Posts Tagged ‘rope’

Loving Life.

I want to thank Mark for sending me his book’s. If it wasn’t for his book’s, I would have giving up on every thing I have ever worked for, I was at the lowest point in my life I had lost my kid’s, I had know where to go,living from house to house, not knowing where my next meal would be,I had know family nor freinds,I was at the end of my rope.wanting to end everything, He had told me to find my friday night essence,the person I was meant to be, What would make me happy in life,and to go for it.Now I am able to enjoy life once again, I feel happy and alive.
LOving life every day.Wanting to live for ever. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. Michelle A

The Neothink Society has been a blessing to me.


The Neothink Society has been a blessing to me.  When I received my invitation to be a part of this group, I was about at the end of my rope.  I had taught for about 21 years and was continuously despondent with the public education system.  I had quit teaching, without retirement, because I could no longer be a part of a system that would not let teachers teach what they knew the students needed in their own classrooms.  I could no longer be a part of a system that didn’t work.  I quit without knowing what I was going to do.  I just knew I could not be a part of a broken system any longer.

Right after I quit, I got my invitation.  I was encouraged by all of the wonderful people of the Neothink Society to fulfill my dream of encouraging young people and improving education.  I have since developed my own phonics program and have given two speeches, one in Ohio and one in North Carolina, on alternative education.  I am continuing to make progress and am so happy to be a part of a society who wants to make this world a better place.

Children are our future and we have to let them know just how important they really are.  If we continue to lose our children to drugs and violence, we will lose our future.  I believe a positive future begins with our children.  Neothink is a way of making this happen.  With all of the wonderful people of the Neothink Society pulling together to make all areas of our lives better, there is hope for a better tomorrow.  I, for one, am proud to be a part of this society.

I immediately started to rebuild my life with the help of Mark Hamilton

To Whom it May Concern,

I wish to express how much of an honor it was to have been introduced and now become a member of the Neothink Society.

My life ended after the 9/11 attack on New York City. I was happily in business for myself for many years in the “Big Apple”, I had wonderful clients who were my dear friends, doing exactly what I loved to do and had my own apartment in the middle of Manhattan. I was very happy creating values all day, not really understanding that I was one of a few who lived a life “without burden” as Mark Hamilton would put it. I worked 12  to 15  hour days and loved it.

It was when everything changed on 9/11 that I realized how the majority of people live with their burdensome 9 to 5 jobs and not realizing that there were so more to life, the life I used to live. You see, when most people immediately lost their jobs, home and some their lives, I managed to hold it together for a couple of years with very little income and a lot of expense including staff, rent and other related business expenses.
My only survival rope was the investments I had which for some reason I couldn’t touch, and the promise of government help which never came through as promised.
Needless to say, I was forced to go out of business and find work as an employee to survive. It was then that I noticed the sad lives most people live and the oppressive nature of the work environment. This living became unbearable to me, I became depressed and sick then decided to return to England which is where I grew up and where my parents live, only to return to Florida every five months to visit an old friend.
It was in Florida I was introduced to the Neothink Society. I took the materials back to the U.K with me to study and slowly I began to understand why my life and cereer died. It was as if Mark Hamilton was talking to me, all the information in the material seem to relate to me and I immediately believed everything because I actually experienced them all.

I immediately started to rebuild my life with the help of Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society. I listen to the meeting, although  =because of time differences it is the recorded version, but it has been extremely valuable and now I am building my new international business which I predict will make me one hundred times more successful. I must stress that I am only able to do this international work through the skills learned from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.


March 2025