Posts Tagged ‘right time’

Mark Hamilton, it’s the right time again.

Hello Mark,
It’s so good to write to you. The lessons the thought patterns, all these have come to me through your writings. It’s opened my eyes to real possibilities.
I see how government as botched this health care disaster. It’s about control of our lives. I ask where the benefit is. Though, I’m not rich, your teachings
have given hope for the future. It’s time for a real party to come of age for the people, and by the people. Sound familiar it should. But, Washington as
numbed us to our freedoms. Our fore fathers went through the same stresses. They believed it was the right thing to do. Mark, it’s the right time again.
To reclaim the country and freedoms we deserve. I keep you in my thoughts.

To my mentor Mark Hamilton how thankful I’m to you for finding me


Neothink has been a great blessing in my life . For years I couldn’t understand certain things in this world and how some made it and others didn’t . As I started with Neothink my life started to take on a new meaning for living . From how to snap together picture puzzles to choosing the man of my dreams . Presently I found out that I was married to a really mystical , neocheating husband that not only sadden my life , but his on children from previous marriages . Well when the picture puzzle snapped together I now knew what kind of man should be in my life .
To my mentor Mark Hamilton how thankful I’m to you for finding me in the right place and the right time in my life when I thought there was nothing left for  me here in this earthly realm . My journey now with my Neothink family has been such a joy that I now know how to see the true essence of all things and know one is ever going to hurt , steal , lie , cheat , or guilt me into anything any more .
Thank you my mentor for your vision . I’ve been playing and recess is not over for me . Love U Much , Sylvia A

Mark Hamilton, it’s the right time again.

Hello Mark,
It’s so good to write to you. The lessons the thought patterns, all these have come to me through your writings. It’s opened my eyes to real possibilities.
I see how government as botched this health care disaster. It’s about control of our lives. I ask where the benefit is. Though, I’m not rich, your teachings
have given hope for the future. It’s time for a real party to come of age for the people, and by the people. Sound familiar it should. But, Washington as
numbed us to our freedoms. Our fore fathers went through the same stresses. They believed it was the right thing to do. Mark, it’s the right time again.
To reclaim the country and freedoms we deserve. I keep you in my thoughts.

become a part of the neothink society


In the beginning of receiving the invitation to become a part of the neothink society, I was a person who had more to loose than to gain as I had supposed, I had felt that if I had become a part of this NEOTHINK SOCIETY group that I would be denying my entire up bringing.

But in all reality, after reading and studding the entire works that had been offered to me, I thought to my self how could I Deni this to my children. At which point, I had been able to adjust those beliefs of mysticism that had been ingrained  into my very core and format those  mystic thoughts into a higher level of thinking, then after strengthening those teachings that we as man will at one point and time be elevated too and be recognized as creators in are own right and under standing the Neothink man principle as being different from that of generalized mystic point of view. My mind has know had an altered frame of consciousness, and after having the ability of receiving the education from the Neothink Society, I now know that it is through the creative essence that is with in me, that I am able to organize, and place together all the puzzle peaces at just the right time, helping the right people in the same process.

I have also found that my growth and personal creation continues to make me feel as though I am a success in almost every area of my life and I feel that those around me also get the same impression that I have untapped abilities, and that in many ways others have a sense of admiration for my day to day accomplishments, just because I am able to utilize the techniques that have been taught to me with in the works that Mark Hamilton has provided to me over the past three year period.

My thoughts and suggestion to you is if in doubt try it out, you will find the proof is within the material, I did.and my life has been opened up ever sense, and I’m sure it will be for you.

                                                                  Mark F

Will this be long term organization to come?

Will this be long term organization to come?
Jun. 1, 2010
It depends on what you consider as “long term.” Relative to past political movements, no it will not. The World is ready for TVP and as soon as the World realizes that the TVP will succeed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take, due to the highly complex dynamics that it is dependent on. The TVP can’t come fast enough for most of us, but I can tell you that it will succeed at the right time and that is expected within my expected life span.


Hello Mark,
  It’s so good to write to you. The lessons the thought patterns, all these have come to me through your writings. It’s opened my eyes to real possibilities.
I see how government as botched this health care disaster. It’s about control of our lives. I ask where the benefit is. Though, I’m not rich, your teachings
have given hope for the future. It’s time for a real party to come of age for the people, and by the people. Sound familiar it should. But, Washington as
numbed us to our freedoms. Our fore fathers went through the same stresses. They believed it was the right thing to do. Mark, it’s the right time again.
To reclaim the country and freedoms we deserve. I keep you in my thoughts.


Mark Hamilton is here at the right time for the issues we are facing today.  People are struggling to make ends meet as never before.  There is so much stress in the world that people cannot see clearly what can be the best thing that comes their way.  Mark Hamilton can de-stress society with the 12 Visions Party.  This 12 Visions Party stresses Health, Wealth, and Security for the American people.   People of America will learn to love and laugh again and enjoy their lives.  They can have the job they’ve always wanted and be able to accomplish what their dreams in life are.  People will value human life more than money.
I see Mark Hamilton as a person who will bring that Hope to America by his patience, persistence, and his well-preparedness.  His desire is to see everyone wealthy, including the poor and homeless.  I am starting to see that hope in my own life as I see a new window of opportunity awaiting me on my path of wealth.  I do not have to be blinded by my limitations.  Mark Hamilton can cut through the red tape of bureaucracy so that others can have the same opportunities.  He is not seeing the world through rose-colored glasses.  He understands that there are obstacles and he can overcome them.
He also focuses on Education and Health by cutting through the symptoms and getting to the causes of the problems.  I am learning new things every day and feel I can get somewhere in life if I apply what I have learned.  Then I can be the person I was meant to be.  Who is the best person to be in office?  Mark Hamilton.
Kathy J.

March 2025