Posts Tagged ‘resiliency’

It has been quite rewarding and fulfilling being a member of the Neothink Society.

It has been quite rewarding and fulfilling being a member of the Neothink Society. Thanks to Mark Hamilton our brilliant leader I have certainly become more aware of the political and religious organizations that are in existence today and also the imperfections of our dignitaries who by nature are only human. The Neothink Society is a very remarkable organization that understands the urgency to evolve and grow each day using our wonderful creative brain as much as possible. Our health our moral values sympathy for others are some of the practices that encourages me and confirms that this is truly one of the best organization that exists in this twenty-first century. Mark Hamilton has done a superb job his creativity is amazing and his choices have been exceptional in keeping a cohesive group of thinkers on the right path as we challenge the diversities that hinder the growth of new technologies and our potential existence as a nation in the twenty-first century, that’s been attacked erroneously by foreign countries, despite our courage and continuous aid to many of them that needed it. September 11 2001 was a sad day; Americans felt the pain, what a horrible disaster. But that was ten years ago and today New York City is rebuilding and moving on showing its resiliency and strength. We remember those that lost their lives, their families and friends on this day September 11 2011.

Gabriel F

Mark Hamilton’s twelve vision’s party

Hi my name is Belinda C and I would like to share my testimony.
The information I was able to learn from Mark Hamilton’s twelve vision’s party and the Neothink Society has given me the resiliency to hope again for believing in the American dream. Mark’s information had miraculously been put rig ht into my hands by a women I’d just met at a local gathering.
Her hopes for life in general had been restored by reading similar material as Mark’s and went on to complete her life long dream of being a psychologist after she’d lost her left arm due to drunk driver. I believe that if more of the masses of people around the world that are provided the opportunity to read Mark’s material, it will definitely help them also restore their hopes and dreams to be given a chance to live a better life for themselves and their families also for future generations.
It’s time for a great change in our country!!!!
We the American Citizens of the United States voted for the first black President in history, President Barak Obama to announce to the world we mean business and we’re taking back our 100% responsibility for our own life’s and we will prevail in creating a much better future for ourselves to live a better life now and for the future for the well-being of ourselves and for our families. And the United States government will stand by it’s American Citizens just as they did when President Borak Obama was elected as our first Black/American President.
Warm Regards,
Belinda C


Hi my name is Belinda C and I would like to share my testimony.

The information I was able to learn from Mark Hamilton’s twelve vision’s party

and the Neothink Society has given me the resiliency to hope again for believing in 

the American dream.  Mark’s information had miraculously been put rig ht into my hands

by a women I’d just met at a local gathering. 

Her hopes for life in general had been restored by reading similar material

as Mark’s and went on to  complete her life long dream of being a psychologist after she’d lost her
left arm due to drunk driver. I believe that if more of the masses of people around the world that are

provided the opportunity to read Mark’s material, it will definitely help them also restore their hopes 

and dreams to be given a chance to live a better life for themselves and their families also for future generations.  

It’s time for a great change in our country!!!!

We the American Citizens of the United States voted for the first black President in history, President Borak Obama 

to announce to the world we mean business and we’re taking back our 100% responsibility for our own life’s and we will

prevail in creating a much better future for ourselves to live a better life now and for the future for the well-being of our

selves and for our families. And the United States government will stand by it’s American Citizens just as they did

when President Borak Obama was elected as our first Black/American President.

Warm Regards,
Belinda C

March 2025