Posts Tagged ‘s books’

This is what NEOTHINK@ and Mark Hamilton’s Books and Teachings not only mean to me but have done for me personally.


The “only” thing better than being filled with Love, Health, Wisdom, Peace and Wealth is “SHARING” it ALL with others.

This is what NEOTHINK@ and Mark Hamilton’s Books and Teachings not only mean to me but have done for me personally.

Through my own transformation in these various areas I am now able to enjoy “BOTH”, continued Growth & Change and Helping Others.

I was like a boat w/o a rudder, before NEOTHINK@, drifting through LIFE after many tough life situations and poor choices.  I gave up on my dreams and even setting specific goals.
When I received my letter I was “SEEKING” answers in every area of my life up to that point, I knew there had to be a better way, just did not know where to find the answers, it seemed like one disappointment after another.

I was most of all “intrigued” by the “secrecy” of it all. I struggled with some areas in the 1st book big time, picked it up, read some more, then put it down for awhile, picked it up and managed to read it all.  Then the next two were presented, I read book two almost in one sitting and the rest is history. Once I connected with others who were experiencing the same things as I was it was easier to integrate the concepts and understand everything.

Now I’m “THINKING” and dreaming bigger, I’m

setting clear & inspiring goals in every aspect of my life again. Basically my life has more direction than it ever had for quite some time.

Yes, I love boats, I’ve always been drawn to water, that is why I used that analogy in writing this.  Will be living by the water and acquiring a boat this year.

I have come to the realization by becoming a part of NEOTHINK@ that everything in our Universe is moving and nothing stands still. I refuse to be complacent or set in my ways. I am “THINKING” outside the box once more in all areas of my life.

Through NEOTHINK@ and Mark Hamilton my “eyes” are now wide open, and my “ears” are opened to hearing the truth, and my mouth is now speaking it, and my thoughts & actions are now moving me forward not backwards as before.

Thank You, Mark for “SHARING” it ALL with “others”.

Pat L

Nashville, TN

We will prosper like never before.

I’ve read Mark Hamilton’s books since the early 1990’s, and have come to realize that, we all are coming into a future of a new world order. Simply by adding the Prime Law to the constitution as an amendment.

This will get the government off our backs and an end to all the regulation, and taxation and government entities, that keep popping up.

We will prosper like never before.

The Prime Law will give us a Protection only Budget. Taxes will decrease, crime will decrease dramatically. Our health and wealth will soar.

The Prime Law will depoliticize and deregulate and get the government into a Protection only status.

Better health will be apparent without the FDA regulations.  Jobs will beabundant with the technological revolution.

Our love life will blossom like never before. We will be happy people.

This is what my family looks forward to.

Eric L. L

I have been a loyal purchaser of Mark Hamilton’s books

The honest, rational, and contextual “Neothink” (meaning New Technology System of Thinking or Next Evolution of Conscious Thought) identifications and integrations of reality that the primary author of the literature, Mark Hamilton, provides to each individual reader, is simply the most valuable and LIFE-enhancing material ever written.  The values Mark Hamilton has provided to myself and my loved ones are immeasurable.

I have been a loyal purchaser of Mark Hamilton’s books now for over FIFTEEN YEARS.  Every single purchase I have made from Mark Hamilton and/or the Neothink Society has over-delivered on its value immensely.  In fact that is exactly why over the years I have recommended this literature as the best investment any individual can make in themselves, their loved ones, and the world’s future.  When I decide to make multiple purchases from a company over a long period of time and thus become a loyal customer of theirs, I look for the business that provides the best value for my money in the specific area of expertise I am seeking knowledge in.  Mark Hamilton & his Neothink Society are the EPITOME of that value I seek.  Their products have continuously exceeded my expectations and that is the sole reason I choose to continue to purchase their products. 

Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society have brought exquisite clarity, justice, consistency of beliefs, and happiness to my life over the past couple of decades and I know that I am far from alone in these sentiments and experiences.

In FIH (Fully-Integrated Honesty),

Darren U

I receive so much value from Mark Hamilton’s books…

 Reading the books written by Mark Hamilton gives me an inexplicable feeling of hope.  These books throw me back into my excited “childhood me.”  They allow me to access that part of me which is most genuine–the me who I was always meant to be–and connect her to the me I am now.  These books by Mark Hamilton help bring me to myself, thereby returning me to the hopeful excitement I felt and lived in as a child.  But I also have an adult’s ability to act on what I now feel and understand in order to re-create my life into something I can love.
   I receive so much value from Mark Hamilton’s books that often, if I’m feeling down, reading them refuels my hope and excitement in Life.  I believe the TVP is an exciting new political party which brings new hope and vigor to a tired process.  I highly recommend this literature,   the TVP, and the Neothink Society to all those searching for a new thought paradigm in a culture which continues to encourage “dumbing down,” as it gives much value. This may be your antidote to that problem.

I am please to write this Testimonial of Mark Hamilton.  My relationship with Mark Hamilton though the Neothink Society.  I have been associated with Mark Hamilton for approximately a year and a half.  He mentored me when I first became a member of the society.  I found him to be very knowledgeable of the new way of thinking.  He was very patient with me while mentoring me.  Since I was a slow learner, it took me longer to go from level to level. 

I have found the materials he taught me and the books of his that I have read have helped me in my business. Some of the information I have learned, I use for my business.  It taught m how to organize my days to be more successful.  I have found Mark Hamilton to be assessable to all of the members of the society.  I have need answers to questions and all I did was to email him and received a answer immediately.   

Before I first began reading Mark Hamilton’s books, I had a low self esteem.  I would shy away from people of higher positions than I was even, if we were friends before they got their present positions.  After reading Mark Hamilton’s books,  I can say I have made great strides in increasing my self esteem.

Thank you for this opportunity to express my gratitude for how my relationship with Mark Hamilton has improved my life.


Eddie L. P

Mark Hamilton’s books had impact my life

I only been in the society a few months and I’m loving it already. Mark Hamilton’s books had impact my life. Because of the society, I’m no longer stuck with mysticism. I’m my own creator. I can be,do,or have anything I want. Thanks!


We will prosper like never before.

I’ve read Mark Hamilton’s books since the early 1990’s, and have come to realize that, we all are coming into a future of a new world order. Simply by adding the Prime Law to the constitution as an amendment.

This will get the government off our backs and an end to all the regulation, and taxation and government entities, that keep popping up.

We will prosper like never before.

The Prime Law will give us a Protection only Budget. Taxes will decrease, crime will decrease dramatically. Our health and wealth will soar.

The Prime Law will depoliticize and deregulate and get the government into a Protection only status.

Better health will be apparent without the FDA regulations.  Jobs will beabundant with the technological revolution.

Our love life will blossom like never before. We will be happy people.

This is what my family looks forward to.

Eric L. L

January 2025