Posts Tagged ‘san jose sabercats’

The NEOTHINK Society gave me my life back.


My story interesting but the real meat is.  Being an invited member of the NEOTHINK Society gave me my life back.

In November of 1997 I survived a near fatal stroke. Which left the left side of my body paralyzed and the entire right side of my brain front to back top to bottom dead. This was confirmed by MRI’s taken in 2004.  I was a  thirty year veteran  live television producer/director including  twenty years  of sports production for the Oakland Athletics, San Francisco  49ERS, San  Jose Sabercats and CBS Sports. I was still under contract   to the Sabercats when I had my stroke. After leaving hospital in February 1998. I  was determined to fulfill my contract. In hospital all I wanted my physical therapist to do was teach .me how to walk. Impossible, until   awaking from a 21 day coma Christmas Eve 1997. My left leg suddenly moved n the middle of the night. I forced that movement to happen again and continued that the rest of the night. When the doctors came in for rounds Christmas morning 1997. I threw back the covers and said watch this. I moved my leg. . From then on I badgered my physical therapist to teach me to walk. We started by breaking down the walk into its physical components. Move this, shift that rotate your hip etc. This was not working it’s impossible to walk if you have to concentrate on all it subtle movements. Finally a new therapist came onboard. He got in my face and said like a drill Sargent. Wally You’ve been doing this all your life. Now get u p and walk through the pararell bars to the other end   and come back. Those first few steps were the most exciting moments of my life. From then on every therapy session was filled with walking through the parallel bars.  After a month I found out the number door code for the Physical therapy room. After dinner I would roll my self down to the room and walk back and forth until 10 when I went back to my room to sleep. After a month of this routine I was strong enough to learn how to use a hemi-walker. With that assistance I no longer needed the therapy room and after dinner I would walk the hallways of the hospital until I couldn’t go any more and went back to bed. You have to remember for twenty years I was working closely with world class athletes. I saw their determination and it always inspired me.  I new I had an arena football game to produce and direct in Albany, NY.  April 29, 1998. I was determined to make that game.  My left arm was and still paralyzed I had my dad drive me from my ranch in Murphys, California  to the  San Jose Airport where I met the team for our  flight  to Albany. It was difficult to keep up with the group but I made it. After that game which everyone agreed was not my best.  Even I had to admit it was impossible to do the five things at the same time to do the work properly. The Sabercats terminated my contract. For the first time since grammar school I was out of work. This was devastating. My work defined who I was.  Life at home on the ranch was difficult. I had to retrain myself how to accomplish the same tasks as I did when able-bodied. I continued to care for our four horses. They appreciated having me back and would allow me to move them  from their large out side paddocks to the  stable  with just a lead rope looped loosely  around their necks they walked extra carefully seeming to know I was injured.  In 2003 the expense   of keeping up the ranch and straining the relationship between me and my wife became too much.  We decided to split up and sell the ranch. Fortunately we found a buyer in as short amount of time. We both walked away with $1000, 000.00 each. My wife stayed in Murphys all her business as an interior designer specializing in medical facilities was in northern California. My oldest sister invited me to live witch her in Bullhead City, AriNeothinkera. Since I was out of work and living on Social Security disability I took her up on her offer. Being out of work I could live any where I wanted. After a year of our Oscar and Felix life style my sister took a new position in Tucson. I bought a small attractive home in Bullhead City where I live today. In 2004 I was invited to join the Neo- Tech Society That invitation changed my life.  First I was able to eliminate all mysticism from my life. I stopped praying and started acting.  The neo- Tech business plan allowed me to use my embarrassingly large free time more productively.  In 2005 I created a network television drama  wrote 12 episodes  then spent the  next two years trying to get anyone  to listen to my idea. It proved impossible.  That industry is closed to outsiders. But I enjoyed the writing process. Then on   my exercise bike I was power thinking. A skill taught to me in the NEOTHINK manuscripts. I am avid reader and was reading a novel my Steve Berry called the Alexandrian Link. It occurred the amazing things that were happening in the novel happened because all Berry’s characters were fictional.  I have always had an f great interest in the Great monuments   built during the depression. Living just 90 minutes South of Hoover dam    increased my interest further.  Until I began Power thinking about writing a novel. Not wanting to go through the nightmare of the television drama again. I went about this from a different angle. I had made many publishing contacts while producing twenty years of television talk shows. I contacted each of them the all gave me the same advise. If I was serious about getting my work into the market place. I should investigate Self- Publishing. They each gave me their favorite self-publishers  then I did my own  research This  was 2007 I was determined to have my novel  finished by November 30, 2007 to  reward   my self for living ten  years  post stroke. My sister had purchased a one handed disabled person’s key board for me to make my writing easier. I set up my writing work using the NEOTHINK business guidelines which made the work much more productive.  I approached learning the key board the same way I approached learning the guitar when a youngster. The problem was   the technique that worked so well in learning the instrument no longer functioned because of the stroke. To this day  I  have  never  master the keyboard as  well I would have liked  but  I persisted I created a way to  tell the stories  of the great monuments through the adventures of two  Polish accordion  playing brothers, Stanley and Sigmund Sacovic from Chicago  who travel across the country  working construction  on those  great monuments built during  the depression, Mount Rushmore ,The Empire State Building, Hoover  Dam and the Golden gate Bridge. My years traveling in baseball gave me first hand knowledge of each monument. The story I constructed (“historical fiction) allowed me to write about all the things I had experienced and loved all my life. The circus, playing in a band, baseball, horse racing. Ranching and   Deli-Food. I started writing in June 2007. I would write in my head while riding my exercise bike 90 minutes each morning. After .the workout I would go to my office and jot down all my thoughts I   had on the bike.  At 1o’clock I would put those thoughts into the novel.  On December 1, 2007 I had the   novel finished. I decided toe self-publish through They offered the best deal. Money was a great concern since I was living on a very fixed Social Security disability income.  On December 21, 2007 I emailed my novel to the publisher for copy editing. On February21, 2008 I received a CD with the copy editors suggestions for my approval. I approved all their suggestions and I emailed the novel with the corrections back to Authorhouse to begin the printing process. All a long the way I was in. contact with the cover and book design people designing the front and back cover.    I received my first complimentary   copy April 25, 2008   a very exciting day. I approved the novel and it was released on May 5, 2008. I alerted every media outlet in my town. I put together three book signings   that went very well. To date the novel has sold over 1,000.00 copies. Not enough on which to retire but respectable   for a first time    self–published author. The novel   is entered into the 2010 international self- published awards contest.  I expect to do well. The long and short of it is   I could not have accomplished any of this without being a member of the NEOTHINK Society. They gave me the tools to make it happen. For any would be buyers   “High Work, Building   America’s Monuments” Is  available at all on-line book sites as well as and my web site in the   wamentertainment section

Walter Miller

March 2025