Posts Tagged ‘ruling class’

Mark Hamilton, thank you

I am a member of the Neothink Society(NTS), a daily reader of the literature of Mark Hamilton, and a member of the Twelve Visions Party(TVP) because I living the life I am supposed to live within a anti-civilization. The fact that I have Prime Literature to read and absorb has cause me to have 10 second miracles in my life. I live my life with as much honesty and integrated thinking as I can because of my mentor Mark Hamilton, the NTS, and the TVP. I believe every conscious human being should be, do, or have anything and everything that they would want in life. Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP is the bridge for all humanity to cross over to the Twelve Visions World where pure Love and Honesty, Peace and Prosperity, and the Celebrations of life including making the people rich including the elderly and the poor, along with great Health and Happiness forever! I read the Prime literature to remove from my mind the illusions put on so many of us by the ruling class, parasitical elite. The Visions and Insights of the Prime Literature are profound in my life and the First Immortals Trilogy is so real that my emotions go to another level of happiness! The Mini day, Power Thinking, Puzzle building, the Neothink mentality are becoming ingrained in me and it feels so good! Thank you Mark!! My life would be so mess up if I was not a member of the NTS. I mean I would be lost physically and mentally. Because of the NTS and Mark I’ am not setting negative goals, I believe in myself and use Integrated Thinking . Because of the glorious TVP which is a Vision of Mark’s in the irreducible fundamental concepts which is the Prime literature I believe Purpose of Human Life is to live prosperously and happily. I believe the function of government is to protect the Individual from force, fraud or coercion from any individual, group or government. Mark’s, the TVP and my beliefs are not the case in our world today. Integrated Thinking is the way to success, happiness, exhilaration, and pure love and honesty for life. The TVP is the Party that will depoliticized our present form of government and release the geniuses of our nation from the regulatory web of our government to create values and meet our every needs including millionaire living, excellent health and our forthcoming Jobs of the Mind. With Neothink in my life I am able to live my life rationally and honestly. I am a integrated thinker and believe everyday is a blessing to be alive and able to create values that benefit myself and others. When I think about the Clubhouses, Business Alliance, the state of the art websites, the TVP Convention and conference calls, Prime literature conference calls, and National conference calls, I become thrilled and privileged to be apart of the most loving, honest and integrated thinking group of Self Leaders that I have ever known. We are at the ground floor of the beginning of the Super Society. I would not even conceive of such a place if not for Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP. Thank you so much!!
Darrell E. B,

Get Mark Hamilton’s Literature!

Wealth, health, and peace are the three most important conditions for civilization. Yet we don’t see this today. Instead, we see a world divided and detached from human life. In comparison, Mark Hamilton has created a masterpiece of secrets the ruling class don’t want you to know about. It has nothing to do with “conspiracy theories” or the like, but it has everything to do with honest and true love-building, wealth creation, and peace pursuing. If you haven’t already, get Mark Hamilton’s literature now! You won’t regret it!
Adam H.
New York

Mark Hamilton The Extraordinary Visionary


May I use this chance to express myself on the enriching Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton that greatly widen my knowledge and experience in life and in the business world. Mark Hamilton himself is a hard working businessman working tirelessly to share his revolutionary Ideas with those willing to recognize the values of honesty, Integrity and value creation. He is a thriving business man doing his best for humanity. Mark is a great mind and a large heart one of the best products of this great Nation, United States of America. Mark Hamilton’s approaches to business and life creates hope for essence of belonging and desire to live life to the fullest. Imagine a world where sickness is eliminated, depression and stress are destroyed, where poverty and death does not rule anymore. I long to live in the 12 Visions world of extreme prosperity and TVP is making that happen. With this mentality in everyone, you know what next, then our society will purge those corrupt ruling class of lazy and dishonest “rulers” and “leaders”, although the “leaders” in society are hardly worthy of that title. They abused their power for long enough and their power is coming to a permanent end. If only they could possibly see that through what is taught here in the society, they can make a LOT more money with each passing month. It happens for people and can happen for you and them too. to see what I am asking go to I feel most fortunate to have had Mark Hamilton as my mentor and as my “partner”. He is empowered for the good and best and it cannot be reversed by anyone and anything. He demonstrated to me and the others that best is yet to come on the Essence of living. He earned my eternal respect and that is hearty. From his teachings, all that seriousness to survive is replaced with Adult play. Yes! with my Friday Essence I can play again as an adult and produce value to the world even while playing. He taught me to make Ten Second Miracles and now those things that look quite hard to breakthrough are now coming into perfect place. I am empowered to stand on my feet. He taught me to make major marketing breakthroughs. Because of me applying what I learned I now make money in business! That NEVER happened before. It all started through exposure from Mr. Hamilton. I love life, I know how to succeed and I am acquiring extensive resources. I have people calling me just to know how to help me succeed. People I never dreamed of coming close to now invite me to socialize with them. We are boldly manifesting who we are. Envy and jealousy cannot, will not and can never stop us now. Our prime knowledge protects us and forever empowers us to perform greatly. I don’t understand “impossibility”, Can’t anymore. Thank you my mentor, Mark. I love you brother. You did a lot for me and I cannot return the “favor”. You are a genuine man who is worthy of great things and massive wealth.
Mr Hamilton is a rare gem to find, seeking out the weak in order to teach them how to empower themselves in a world that careless for them. The Multi Generational Manuscripts contain the tools to make life eternally increase in the absolute best that I want. I am CREATING an increasingly happy life with this knowledge. I love learning! The Neothink(R) Society is my home and my baby. I am eternally protective of it. The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) forever has my support for a long as we need it.
Thank you,
Dr Dicta Ruff D.N

I agree with the prime law and getting the government out of the way of our freedom. I want the IRS gone too, but what about the under lying root cause “The Federal Reserve. As long as a private central bank has the power to print our money and loan it to us at intrest we will never be free or in control and the cause will fail. The government needs the power to print its own money intrest free which will protect the country from the true ruling class, the “Federal Reserve”. We must also amend the U.S. constitution which only allows the government to print money, intrest free. Is this what the TVP plans on doing to protect the publics money?
Jun. 1, 2010
The answer to your question is no.
The underlying root cause of the issues you are concerned about is not the Federal Reserve; it is the fact that the government has its hand in money system outside of its only valid purpose, PROTECTION from initiatory force. With a TVP induced protection only government the money system will be completely separate from government. The money system will be whatever the people make it. Money is only worth what people make of it and accept it as.
The United States did not have a national paper note used as money until 1861 and when that happened the notes were backed by reserves of bullion. At that time, the notes were for the purpose of stabilizing the money system and were not, legally, the only form of currency, but did become the predominate form of currency. People had a choice to use the notes or not. Since then the money system has failed, due to the fundamental flaw in the nature of government control of money and now we have the Federal Reserve, which is still fundamentally flawed and could fail at any time now. You can see that it doesn’t work. That reinforces the fact that the government can’t do it.
There are valid concerns about the stabilization of money without a national control mechanism and standard, but the answer is not the government. The only answer is a system determined by the free marketplace, which in this day and age of technology and communication could be a number of ways.

Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party


The Neothink® Societies Twelve Visions Party®
Filed under: Testimonials — Member @ 3:36 am
I defend and now claim my future, my families future, and my countries future, by supporting, living by, and helping to implement The Neothink® Societies Twelve Visions Party®. The Neothink® Society, through its Twelve Visions Party® will cause the conscious minds of every person who understands the real and honest objectives of The Neothink® Society, to “nullify religious-and-political dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities of the past, present and future while unfolding a business/science/art civilization here on earth.”*

Our countries’ and most other political systems, world wide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest, and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions Party® is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.

It is important to remember what history has already taught us; “freedom and prosperity throughout history suffered when man created, interpreted, and executed the law. On the other hand, freedom and prosperity throughout history soared when man was removed from the political and bureaucratic controls. Our own country soared when we largely removed the rule of man (ie., removed a monarch with our U.S. Constitution).

A new “grassroots political party has begun with the sole objective to remove man from creating, interpreting, and executing law in order to make all people wealthy, including the poor. The name of this new political party that removes man from governing – removes the corrupt ruling class – is the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP®).

Politicians, lawyers, judges, and bureaucrats – flaw-filled creatures – controlling our laws have caused the steady erosion of our beloved freedom and prosperity.”*

The only way myself and my country as a whole can rise above the current, unsustainable and worsening situation, politically, financially, and socially, is to do something different, based on reality, and not on someone else’s (political or religious leaders) feelings or doctrines. The Neothink® Society has taught me that each individual is solely responsible for his or her own life. No automatic, effortless route to knowledge or guidance exists. The Twelve Visions Party® is our countries last and best chance.

“The Twelve Visions Party® will permanently remove flaw-filled man from subjectively creating, interpreting, and executing agenda-law and ego-justice. Law and justice will now adhere to protection only – the one and only proper purpose of government. No longer will flaw-filled politicians, lawyers, judges, and bureaucrats control our laws.

The result of removing flaw-filled man from controlling a government on the offense will be universal wealth, health, and peace.

This scenario is not a hypothesis; prosperity explosions have occurred among civilizations throughout history by removing flaw-filled man from the controls of government, removing agenda-law, ego-justice and political-policy regulations and law enforcement. In fact, our country is one example of such an evolutionary leap from a man controlled monarchy to the nearly flawless law-controlled republic. Of course, a great prosperity-explosion followed the creation of our country.”*

Therefore to improve my life, my families life, and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of The Neothink® Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…

Our country and the world, as a whole, are heading in the wrong direction. The human race today is under threat of (1) a global debt liquidation, (2) losing the world war against terrorism, and (3) possible physical extinction… Will today’s Earthlings discover in time their conscious-mind nature to liberate themselves from today’s self-destruct, political/religious anticivilization ? Will they discover their conscious nature as that of competitive value creators who benefit every conscious life, everywhere ? Will they liberate themselves by unleashing the business/science/art dynamics needed to achieve ever-increasing prosperity, non-aging health, and never-ending beauty ? *
The Neothink® Society is attempting to answer these questions and The Twelve Visions Party® is the actual vehicle to implement many imperative societal improvements, necessary for a better world.
I recognize this and myself and most other Neothink® Society members are now actively working towards achieving such honest, peaceful, positive, reality based change, without any bogus “assistance” from any outside, “external” authority, political, religious, or any other. The logic, and rational of The Neothink® Society is obvious and the concept and techniques have already assisted me in improving my life immensely since before I read the honest, eye opening literature. Don’t let anyone tell you what they “think” or “have been told” the literature says or does not say, read it for yourself and decide. The results, when implemented by society, will be irrefutable. Let’s make the world a better place together now, before it’s too late !
Tom K – The Neothink® Society – Salt Lake City

To: Mark Hamilton and The Readers

To: Mark Hamilton and The Readers

Well let’s get down to business. First order of business should be that you cut the cord to your television and start thinking for yourself. The reason you must stop watching television is due to the fact that nothing about what you see or hear from that set is real. What you are watching is at best based on the facts or truth which is the same thing as stating that context and facts will be interpreted to show a manufactured version of the truth.

In short, its a pack of lies. The television has been the greatest tool ever used to shape your thoughts, opinions, and actions. The question now is are you ready to reclaim your power and start thinking for yourself? Don’t take this responsibility lightly, it’s what freedom is based on. When you decide to stop being a self-herded member of the bi-cameral community, you will come to see that the herd is being systematically lead to the slaughter for the benefit of the ruling elite class that will fight using any means necessary at their disposal to stop any / all changes that they don’t give their approval to first. With this type of control over you, your life can be guided beyond perception to the satisfaction of those who stand behind the curtain. The best slaves to have are the ones that take care of themselves, think and act how the masters want, while perceived freedom keeps the cost of ownership and maintenance to a minimum giving the ruling class more time freedom and abilities to live life beyond what your controlled mind can imagine. Second, capitalism is based on competition not protectionism and regulations. If you want to see real change that you can believe in, stop protecting the status quo. End the regulated monopoly, bring back competition, dump the dead weight, and watch your life improve right off the charts. We’re not talking anarchy here. Everyone is responsible for what they do. Everyone becomes a part of the solution and those who willingly create problems will pay the price for those actions. Third, do you like the way your life is going for yourself and loved ones. Are you doing what you want to do or are you doing what you have to do? Have you thought about what you really want or are you stuck in a rut without a clue of how to escape. Now come along on a journey and imagine a world where you decide how you want your life to go. Imagine a world where you benefit from your labor / profession and are not forced to pay of other peoples lifestyle. This is a world where technology will raise all standards of living while choking off the parasites who get money for nothing. Are you tired of the boom / bust cycle, afraid of losing your job & the things you are working for. Then come along and join the Sonic Boom Economy that only grows with everyone who wants to work. It’s time to turn your backs on the defenders of the faith / status quo and laugh all the way to the bank. Don’t let the media and political machine tell you what your American dream is.

The American dream IS whatever each individual American dreams about creating in their lives. Stop listening to the institutions that depend on you for their survival, since they will do anything including pointing a loaded gun in your face to stop you from walking out the prison gates to freedom and a life you were meant to live. Here is a visual aid for those who watched Vanilla Sky starring Tom Cruise. Flash to the scene near the end of the movie. Cruise (You) is considering if he should jump off the top of a sky scraper. Technical support (Neothink) told him he must do this to awake from a coma and start living his life and if he doesn’t he will waste his life away dreaming. All of a sudden Kurt Russell (The institution) appears and starts a frantic plea for him not to jump off the building.  Russell (The institution) states if Cruise (You) jumps he would fall to his death, and desperately tries to convince Cruise (You) that Russell (The

institution)  is needed, his purpose is valid and what a mistake it will be if he doesn’t listen to reason. Cruise (You) turns to Technical Support (Ne-Think) asks what he should believe, Technical support (Neothink) replies you have to decide for yourself. Cruise (You) takes a moment for a brief reflection and then everything becomes clear. As Russell (The institution) realizes he has lost the argument and spirals off into silence as Cruise (You) race toward the edge he stops, looks down and with the excitement of knowing he is breaking through he jumps. Cruise (You) wakes up in the life he was meant to live. In conclusion, if there are any doubts or questions pending then you must fall back on your ability to think for yourself and do some research to find the answers you seek. The proof of a ruling elite class is shown in the businesses that are “to big to fail” and the others that get no bid / competition contracts with the government.

These are not real businesses. These are little more than ploys to transfer unimaginable beyond huge sums of cash into the pockets of those who from banking and investing to the industrial military complex drain the public of a majority of the resources for their personal gain A.K.A. “The Bail Out”.

You remember that thing you never had the right to vote on. Yes, where the Federal Reserve (As Federal as Federal Express) stepped in and said we must pay off (reward) all the people who were responsible for crashing our economy and burning the majority of the public wealth down with it. Here is one last thing to consider. You go to work day in & day out trying to do the right thing, raise your family, and you have very little to show for it.

Maybe you wonder why you even bother, and when you think you just can’t deal with any more garbage you sit down to escape into T.V. Land. Flipping through the channels you see thousands of people in other countries around the world burning our flag, Uncle Sam hanging from a noose on fire, chanting death to Americans and America. Why do these people want to kill you and destroy your country when all you have ever done is work your tail off trying to keep your head above water? The answer is while you are doing your part to support the system, the ruling elite class is also over in their country stirring things up for their own benefit of course and when it starts to hit the fan, the media spins it off as American interest are at stake and we have to defend the ruling elite classes empire. I can go on for days about all this garbage and the thing of it is that you already knew almost everything I’ve said here. Let’s face it, this has been going on for a few thousand years now, yea some things have changed through the years as we slowly advance through time, but the underlying cause has never changed.

If we don’t eliminate the underlying cause then very little can change no matter how much technology advances, which won’t be much longer before it spirals out of control. It’s crazy how most people think the world is coming to an end, when this world won’t come to an end for another 500 Billion years when the sun becomes a red giant. The human race may come to an end long before then if the public fails to wake up and stop the death spiral we may enter at some point in the future. So again I ask you, what do you want out of life for yourself and your loved ones? A bright future filled with hope & promise or death to us all? The choice is clear, Make the Leap, choose life, and choose The Twelve Visions Party by supporting MarkHamilton.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for all your efforts to wake up the public.

I am a member of the Neothink Society


I am a member of the Neothink Society(NTS), a daily reader of the literature of Mark Hamilton, and a member of the Twelve Visions Party(TVP) because I living the life I am supposed to live within a anti-civilization. The fact that I have Prime Literature to read and absorb has cause me to have 10 second miracles in my life. I live my life with as much honesty and integrated thinking as I can because of my mentor Mark Hamilton, the NTS, and the TVP. I believe every conscious human being should be, do, or have anything and everything that they would want in life. Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP is the bridge for all humanity to cross over to the Twelve Visions World where pure Love and Honesty, Peace and Prosperity, and the Celebrations of life including making the people rich including the elderly and the poor, along with great Health and Happiness forever! I read the Prime literature to remove from my mind the illusions put on so many of us by the ruling class, parasitical elite. The Visions and Insights of the Prime Literature are profound in my life and the First Immortals Trilogy is so real that my emotions go to another level of happiness! The Mini day, Power Thinking, Puzzle building, the Neothink mentality are becoming ingrained in me and it feels so good! Thank you Mark!! My life would be so mess up if I was not a member of the NTS. I mean I would be lost physically and mentally. Because of the NTS and Mark I’ am not setting negative goals, I believe in myself and use Integrated Thinking . Because of the glorious TVP which is a Vision of Mark’s in the irreducible fundamental concepts which is the Prime literature I believe Purpose of Human Life is to live prosperously and happily. I believe the function of government is to protect the Individual from force, fraud or coercion from any individual, group or government. Mark’s, the TVP and my beliefs are not the case in our world today. Integrated Thinking is the way to success, happiness, exhilaration, and pure love and honesty for life. The TVP is the Party that will depoliticized our present form of government and release the geniuses of our nation from the regulatory web of our government to create values and meet our every needs including millionaire living, excellent health and our forthcoming Jobs of the Mind. With Neothink in my life I am able to live my life rationally and honestly. I am a integrated thinker and believe everyday is a blessing to be alive and able to create values that benefit myself and others. When I think about the Clubhouses, Business Alliance, the state of the art websites, the TVP Convention and conference calls, Prime literature conference calls, and National conference calls, I become thrilled and privileged to be apart of the most loving, honest and integrated thinking group of Self Leaders that I have ever known. We are at the ground floor of the beginning of the Super Society. I would not even conceive of such a place if not for Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP. Thank you so much!!

For further information about Mark Hamilton, the NTS and TVP go to


Darrell E. B,


I defend and now claim my future, my families future, and my countries future, by supporting, living by, and helping to implement The Neothink® Societies Twelve Visions Party®. The Neothink® Society, through its Twelve Visions Party® will cause  the conscious minds of every person who understands the real and honest objectives of The Neothink® Society, to “nullify religious-and-political dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities of the past, present and future while unfolding a business/science/art civilization here on earth.”*

Our countries’ and most other political systems, world wide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest, and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions Party® is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.

It is important to remember what history has already taught us; “freedom and prosperity throughout history suffered when man created, interpreted, and executed the law. On the other hand, freedom and prosperity throughout history soared when man was removed from the political and bureaucratic controls. Our own country soared when we largely removed the rule of man (ie., removed a monarch with our U.S. Constitution).

A new “grassroots political party has begun with the sole objective to remove man from creating, interpreting, and executing law in order to make all people wealthy, including the poor. The name of this new political party that removes man from governing – removes the corrupt ruling class – is the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP®).

Politicians, lawyers, judges, and bureaucrats – flaw-filled creatures – controlling our laws have caused the steady erosion of our beloved freedom and prosperity.”*

The only way myself and my country as a whole can rise above the current, unsustainable and worsening situation, politically, financially, and socially, is to do something different, based on reality, and not on someone else’s (political or religious leaders) feelings or doctrines. The Neothink® Society has taught me that each individual is solely responsible for his or her own life. No automatic, effortless route to knowledge or guidance exists. The Twelve Visions Party® is our countries last and best chance.

“The Twelve Visions Party® will permanently remove flaw-filled man from subjectively creating, interpreting, and executing agenda-law and ego-justice. Law and justice will now adhere to protection only – the one and only proper purpose of government. No longer will flaw-filled politicians, lawyers, judges, and bureaucrats control our laws.

The result of removing flaw-filled man from controlling a government on the offense will be universal wealth, health, and peace.

This scenario is not a hypothesis; prosperity explosions have occurred among civilizations throughout history by removing flaw-filled man from the controls of government, removing agenda-law, ego-justice and political-policy regulations and law enforcement. In fact, our country is one example of such an evolutionary leap from a man controlled monarchy to the nearly flawless law-controlled republic. Of course, a great prosperity-explosion followed the creation of our country.”*

Therefore to improve my life, my families life, and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of  The Neothink® Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…

  • Our country and the world, as a whole, are heading in the wrong direction.  The human race today is under threat of (1) a global debt liquidation, (2) losing the world war against terrorism, and (3) possible physical extinction… Will today’s Earthlings discover in time their conscious-mind nature to liberate themselves from today’s self-destruct, political/religious anticivilization ?  Will they discover their conscious nature as that of competitive value creators who benefit every conscious life, everywhere ? Will they liberate themselves by unleashing the business/science/art dynamics needed to achieve ever-increasing prosperity, non-aging health, and never-ending beauty ? *
  • The Neothink® Society is attempting to answer these questions and The Twelve Visions Party® is the actual vehicle to implement  many imperative societal improvements, necessary for a better world.
  • I recognize this and myself and most other Neothink® Society members are now actively working towards achieving such honest, peaceful, positive, reality based change, without any  bogus “assistance”  from any outside, “external” authority, political, religious, or any other. The logic, and rational of The Neothink® Society is obvious and the concept and techniques have already assisted me in improving my life immensely since before I read the honest, eye opening literature. Don’t let anyone tell you what they “think” or “have been told” the literature says or does not say, read it for yourself and decide. The results, when implemented by society, will be irrefutable. Let’s make the world a better place together now, before it’s too late !

Tom K – The  Neothink® Society – Salt Lake Cit

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life


Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love one man can give to his family, friends, and to others. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and a country where the honest Value-Producer is king and the destroyer is justly ostracized.

Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in “ruling class” abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.

Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness will win over our primitive natures and over those who choose to take the incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use deception and force.

Thank you Mark! Don’t give up!

May the Blessings of our Mastermind shower you in the coming years!

Stephen J. M

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and others. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and a country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer is justly ostracized.

Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in “ruling class” abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.

The Twelve Visions Party will open up the floodgates of prosperity and lift the walls of slavery and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for his fellow man like he is meant to. Not from external authorities who block his progress and try to control his perception of what he really is.  

Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and Neothink will win over our primitive natures and over those who choose to take the incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use deception and force.

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Stephen J. May

February 2025