Posts Tagged ‘s books’

Mark Hamilton’s books

This is what Neothink has taught Me. It has showed Me there can be a  better world out there if Neothink and the TVP  get in the white house to get us out this mess the country is in also in reading Mark Hamilton’s books  it has answered questions that I had wondered about all My life I’m 74 and a working Trucker I run the whole country so see a lot things and Neothink has taught Me a better way to think and helped Me in planning My work  also made Me more confident of Myself so in closing I see no other way but TVP Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s knowledge which He puts in His publications.
Ben H


Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party

Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party
Mark Hamilton is a writer that has gone to the essence in basic techniques for achieving health, wealth and romance in your life.  His “how to” books are clear and simple to understand and apply.  I am completely satisfied with his product and highly recommend them to everyone.  Some of his ideas seem like simple common sense while others are new and unusual.  But, the combined total of all his writings have an amazing consistency and each piece fits together like a puzzle.  What this does is allows for any improvement in one area of your life to help improve all other areas without conflict or sacrificing one goal for another.  
The Neothink® Society is just a bunch of ordinary people, who have read Mark Hamilton’s books, getting together to discuss his ideas and help each other apply his techniques to their own lives.  We are all learning to take responsibility for our lives, finding joy in our work, achieving financial success and improving our friendships and romantic relationships.  I have worked my way into a sales position that will improve my earning potential.  I have developed a new passion for my work that makes even the routine chores more interesting.  I attack all my work with a new intensity.  My wife of 10 years has noticed the changes in me.  She told me she thinks she is falling in love with me all over again like when we first met.  And, she told me she is proud of me.  Also, I love the friends I have met through the Neothink® Society.  I believe we are all on our way to becoming extraordinary.
The Twelve Visions Party is about getting government out of our lives except for protection from force and fraud.  This was the original intent of the Constitution of the United States that this country was founded on.  As we learn to take responsibility for ourselves, we will no longer need the government to take care of us.  We will take control of our lives and lead ourselves into health, wealth and peace instead of following our government into endless disease, poverty and wars.   We are no longer just complaining about our government.  We are doing something about it.  The Twelve Visions Party will replace career politicians with successful business people who know what freedom and prosperity are all about.  We will be like no other political party in that we will deliver what we promise – health, wealth and peace.
Bill W


Positive Changes


Dear Mark Hamliton

I just want to thank Mark Hamilton for being in my life. Mark Hamilton’s books have been a life saver for me. Over the last several months I have made so many positive changes. I have learned to be a self leader and my mind grows stronger everyday. I talk to everybody about Mark Hamilton’s books and changes I have made in my life.

Confusion, dishonesty, depression, was running rampant in my life as a man, but I understand why and how to change myself, because of Mark Hamilton’s books. The power of neothink is a great way of thinking to save man kind and all of humanity.

Mystical Governments is tearing our world apart. Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Vision Party has a very good approach to help all of humanity to move toward honesty, integrity, a good positive attitude, wealth, health, and peace.

self leader


Hello all
It’s truly being exposed to Mark Hamilton’s books it transform you to the very positive way it put you on a stage where you realize how much power and ability ,creativity,control lead you self and that will lead to the most health and happiness .
you really will be doing your self the biggest favor ever by being among the most integrated ones ever found and mentored be Mark Hamilton and being a pert of the Twelve Visions Party TVP.
Love you all
Issa .F

I received my first book from Mark Hamilton in 2004


I have asked myself a number of times just how would I go about telling someone about the Neothink® Society.   For each person it is different, for me it has been a five year journey of self discovery.   I received my first book from Mark Hamilton in 2004. That was the year that I began to wake from a lifetime of believing that I could never make a difference in this world.  Each turn of the page showed me a step by step blue print of not only the world that had suppressed and held me back from becoming the person I was meant to be, but it showed me just how I could pull myself up and grow in ways that would shock my family and friends.

Like so many others who have read these books, I began to take control of my own life.  If I wanted to be happy, it was my responsibility to bring happiness into my life.  Mark Hamilton provided me with a way to reach out to others and make contact.  For months I would exchange ideas with other members on the website that Mark Hamilton provided for us.  Then came that day when all the members who lived in my state decided to have a face to face meeting.  My heart was pounding in my chest as my husband and I made the two and a half hour drive to the meeting place.  When we entered the building, I knew these people, even though I had never seen them before, I knew each and every one of them.  Forget about handshakes my friends. These people hugged me as if I were a long lost family member.  We talked about everything under the sun and set up study groups to go over the information in Mark Hamilton’s books.  Keep in mind that this was going on all over the USA.  People were meeting at coffee shops, restaurants, libraries, and in living rooms.  Each group was developing in their own way, coming up with new ideas.  Our group was no different in that respect.  Because of what I learned from Mark Hamilton’s books, I was not afraid to go out and do research.  I wanted to make a difference, and I wanted that difference to be of value to those who needed it.  At that time the price of gas was starting to rise to unheard of levels.  The people who were being hurt the most were those who could not pay for the gas it would take to get to work and put food on the table for their children.  I started to learn all that I could about alternative energy.  I don’t consider myself to be a genius but I understand the need for value.   With the help of some of the other members I began to collect information on ways to improve gas mileage in older cars.  I am not an inventor, but I can build things from scratch and I found a system that I could build.  I have made a number of hydrogen on demand systems and priced them so that anyone can get one.

These are the values that are coming out of the Neothink® Society.  Our members are putting into action the values found in the books from Mark Hamilton.  We are seeing the needs,   and taking action.  Bringing honesty and value in everything we do.  We the members have formed the Twelve Visions Party, bringing the words of Mark Hamilton to life.  Words that were written on a page are now coming true.  How thrilling it is to be a part of this

I have been a loyal purchaser of Mark Hamilton’s books now for over FIFTEEN YEARS


The honest, rational, and contextual “Neothink” (meaning New Technology System of Thinking or Next Evolution of Conscious Thought) identifications and integrations of reality that the primary author of the literature, Mark Hamilton, provides to each individual reader, is simply the most valuable and LIFE-enhancing material ever written. The values Mark Hamilton has provided to myself and my loved ones are immeasurable.

I have been a loyal purchaser of Mark Hamilton’s books now for over FIFTEEN YEARS. Every single purchase I have made from Mark Hamilton and/or the Neothink Society has over-delivered on its value immensely. In fact that is exactly why over the years I have recommended this literature as the best investment any individual can make in themselves, their loved ones, and the world’s future. When I decide to make multiple purchases from a company over a long period of time and thus become a loyal customer of theirs, I look for the business that provides the best value for my money in the specific area of expertise I am seeking knowledge in. Mark Hamilton & his Neothink Society are the EPITOME of that value I seek. Their products have continuously exceeded my expectations and that is the sole reason I choose to continue to purchase their products.

Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society have brought exquisite clarity, justice, consistency of beliefs, and happiness to my life over the past couple of decades and I know that I am far from alone in these sentiments and experiences.

In FIH (Fully-Integrated Honesty),

Darren Uretsky

What An Adventure!


I have been riding an incredible wave of excitement since I opened the first book I received from Mark Hamilton!

I’m not sure how he did it, but somehow he was able to package all of these feelings and energy and LIFE into his words!

When you think about a person who has made your life better because of his or her intense focused and honest effort, you have a special feeling: Think of your favorite musician, actor, author, or … friend. Do you feel that special connection, that “I really value that person and what s/he does!”

Reading Mark Hamilton’s books I was suddenly IMMERSED in those wonderful feelings! I have never APPRECIATED so much LOVE and BEAUTY and LIFE! My Friends and Family are more precious to me than I ever imagined possible!

Every person who feels this feeling is changed for the better. I hope you find it too!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for your incredible gift of literature that has inspired me to feel these incredible feelings of Love for Life and Honesty and Productive Creative Living!

Ruth C

I was very, very fortunate to receive an invitation to read one of Mark Hamilton’s books several years ago. It was so drastically different from everything that I had been taught throughout my (adult)life-it shook my foundation!! I had to set it down, put it aside-I knew it couldn’t be, it had to be wrong, I even thought it was perhaps evil. But, I continued to think about it-and then, a second invitation came and I read the second book and the third book. A world that I had dreamed of as a child was unfolding before me. A world where people cared about each other, life, and the world. They took pride in what they did, what they created. A world where people looked for answers and cures to help each other not for money, but because they truly cared about each other. Wow! I started to dream again, have goals beyond go to work, raise a family, retire and die. I came “alive” again and started sharing the information with my family. I knew that I was creating a different, magnificent, legacy for my family. We were breaking out of the mold that my family had been in for generations. We were finding new hope, new possibilities, new life!!! Thank-you, Mark Hamilton for your dedication in writing the truth and allowing us to be part of the new world to come-one of love, kindness, truth, prosperity!


I have been reading Mark Hamilton’s books since the ’80s and still look forward to the next book. His books are the most up lifting material I have ever read. Each book gives me new valuable insights.

Kay S
New York City

Mark Hamilton

I have been reading Neothink books since the ’80s. My greatest gift from Mark Hamilton’s books has been to be an independent thinker. Mark Hamilton’s mentoring has given me self-leadership. There is an athenticity in his writings that urges me into self-leadership. I am guiding my family and friends into the mental shift and that shift is to know the purpose of life and that purpose is to live happily. Mark Hamilton’s mentoring is guiding the Neothink society into creating a government that will not use initiatory force against us. They will offer us protection ONLY. I am very excited about this. My life gets better every day. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Kay S
New York

March 2025