed. I was going through an abusive relationship, yes he is an alcoholic.
And the courts took my kids away illegally 18 years ago,and I still have not seen them since. I would like to give my greatest respect to Mark Hamilton for letting me see the light, and a complete look at what this government has done to people, without them even realizing it. And now with the help of the twelve vision’s party, witch I am part of! Thing’s are only going to get better than what people think they are, yes it is very hard to trust people, but what other choice do we have right now, none. This government has ruined every ones life.
The twelve visions party is our only hope that this world has, then we can turn around, the things that Obama has
done, if not things are only going to get worse, we cannot afford to let that happen.We will do everything that we
can to help every Man Woman and Child, to succeed in life. I love you Mark Hamilton and so do Million’s upon Million’s of people!

Thank You Once Again!
Michelle A.

Dont let them stop us from entering the world you, me, your family, and the whole world from embarking the beautiful world we all were meant to live

Don’t judge something so beautiful before you take a look at the life everyone was and is suppose to live. You don’t want to believe that the government, yes the government could be so corrupt but the truth is that they are. Please join us in the movement of the world, and but an end to the suffering. Mr. Hamilton is our savior!

January 2025