Posts Tagged ‘sake’

Mark Hamilton Saved my life

Mark Hamilton Saved my life in 2005 by inviting me to join the Neothink Society. I would die for the information that he and others are trying to bring to a suppressed population, that would foolishly die for the political movement that deceives us every day. As a veteran, I am ashamed that I would have laid my life down to protect the Ruling class that existed then, and now. I welcome the opportunity to walk into the bullet from a bureaucratic gun for the sake of honesty, objectiveness, and rational thoughts, also laissez faire capitalism that only the TVP party can bring about. I am almost dead because of the current government robbing me of food, money, love, and prosperity in this so called free country. I stand and am willing to die for Mark Hamilton, Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, etc for what they, and now I stand for. Sincerely William R Novak Jr.

My association with Mark Hamilton…

“My association with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has always been completely honest, ethical and filled with a spirit to share value creating thinking and actions for the sake of ordinary people and citizens of our great country. Mark Hamilton has always delivered whatever was promised with the highest integrity and refreshing absence of a “pie in the sky” rhetoric.
E. Williams

Liz S


Mark, it has been a while since I’ve written anything of substance but I believe this piece turned out well.  Let me know if it needs tweaking, additions, deletions, or corrections anywhere.  I have also been somewhat out of the loop, so be sure I have my facts straight; I have tried to keep it pretty general for that reason.  If it is ready-to-go, please feel free to post it anywhere and in as many places you desire when the time is right; my own access and knowledge in doing so is limited.  Regardless, the below testimonial might move Christ to rise and wave the flag and for shit sake – the last paragraph made me cry!  LOL….
I feel I owe you my loyalty and after this testimonial sir, whether on the beaches or on the snow-capped mountains, you shall owe me one damn good pina colada….
 Very Truly Yours, Liz S

Mark Hamilton has always delivered…

 “My association with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has always been completely honest, ethical

and filled with a spirit to share value creating thinking and actions for the sake of ordinary people and citizens

of our great country. Mark Hamilton has always delivered whatever was promised with the highest integrity
and refreshing absence of a “pie in the sky” rhetoric.
   E. Williams

When I became a “Neothinker”; my fellow colleagues wanted to know more.


I was born a teacher; looking for ways to help others grow.

My dream became reality graduating and working for P.B.S.

Well over a decade later I needed to leave, to make money;

Securing a job with C.B.S.

On that first day, I was announced in the news room;

“…do you know who this is?” my reputation had preceded me.

When I became a “Neothinker”; my fellow colleagues wanted to know more.

That is why they want to hear and see of what I bring to them today;

for you and the world you have brought to each of us.

Since our beginning I have sought to record for posterities sake,

on video everything that has transpired until now.

I hope I too can reach the level of conveyance,

you have inspired us all to become.  Thank you!  Kerry H.

The RULING CLASS, and their Mainstream Media will not like the TVP

The RULING CLASS, and their Mainstream Media will not like the TVP, and will try their Damndest to discredit Mark Hamilton, try to paint him as a charlatan. .For your own sake our Fellow Americans know that these individuals have endeavored to keep you and your children literally IGNORANT so that they could continue Rapping your pocket book , keeping you as their SLAVE because you Dear ONE are stupid enough to continue to allow them to.

March 2025