Posts Tagged ‘ruling class’

Mark Hamilton, thank you

I am a member of the Neothink Society(NTS), a daily reader of the literature of Mark Hamilton, and a member of the Twelve Visions Party(TVP) because I living the life I am supposed to live within a anti-civilization. The fact that I have Prime Literature to read and absorb has cause me to have 10 second miracles in my life. I live my life with as much honesty and integrated thinking as I can because of my mentor Mark Hamilton, the NTS, and the TVP. I believe every conscious human being should be, do, or have anything and everything that they would want in life. Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP is the bridge for all humanity to cross over to the Civilization of the Universe where pure Love and Honesty, Peace and Prosperity, and the Celebrations of life including making the people rich including the elderly and the poor, along with great Health and Happiness forever! I read the Prime literature to remove from my mind the illusions put on so many of us by the ruling class, parasitical elite. The Visions and Insights of the Prime Literature are profound in my life and the First Immortals Trilogy is so real that my emotions go to another level of happiness! The Mini day, Power Thinking, Puzzle building, the Neothink mentality are becoming ingrained in me and it feels so good! Thank you Mark!! My life would be so mess up if I was not a member of the NTS. I mean I would be lost physically and mentally. Because of the NTS and Mark I’ am not setting negative goals, I believe in myself and use Integrated Thinking . Because of the glorious TVP which is a Vision of Mark’s in the irreducible fundamental concepts which is the Prime literature I believe Purpose of Human Life is to live prosperously and happily. I believe the function of government is to protect the Individual from force, fraud or coercion from any individual, group or government. Mark’s, the TVP and my beliefs are not the case in our world today. Integrated Thinking is the way to success, happiness, exhilaration, and pure love and honesty for life. The TVP is the Party that will depoliticized our present form of government and release the geniuses of our nation from the regulatory web of our government to create values and meet our every needs including millionaire living, excellent health and our forthcoming Jobs of the Mind. With Neothink in my life I am able to live my life rationally and honestly. I am a integrated thinker and believe everyday is a blessing to be alive and able to create values that benefit myself and others. When I think about the Clubhouses, Business Alliance, the state of the art websites, the TVP Convention and conference calls, Prime literature conference calls, and National conference calls, I become thrilled and privileged to be apart of the most loving, honest and integrated thinking group of Self Leaders that I have ever known. We are at the ground floor of the beginning of the Super Society. I would not even conceive of such a place if not for Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP. Thank you so much!!
Darrell E. B,

The writings of an author named Mark Hamilton

To Whomever is reading this testimonial of mine I would like to thank you for taking the time to hear my words and understand how Neothink has changed my life. First I would like to begin by saying that for most of my life I have been searching for the truth and for what my purpose is for being in this world, I always knew that there must be more and I found it thru the writings of an author named Mark Hamilton. His knowledge and deep understanding has helped me to see the world in a different way because of the way I feel from within myself. I realized that I had the power to control my life and not blame others or circumstances for my failures, it gave me confidence and helped me understand why the world is the way it is and that all of mankind has the power to change their lives and live the life they were meant to live and to bring value to society and the world. Since this discovery my whole life has changed for the better, in every aspect of it, from my marriage to my finances and to being a good father to my son. I wake up every day now with a smile on my face and looking forward to going out and talking to people and helping them realize their potential, it gives me great joy in knowing that I’m doing something worthwhile and not expecting something in return for it, wealth comes to a man who gives more to others than he takes from. Creating a better world for all mankind is what I want to do and meeting other like-minded people who share this feeling is what Neo-Think is all about, helping people realize that no matter what the ruling class of people try to keep you from knowing so they can have power over you and keep you from taking their power away from them want you to think. They will do whatever they can to create illusions to discredit people who are trying to help others and change the world for the better. Do not be fooled by their deceit, it is what they will do to keep mankind from realizing that they have the power to control their lives and be free and happy because they now know that no one can tell them how to live, and that they alone have the ability to be whatever is in their hearts, and to create values for others which is the purpose of human beings TO CREATE! I hope you will think about this when you hear that Mark and his writings and the people who are with him and believe in this goal to really make the kind of changes with honesty and integrity that the masses deserve will look and see them for what they are. I hope you too will find the child within you to read this knowledge and see for yourself that it is good and will lead you to freedom from all the negativity in the world. Together we can change the world and make it the kind of place we all desire. With Love and Honesty.
Jeff C

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and their fellow man. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer can no longer prosper.
Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in ruling class abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.
The Twelve Visions Party will open the floodgates of prosperity, break the walls of oppression, and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over Himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for others.
The Constitution tries to communicate that Man has inalienable rights and that He is bound by the Laws of Nature. The Prime Law will secure that fact and government will have no choice but to obey Natural Law and integrate justice. The ruling class and other bogus authorities will no longer be able to “change” reality according to their whims and put Man under an illusion that He is incompetent and can’t live without them.
Without Neothink and the TVP Man is headed for an even MORE difficult time in discovering what it really means to be happy, in control of His destiny and without subjective or objective constraints. With the ruling class, the individual is just part of a machine producing for the ones that run and maintain it. He has limited sovereignty and authority over His life. His individuality and essence are suppressed and He is unaware of the quality and importance of His being.
With the TVP, Man will begin to realize the value of His consciousness. With His ever-growing self awareness He will begin to appreciate and even love other conscious beings exponentially. He will want to make His world a better place through value creation using His precious mind rather being a drone serving robot in a dead-end, mindless non-living job.
Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and self-leadership will win over those who wish to destroy us and over those who choose the lazy and incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use of deception and force.
I am extremely grateful for Mark Hamilton sharing his knowledge with us. It will lift man to his final evolution into the Value Creator He is born to be.
May You be blessed forever!
Stephen J. May

I can honestly say that Mark Hamilton is honest and sincere

Thank You Mark Hamilton
I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have done a great deal of research on Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society and I can honestly say that Mark Hamilton is honest and sincere. I believe that the Twelve Visions Party will show us the most positive and uplifting change in history. I would suggest doing your research and giving Mark Hamilton a chance before you pre judge him because of the media, ruling class and professional politicians. As a society we suffer from economic problems, war, crime, poverty, and more. I honestly believe the Twelve Visions Party can turn all of this around. If you really research the Twelve Visions Party with an open mind you will see the truth. I’m only asking you to think for yourself and to not let the media and ruling class think for you. I am so grateful for people like Mark Hamilton that have so much honesty and integrity in their heart that their willing to stand up against all odds and do the right thing. All throughout history people in positions of power and influence have tried to stop people with such great integrity and love. I say we support the Twelve Visions Party and change our course of negativity and destruction to positivity and freedom.
Thank You Mark Hamilton for standing up and having such courage. You truly are a hero.
Sincerely, Brian Whitney

I thank the Neothink Society

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton;
Sir; thank you very much for sharing the Neothink Literature. I appreciate it. I thank the Neothink Society. We need this kind of movement that will eradicate the dishonest ruling class everywhere. The dishonest people have their networks and they keep on harming everyone. It is the responsibility of the honest people to stick together.
The media is powerful. It is hard to tell who to believe and what to believe. There is so much going on everywhere. Different channels and radio stations have their own bias. They favor the special interest they represent. The ruling class is squeezing the working class. I am a doctor. If I do not get paid for my services, how can I run my clinic. Similarly, if businesses do not have cash flow, how they are going to pay the employees.
This society and TVP movement gives tools to the educated people to enter the arena. In the world, criminals and organized crime have more resources and power and they are hurting the innocent people everywhere. This requires an organized movement to fight these dishonest people.
I will give you my personal example. This is what happened to me (10 years ago in Chicago). I am a doctor. I am no threat to anyone. The ruling class did not like that I was learning more. They started manufacturing cases against me, because I am originally from Pakistan. Up till now, they have not given me the Green Card. I started legally; but the low class people I worked with continuously thought that I did not deserve authoritative position, that I did not deserve a better position. They just wanted me to be lower than an illegal person who crosses the border from Mexico. This is ridiculous.
These low class people made condescending remarks and robbed me of my money, of my promotions, everything. I am attaching EVERYTHING what happened in the hospital. The doctors who were writing recommendation letters for me; just turned against me because they did not like my hard work, my personal growth; they were jealous. This dishonesty goes up to the ruling class. I am trained to be a doctor (Internal Medicine physician) and they have made my life miserable so that I cannot practice Medicine anymore. It has been 10 years and there is no relief. They destroyed my career and now are not letting me back in the hospital. It is ridiculous how powerful the dishonest people are and they help each other.
I do not want to fight these politics anymore. I want to go back to Pakistan. I am practicing Muslim and I felt unsafe here in United States. I am looking which country I am made for, some country in the Middle East or Europe or Australia. I have not wasted my time. I have learned a lot will take all my experience with me wherever I go next.
We have to keep in touch. Thank you very much and have a good afternoon.
May God bless you and your family.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink changed my whole life for the better

Mark Hamilton and Neothink was the answer to my prayers’ Mark Hamilton and Neothink changed my whole life for the better I had no control of my life I always seemed to fall victim to nature all the time bad things always seemed to happen to me beyond my control I hated my life and who I was, I was even thinking suicide. One day I was praying to God for Divine Guidance and wisdom I asked god to help me change my life for the better. But since I have become Neothink my whole life has changed I no longer hate who I am or my life the Neothink helped me break the grip this earth had on me. I am no longer bond to this earth their spell has been broken they have no more power over me I am no longer a victim of nature and I thank God for the day I became Neothink, The upper ruling class who told me they hate me and that they want me to kill myself because I am going to send 5 billion people to hell by fulfilling Neothink agendas I have been verbally attacked by the upper ruling class and physically threatened to bee beaten by the upper ruling class. I have hard Mark Hamilton and Neothink mentioned on TV plus the Radio I also hear that someone is coming and that they are trying to figure out how to introduce them to America sometimes I wonder if it is Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society or the Antichrist like I hear some people say I also hear some people say that Mark Hamilton is Jesus Christ the messiah. Mark Hamilton does kind of look like Jesus with a haircut and sun glasses on someone told me one day. I don’t know I cant see the whole picture yet I have nothing but respect for Mark Hamilton and his paradigm shift plus the TVP for his literature and his ideas has changed my whole life for the better, May God bliss Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society and my Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society overcome this obstacle
Mark Duenas

Mark Hamilton Saved my life

Mark Hamilton Saved my life in 2005 by inviting me to join the Neothink Society. I would die for the information that he and others are trying to bring to a suppressed population, that would foolishly die for the political movement that deceives us every day. As a veteran, I am ashamed that I would have laid my life down to protect the Ruling class that existed then, and now. I welcome the opportunity to walk into the bullet from a bureaucratic gun for the sake of honesty, objectiveness, and rational thoughts, also laissez faire capitalism that only the TVP party can bring about. I am almost dead because of the current government robbing me of food, money, love, and prosperity in this so called free country. I stand and am willing to die for Mark Hamilton, Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, etc for what they, and now I stand for. Sincerely William R Novak Jr.

I defend and now claim my future…

I defend and now claim my future, my families future, and my countries future, by supporting, living by, and helping to implement The Neothink Societies Twelve Visions Party. The Neothink Society, through its Twelve Visions Party will cause the conscious minds of every person who understands the real and honest objectives of The Neothink Society, to “nullify religious-and-political dishonesty, irrationalities, and criminality of the past, present and future while unfolding a business/science/art civilization here on earth.”*
Our countries’ and most other political systems, worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest, and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink Societies, Twelve Visions
Party is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.
It is important to remember what history has already taught us; “freedom and prosperity throughout history suffered when man created, interpreted, and executed the law. On the other hand, freedom and prosperity throughout history soared when man was removed from the political and bureaucratic controls. Our own country soared when we largely removed the rule of man (i.e., removed a monarch with our U.S.
A new “grassroots political party has begun with the sole objective to remove man from creating, interpreting, and executing law in order to make all people wealthy, including the poor. The name of this new political party that removes man from governing – removes the corrupt ruling class – is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).
Politicians, lawyers, judges, and bureaucrats – flaw-filled creatures – controlling our laws have caused the steady erosion of our beloved freedom and prosperity.”*
The only way myself and my country as a whole can rise above the current, unsustainable and worsening situation, politically, financially, and socially, is to do something different, based on reality, and not on someone else’s (political or religious leaders) feelings or doctrines. The Neothink Society has taught me that each individual is solely responsible for his or her own life. No automatic, effortless route to knowledge or guidance exists. The Twelve Visions Party is our countries last and best chance.
“The Twelve Visions Party will permanently remove flaw-filled man from subjectively creating, interpreting, and executing agenda-law and ego-justice. Law and justice will now adhere to protection only – the one and only proper purpose of government. No longer will flaw-filled politicians, lawyers, judges, and bureaucrats control our laws.
The result of removing flaw-filled man from controlling a government on the offense will be universal wealth, health, and peace.
This scenario is not a hypothesis; prosperity explosions have occurred among civilizations throughout history by removing flaw-filled man from the controls of government, removing agenda-law, ego-justice and political-policy regulations and law enforcement. In fact, our country is one example of such an evolutionary leap from a man controlled monarchy to the nearly flawless law-controlled republic. Of course, a great prosperity-explosion followed the creation of our country.”
*Copyright Mark Hamilton
Therefore to improve my life, my family’s life, and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party arm of The Neothink Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…
* Our country and the world, as a whole, are heading in the wrong direction. The human race today is under threat of
* (1) a global debt liquidation,
* (2) losing the world war against terrorism, and
* (3) possible physical extinction… Will today’s Earthlings discover in time their conscious-mind nature to liberate themselves from today’s self-destruct, political/religious anticivilization ? Will they discover their conscious nature as that of competitive value creators who benefit every conscious life, everywhere ? Will they liberate themselves by unleashing the business/science/art dynamics needed to achieve ever-increasing prosperity, non-aging health, and never-ending beauty ? *
* The Neothink Society is attempting to answer these questions and The Twelve Visions Party is the actual vehicle to implement many imperative societal improvements, necessary for a better world.
* I recognize this and myself and most other Neothink Society members are now actively working towards achieving such honest, peaceful, positive, reality based change, without any bogus “assistance”
from any outside, “external” authority, political, religious, or any other. The logic, and rational of The Neothink Society is obvious and the concept and techniques have already assisted me in improving my life immensely since before I read the honest, eye opening literature. Don’t let anyone tell you what they “think” or “have been told” the literature says or does not say, read it for yourself and decide. The results, when implemented by society, will be irrefutable. Let’s make the world a better place together now, before it’s too late !
Tom Kleinstuber – Salt Lake City Neothink Society member

The writings of an author named Mark Hamilton

To Whomever is reading this testimonial of mine I would like to thank you for taking the time to hear my words and understand how Neothink has changed my life. First I would like to begin by saying that for most of my life I have been searching for the truth and for what my purpose is for being in this world, I always knew that there must be more and I found it thru the writings of an author named Mark Hamilton. His knowledge and deep understanding has helped me to see the world in a different way because of the way I feel from within myself. I realized that I had the power to control my life and not blame others or circumstances for my failures, it gave me confidence and helped me understand why the world is the way it is and that all of mankind has the power to change their lives and live the life they were meant to live and to bring value to society and the world. Since this discovery my whole life has changed for the better, in every aspect of it, from my marriage to my finances and to being a good father to my son. I wake up every day now with a smile on my face and looking forward to going out and talking to people and helping them realize their potential, it gives me great joy in knowing that I’m doing something worthwhile and not expecting something in return for it, wealth comes to a man who gives more to others than he takes from. Creating a better world for all mankind is what I want to do and meeting other like-minded people who share this feeling is what Neo-Think is all about, helping people realize that no matter what the ruling class of people try to keep you from knowing so they can have power over you and keep you from taking their power away from them want you to think. They will do whatever they can to create illusions to discredit people who are trying to help others and change the world for the better. Do not be fooled by their deceit, it is what they will do to keep mankind from realizing that they have the power to control their lives and be free and happy because they now know that no one can tell them how to live, and that they alone have the ability to be whatever is in their hearts, and to create values for others which is the purpose of human beings TO CREATE! I hope you will think about this when you hear that Mark and his writings and the people who are with him and believe in this goal to really make the kind of changes with honesty and integrity that the masses deserve will look and see them for what they are. I hope you too will find the child within you to read this knowledge and see for yourself that it is good and will lead you to freedom from all the negativity in the world. Together we can change the world and make it the kind of place we all desire. With Love and Honesty.
Jeff C

The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party

The Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party®
I defend and now claim my future, my families future, and my countries future, by supporting, living by, and helping to implement The Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party®. The Neothink® Society, through its Twelve Visions Party® will cause the conscious mind of every person who understands the real and honest objectives of The Neothink® Society to “nullify religious-and-political dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities of the past, present and future while unfolding a business/science/art civilization here on earth.
Our countries’ and most other political systems, worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest, and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions Party® is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.
It is important to remember what history has already taught us; “freedom and prosperity throughout history suffered when man created, interpreted, and executed the law. On the other hand, freedom and prosperity throughout history soared when man was removed from the political and bureaucratic controls. Our own country soared when we largely removed the rule of man (i.e., removed a monarch with our U.S. Constitution).
A new “grassroots political party has begun with the sole objective to remove man from creating, interpreting, and executing law in order to make all people wealthy, including the poor. The name of this new political party that removes man from governing – removes the corrupt ruling class – is the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP®).
Politicians, lawyers, judges, and bureaucrats – flaw-filled creatures – controlling our laws have caused the steady erosion of our beloved freedom and prosperity.
The only way myself and my country as a whole can rise above the current, unsustainable and worsening situation, politically, financially, and socially, is to do something different, based on reality, and not on someone else’s (political or religious leaders) feelings or doctrines. The Neothink® Society has taught me that each individual is solely responsible for his or her own life. No automatic, effortless route to knowledge or guidance exists. The Twelve Visions Party® is our countries last and best chance.
“The Twelve Visions Party® will permanently remove flaw-filled man from subjectively creating, interpreting, and executing agenda-law and ego-justice. Law and justice will now adhere to protection only – the one and only proper purpose of government. No longer will flaw-filled politicians, lawyers, judges, and bureaucrats control our laws.
The result of removing flaw-filled man from controlling a government on the offense will be universal wealth, health, and peace.
This scenario is not a hypothesis; prosperity explosions have occurred among civilizations throughout history by removing flaw-filled man from the controls of government, removing agenda-law, ego-justice and political-policy regulations and law enforcement. In fact, our country is one example of such an evolutionary leap from a man controlled monarchy to the nearly flawless law-controlled republic. Of course, a great prosperity-explosion followed the creation of our country.”*
Therefore to improve my life, my family’s life, and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of The Neothink® Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…
• Our country and the world, as a whole, are heading in the wrong direction. The human race today is under threat of (1) a global debt liquidation, (2) losing the world war against terrorism, and (3) possible physical extinction… Will today’s Earthlings discover in time their conscious-mind nature to liberate themselves from today’s self-destruct, political/religious anticivilization ? Will they discover their conscious nature as that of competitive value creators who benefit every conscious life, everywhere? Will they liberate themselves by unleashing the business/science/art dynamics needed to achieve ever-increasing prosperity, non-aging health, and never-ending beauty ? *
• The Neothink® Society is attempting to answer these questions and The Twelve Visions Party® is the actual vehicle to implement many imperative societal improvements, necessary for a better world.
• I recognize this and myself and most other Neothink® Society members are now actively working towards achieving such honest, peaceful, positive, reality based change, without any bogus “assistance” from any outside, “external” authority, political, religious, or any other. The logic, and rational of The Neothink® Society is obvious and the concept and techniques have already assisted me in improving my life immensely since before I read the honest, eye opening literature. Don’t let anyone tell you what they “think” or “have been told” the literature says or does not say, read it for yourself and decide. The results, when implemented by society, will be irrefutable. Let’s make the world a better place together now, before it’s too late !
Tom K – The Neothink® Society – Salt Lake City

February 2025