Posts Tagged ‘rich dad poor dad by robert kiyosaki’

My Testimonial

When I got that letter from Mark Hamilton a year and a half ago, it got my attention. I never seen a letter so well thought out. This letter was the third awakening that got me into imagining a better world for all of us.

The first awakening was a spontaneous one. I woke up in April 2003. I looked around me and for the first in my life, everything made sense to me. I remember being truly happy.

The second awakening was when I read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki in 2003 It was recommended by a mentor in an MLM I was in. When I finished that book, I realized that I have been taught the wrong financial information in school, and by my mother. In that book, Robert explains what the rich teach their kids about finances, and what the poor and middle class do not.
After reading the first two heirloom packages, almost magically, books I needed to read, people I needed to network with, and more education I needed to study came to me. Also, my Friday Night Essences, writing, and two recent ones, video producing and business development magically came to me. I am working on writing my first book, and developing an online based personal development business. I am learning how to make videos. I also met my soulmate, who lives in the Philippines. We chat every day, and even though we haven’t met physically yet, we love each other.
If I hadn’t received that letter from Mark, My life today would be miserable, with no hope. I am forever grateful to Mark for teaching me that I have the power within me to dictate my destiny.
None of these experiences would have happened if I threw out that letter. If you get this letter, my advise to you is ACT!!

March 2025