Posts Tagged ‘right on time’

Some 4-5 years ago I was contacted by the Neothink Society…

Dear Mark,
Some 4-5 years ago I was contacted by the Neothink Society at a time when I was suffering deep personal problems in my life. Maybe you can relate to these problems: deaths of near and dear loved ones, overwhelming financial commitments where I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay the bills each month, more and more demanding young near adult family members wanting me to help sort out their problems for them, going to work each 12 hour day to a workplace environment that was being torn apart by self-serving, greedy little parasites in management; hell bent on destroying all the values and growth placed there by successive hard working people over two decades.
On top of all this happening the 25 years’ relationship with my wife was deteriorating to a point of near total collapse. We no longer could play the roles of “Superman” and “Superwoman”, both of us always having the abilities to overcome all obstacles and problems thrown in our paths and solve these day to day problems together as we had done in the past. Watching her give up on me and seeking an escape from a life too hard to continue in this way, literally tore me apart. I was suffering the deepest depression and hardship I had ever known, especially after the divorce and disintegration of family life that used to be filled with joy and happiness.
Mark Hamilton and his Neothink published literature came into my life right on time and indeed helped me get back on track to a life of value creation and growing love of life, which I had been practicing before the collapse of my family life and everything I had been building over 25 years of grinding out effort, time and pure hard work from my wife and myself.
I found the ways and means of beginning again by reading the books, authored by Mark Hamilton, sent to me on a regular basis from the Nothing Society and putting into practice what I was learning. During the past 5 years I’ve completed Bachelor of Education degree, helped to sort a lot of pain and suffering my two sons had acquired after the bitter family breakdown; and the long and drawn out process of divorce we’ve gone through in the family law courts system.
Within the Society’s books you will find practical methods of; soaring business and personal life values, priceless to all in the ever growing threat of big government’s domineering interference in each individual’s life.
The Twelve Visions Party is the culmination of 40 years of hard work, writing research and development by Mark Hamilton, his co-workers and many other writers; to create positive change and prosperity into the lives of people oppressed by the dictator tactics now employed by big governments in their moves towards a world government designed to control the masses and hold onto their unearned power and easy money positions. Do not dismiss the facts lightly; tighter and tighter controls over people’s lives are being implemented daily by big governments to control all the power and all of its citizens.
As an example, I found out in my own country of Australia there is no “Bill of Rights”, a fact which very few Australians know about, or even care about or would understand what this means to a freedom loving individual like myself. To me this means individual rights can and will be abused by “Crown Law” at the whim of Government Parties whenever it suits their purpose or political motivations and hold on total power; simply by gazetting new laws and writing amendments to already oppressive laws. This of course is usually disguised in the unending promises professed in a two party preferential voting system which most of the world’s big government’s political parties operate under, except where communism and dictatorship controls peoples’ lives.
I’m observing in our world today, the lines becoming blurred between our version of “democracy”, communism and fascism. You decide for yourselves what you want to see happen, I’ve I decided I want to see a world of basic individual rights maintained and strengthened. A world where people are using good common sense business practices gained through learning and understanding for prosperous, healthy, happy lives…enjoying valued family lives.
This will happen through a change in people’s thinking called Neothinking, embedded in the Neothink literature and distributed by the Neothink Society. The much needed changes will be created by fully supporting the Twelve Visions Party, its visionary processes, understanding that the new way of thinking is… in its simplest form; thinking in pictures for a large part of your day. The success of the TVP will mean to me I can continue with my work without the fear of government bungling and interfering in my life’s work.
You know the scene, where you line up at the government department, dutiful form all filled out that you’ve spent hours of your precious time pouring your heart out over, paying you’re hard earned cash over the counter…and don’t dare make a pen and ink mistake (and make sure it’s in black ink… not blue)…this could mean jail-time at the slightest rush of anxiety or onset of short term memory loss.
So be very careful with “Government Form 129b” or whatever they hand to you! And of course you know you will never see that cash again…it disappears into some government dept. file called I think…”Irretrievable Funds”, “Government Stash” or of course “Overseas Travel Allowance”!
Voting for the success of the Twelve Visions Party in the United States will mean to us “poor schmucks” across the other part of the world living in our over-burdened, over-taxed, over-governed, over departmentalized, over worked; you name it mate; we have all the over’s you can imagine in Australia: WE may have a slim chance of changing things to the way it should be: big government getting out of the way of fair of business enterprise, handling only what they’re voted in for; maintaining a well-organized protective police force and capable defense forces. And every “trillion dollar expense to the people” government department of today to be farmed out to the much more efficient, cost effective ways of privately-run businesses.
It will mean to me I’ll be hearing success stories each day, which I’m already hearing, like a woman I know opening a school for models, using visionary processes and proper work practices, showing success in 3 weeks of starting her business.
All the value given to the world by the literature of Mark Hamilton, his co-workers and staff over four decades of hard nitty-gritty working out of fair costing of the books, marketing and distribution costs to bring to the world productive business systems and unlimited ways of value creating and showing people to build better lives; all this could be blown away by the envy, mind laziness and hatred of all things fair and good portrayed by the authorities in power now backed up by the guns and fists of big government departments; And with the help and support of the parasites in the business world feeding off our taxes the government so freely hands out in payback for their support.
The silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, books and Twelve Visions Party would mean a descent into darkness like the Dark Ages people endured for a 1000 years. It is that serious I would make reference to a time not so long ago, and I am writing this heartfelt request from a computer on a small kitchen dining table in a small rented apartment in a Country in Eastern Europe.
The time was 1944-5; the Nazis armies were in full swing, blitzing their way across Europe, the generals planning their final sweep through the Eastern Russian territories and the assault on Moscow. In the minds of the peoples of the time it was literally the end of the world; in the heart of the world a few generals on the German side and their armies stood waiting ready for the command to attack.
On the Russian side, making their final defensive stand on the outskirts of Moscow itself were a few generals, some army divisions in rag tag condition, the “Home Guard” consisting of very young boys and old men well into their sixties, any man that could bear or lift up a rifle ready to defend to what was looking like their imminent deaths.
One lone megalomaniac of a politician camped in Berlin; not near the action of course, held the balance of power over the Free world. His decision alone would mean the fate of the world being plunged into “The 1000 Year Reich” of darkness he was planning or the freedom for the peoples of Europe and rest of the free world.
The German generals at the Eastern front argued with Hitler it was time to attack before the approaching Russian winter set in; Hitler argued with his Generals he knew better and was much more informed about the economic position and best interests of the German people. The Generals and their armies labored on watching the first winter snowfalls beginning.
Lucky for us all the maniac was wrong. I’ll end here now with the greatest of words from Winston Churchill: “The Price of Freedom is to be Forever Vigilant”.
Willing for Freedom, Justice, Happiness and Prosperity for all the peoples of the world in this season of PEACE and JOY……
Robert Thomas B

Mark Hamilton and his Neothink published literature came into my life…


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Some 4-5 years ago I was contacted by the Neothink Society at a time when I was suffering deep personal problems in my life. Maybe you can relate to these problems: deaths of near and dear loved ones, overwhelming financial commitments where I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay the bills each month, more and more demanding young near adult family members wanting me to help sort out their problems for them, going to work each 12 hour day to a workplace environment that was being torn apart by self-serving, greedy little parasites in management; hell bent on destroying all the values and growth placed there by successive hard working people over two decades.
On top of all this happening the 25 years’ relationship with my wife was deteriorating to a point of near total collapse. We no longer could play the roles of “Superman” and “Superwoman”, both of us always having the abilities to overcome all obstacles and problems thrown in our paths and solve these day to day problems together as we had done in the past. Watching her give up on me and seeking an escape from a life too hard to continue in this way, literally tore me apart. I was suffering the deepest depression and hardship I had ever known, especially after the divorce and disintegration of family life that used to be filled with joy and happiness.
Mark Hamilton and his Neothink published literature came into my life right on time and indeed helped me get back on track to a life of value creation and growing love of life, which I had been practicing before the collapse of my family life and everything I had been building over 25 years of grinding out effort, time and pure hard work from my wife and myself.
I found the ways and means of beginning again by reading the books, authored by Mark Hamilton, sent to me on a regular basis from the Nothing Society and putting into practice what I was learning. During the past 5 years I’ve completed Bachelor of Education degree, helped to sort a lot of pain and suffering my two sons had acquired after the bitter family breakdown; and the long and drawn out process of divorce we’ve gone through in the family law courts system.
Within the Society’s books you will find practical methods of; soaring business and personal life values, priceless to all in the ever growing threat of big government’s domineering interference in each individual’s life.
The Twelve Visions Party is the culmination of 40 years of hard work, writing research and development by Mark Hamilton, his co-workers and many other writers; to create positive change and prosperity into the lives of people oppressed by the dictator tactics now employed by big governments in their moves towards a world government designed to control the masses and hold onto their unearned power and easy money positions. Do not dismiss the facts lightly; tighter and tighter controls over people’s lives are being implemented daily by big governments to control all the power and all of its citizens.
As an example, I found out in my own country of Australia there is no “Bill of Rights”, a fact which very few Australians know about, or even care about or would understand what this means to a freedom loving individual like myself. To me this means individual rights can and will be abused by “Crown Law” at the whim of Government Parties whenever it suits their purpose or political motivations and hold on total power; simply by gazetting new laws and writing amendments to already oppressive laws. This of course is usually disguised in the unending promises professed in a two party preferential voting system which most of the world’s big government’s political parties operate under, except where communism and dictatorship controls peoples’ lives.
I’m observing in our world today, the lines becoming blurred between our version of “democracy”, communism and fascism. You decide for yourselves what you want to see happen, I’ve I decided I want to see a world of basic individual rights maintained and strengthened. A world where people are using good common sense business practices gained through learning and understanding for prosperous, healthy, happy lives…enjoying valued family lives.
This will happen through a change in people’s thinking called Neothinking, embedded in the Neothink literature and distributed by the Neothink Society. The much needed changes will be created by fully supporting the Twelve Visions Party, its visionary processes, understanding that the new way of thinking is… in its simplest form; thinking in pictures for a large part of your day. The success of the TVP will mean to me I can continue with my work without the fear of government bungling and interfering in my life’s work.
You know the scene, where you line up at the government department, dutiful form all filled out that you’ve spent hours of your precious time pouring your heart out over, paying you’re hard earned cash over the counter…and don’t dare make a pen and ink mistake (and make sure it’s in black ink… not blue)…this could mean jail-time at the slightest rush of anxiety or onset of short term memory loss.
So be very careful with “Government Form 129b” or whatever they hand to you! And of course you know you will never see that cash again…it disappears into some government dept. file called I think…”Irretrievable Funds”, “Government Stash” or of course “Overseas Travel Allowance”!
Voting for the success of the Twelve Visions Party in the United States will mean to us “poor schmucks” across the other part of the world living in our over-burdened, over-taxed, over-governed, over departmentalized, over worked; you name it mate; we have all the over’s you can imagine in Australia: WE may have a slim chance of changing things to the way it should be: big government getting out of the way of fair of business enterprise, handling only what they’re voted in for; maintaining a well-organized protective police force and capable defense forces. And every “trillion dollar expense to the people” government department of today to be farmed out to the much more efficient, cost effective ways of privately run businesses.
It will mean to me I’ll be hearing success stories each day, which I’m already hearing, like a woman I know opening a school for models, using visionary processes and proper work practices, showing success in 3 weeks of starting her business.
All the value given to the world by the literature of Mark Hamilton, his co-workers and staff over four decades of hard nitty-gritty working out of fair costing of the books, marketing and distribution costs to bring to the world productive business systems and unlimited ways of value creating and showing people to build better lives; all this could be blown away by the envy, mind laziness and hatred of all things fair and good portrayed by the authorities in power now backed up by the guns and fists of big government departments; And with the help and support of the parasites in the business world feeding off our taxes the government so freely hands out in payback for their support.
The silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, books and Twelve Visions Party would mean a descent into darkness like the Dark Ages people endured for a 1000 years. It is that serious I would make reference to a time not so long ago, and I am writing this heartfelt request from a computer on a small kitchen dining table in a small rented apartment in a Country in Eastern Europe.
The time was 1944-5; the Nazis armies were in full swing, blitzing their way across Europe, the generals planning their final sweep through the Eastern Russian territories and the assault on Moscow. In the minds of the peoples of the time it was literally the end of the world; in the heart of the world a few generals on the German side and their armies stood waiting ready for the command to attack.
On the Russian side, making their final defensive stand on the outskirts of Moscow itself were a few generals, some army divisions in rag tag condition, the “Home Guard” consisting of very young boys and old men well into their sixties, any man that could bear or lift up a rifle ready to defend to what was looking like their imminent deaths.
One lone megalomaniac of a politician camped in Berlin; not near the action of course, held the balance of power over the Free world. His decision alone would mean the fate of the world being plunged into “The 1000 Year Reich” of darkness he was planning or the freedom for the peoples of Europe and rest of the free world.
The German generals at the Eastern front argued with Hitler it was time to attack before the approaching Russian winter set in; Hitler argued with his Generals he knew better and was much more informed about the economic position and best interests of the German people. The Generals and their armies labored on watching the first winter snowfalls beginning.
Lucky for us all the maniac was wrong. I’ll end here now with the greatest of words from Winston Churchill: “The Price of Freedom is to be Forever Vigilant”.
Willing for Freedom, Justice, Happiness and Prosperity for all the peoples of the world in this season of PEACE and JOY……
Robert Thomas B

March 2025