Posts Tagged ‘remarkable experience’

When You Love Something


Where did this feeling of Love and Protection and Nurturing come from!?! I feel this burning urgency to protect and help the Twelve Visions Party grow and survive!

There is this remarkable experience and I wish that more people would have it: When a person comes across something really … really GOOD – something clicks, it’s like a wake up call. You often see this with people as they first get involved with something – maybe a political party, or a home based business opportunity. They FEEL that same desire to grow and build and … DO SOMETHING really REALLY GOOD!

The more people that have that feeling, no matter WHAT inspires them to have it, lifts us up a little bit more. Each person who is woken up a little bit more carries those good feelings out into life, and such people can’t help but lift those they meet up, even if ever so slightly.

Now today, ENTER the Neothink Society, Founded by Mark Hamilton, author of the incredible multigenerational manuscripts; here is an idea system and an application system that is so remarkably GOOD that nearly EVERYONE that puts in the effort to SEE THE VISION of what this literature represents will be transformed, those good feelings crackle like Lightening!

I just wish more people would make the effort to see it – they don’t know what they’re missing!


Value Creation

Yesterday I had a remarkable experience. I met a strikingly beautiful woman on Facebook who was looking for help in one of my areas of specialty. I spent a few minutes helping her with her difficulty. As I helped her I just enjoyed this nice feeling of being attracted to wonderful and beautiful woman. For the first time in my life I had the confidence to come straight out and tell about it; and miracle of miracles, SHE RECIPROCATED! She also found me attractive!

This was a very special experience for me! After we finished her project, I sat back and just enjoyed those sweet feelings.

The Multigenerational Manuscripts DO contain the secret to Exciting Romantic Love! I can hardly believe that it worked, just like Mark Hamilton said it would!

Thank you for these WONDERFUL FEELINGS!
That could be the whole story, but there is even more.

We are both married, and not to each other. What I found most remarkable is that the second part of the concepts related to romantic relations in the Multigenerational Manuscripts was ALSO right on:

These good feelings that I shared with a total stranger actually made me LOVE my WIFE even more! The incredible boost in confidence that this encounter inspired within me was not given over to promiscuous fantasies – it was enjoyed for what it was: an expression of attraction and affinity between two honest value creators – and then the rational techniques contained within Mark Hamilton’s literature were used – and suddenly I saw how to make the most of these wonderful feelings. I used them to fuel the fire of my primary love relationship: The incredible relationship I have with my wife and eternal soul mate! I reflected on the same qualities that I was REMINDED OF in this facebook interaction that my Wife also shares. It was exciting to see that I can turn EVERY ATTRACTION I FEEL into a powerful tool for heightening my Love Relationship with my Wife!

These Concepts really do provide for the most fulfilling, stimulating, and exciting Romantic Love Relationships possible!


Yon Cole

January 2025