Posts Tagged ‘religious leaders’

Mark Hamilton’s value is that of life energy’s existence…

Mark Hamilton’s value is that of life energy’s existence, fulfillment, discovery, advancements and sustenance through the enlightenment of ones self consciousness. If it hadn’t been for his values I would have still been on my path, but to where? An unfulfilled life of wealth without direction or guidance of using attained financial abundance to create complete self worth. I am afraid that is the dark and shadowy naive wasteful path I would have embarked upon. A path that though successful, would leave behind various types of destruction to others, but more importantly ones self. Fortunately for us both, the connection was made between me and the Neothink Society allowing Mark Hamilton to nurture me to a clearer understanding of utilizing my value for our life and existence, then in turn contributing a greater value for all through the Neothink Society.
Before Mark Hamilton I lived a life of attempted total fulfillment in the presence of guilt because of the self love I attempted through selflessness and an illusion of healthy endurance struggling. At that time I accepted the clutter in reality that blocks so many from ever reaching the point to “LIVE”, believing that actual living was about paying dues with a sweet old age vacation after all was paid. In my world I had paid so many dues that I believed I deserve some stock from having to live such a long life of endured unfulfilled struggling. Living such a life increased my greed and lowered my esteem towards making money.
Once being made aware of Mark Hamilton through the Neothink Society I began to utilize all of his information through his literature and movements causing the felt burden of my existence to be willfully made null in my life. Without all of Mark Hamilton’s values the human life’s energy will be capped forcefully by the limitations of fulfillment placed on society by Politicians, their Enforcement Agencies and Religious Leaders. Without such great value in our society as that of the Neothink Society and The Twelve visions party advancement and evolution of our true being would be deceptively lead to the slaughter…literally!
For me, and I also speak for those unaware, Mark Hamilton’s Neothink is a value we cannot and will not flourish without.

Jason O. H

Mark Hamilton and his literature

A few years ago, out of the blue, I received letter in my mail that has changed my life completely. It was from the Neothink Society and what I read seemed too fantastic to believe. But I was unable to throw it in the trash because everything in the letter rang so true. Deep within I knew I had to follow through and learn more about this incredible organization and its leader, Mark Hamilton.
I purchased their literature and from the time I read the first chapter I knew that what I had been searching for the past decade or so of my life had found me! The concepts I read about rang so true and resonated to my very soul. I knew that those words were written by, not only a true genius, but by a person who had been able to strip away all of the layers of half-truths and falsehoods, placed on society as a whole, for generations. The world and my place in it finally made total sense.
I am now able to see how all good people of the world have and are being duped by unscrupulous people in positions of power and authority. Their dishonest actions and statements designed to hold people down while they are being bled of the values they have toiled to produce, are so obvious now that the truth has been revealed by the Neothink Society and Mr. Hamilton. All of the illusions propagated on the unknowing public cannot stand up in the very bright and honest light shone on them by the Society. How simple and basic; to protect the rights of the individual, is the only function of government. I can now spot these cheaters and their pathetic antics a mile away.
It is time that the good people in this world were allowed to see what I can now see with ease and total clarity!
Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party must be allowed to keep educating people about how the universe really does and should work. Their message must never be smothered by the self-serving and dishonest politicians and religious leaders of the world. Please allow yourself to be exposed to their message so you too can cleanse the sludge from your minds and be able to once again think for yourselves with clarity and be able to judge for yourselves what is right for you. Freedom to think and do for yourselves, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the individual rights of others, is the very basis of all free societies and these rights are about to be taken away if you allow the power-hungry elites to censor and silence Mark Hamilton and his literature as well as the good people in the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).
I know we are all feeling more and more helpless as more regulation, taxes and rules are being foisted on us daily. We must not allow our rights of freedom of speech to be taken away! Please fight for your rights by protecting your basic freedoms and do not allow this to happen to the Neothink Society, TVP and Mr. Hamilton. Your children will be even more enslaved to taxes, regulation and helplessness than we are.
If allowed to continue unchecked by dishonesty, Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and their political arm the TVP, will bring freedoms and unchecked prosperity to not only the U.S., but the whole world as each country follows suit. Our children and grandchildren will never experience the fear and negativity that we are increasingly experiencing in our world today as their rights, and the rights of every individual on earth, are protected. Prosperity for all never before seen in history will be upon us in a very short few years if allowed to spread their message.
Please everyone, for your sakes and the sake of your families now and in the future, keep your eyes wide open and think for yourselves. Don’t buy into the fear-mongering and dishonest hatred that the dishonest power elites are foisting on the fully integrated and honest Neothink Society members, Twelve Visions Party and above all, Mark Hamilton. Our future generations will thank us!
Daryl R. S
Proud Canadian and NeoThinker!

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

My fellow brothers and sisters,
I understand how difficult these times are and how precious your time is. I know how hard you work every day to keep yourself or family afloat, therefore I feel it of the utmost importance that I plead this case to you. There are in this world today a number of people who have labored to find answers to the problems we all see daily. By learning from these people, I have changed my life from one of ignorant conformity, to one of unlimited potential for our entire universe.
When I look at the leaders today, I do not feel confidence. They all talk the same and end up doing the same. Believe me when I say there is a solution. It begins with a new way of thinking. First and foremost, it gives hope for the world to move forward and take the next step towards the future.
This way of thinking is coming, and it is sound. It is the natural next step for conscious human beings.
It is this progression which our founding fathers were expecting our country and the world to move towards. We have been caught up in a control the masses mentality from our religious leaders, to our own government.
The people I speak of are your neighbors, co workers and friends. They had all yearned for answers. And in their search found Neothink and Mark Hamilton. It is logic which should rule. It is for the benefit of every living , conscious human being that these ideas should be given thought.
There is at this time a movement which you too can be a part of. It is political in nature only to the extent of making politics a thing of the past. It is revolutionary yet so simple, but it does desperately need your support. I would ask you to put aside your social heredity for a moment and look at the possibility’s . Can you be open to learning something so new it would change the direction of the world in which we live. It would give every man woman and child an unlimited potential for happiness and well being. The ideas are here. They have only been hidden. They have been hushed and censored by the powerful.
The movement I speak of is called the Twelve Visions Party. It is a political movement to give all of us who scream from within for a correct path for this country and world to walk. One which stops terror. Stops coercion and brings true civility to our planet. A great man proclaimed His dream.
Another taught that Heaven was in our midst. Someone else stated, Ask and it shall be given. And believe me there are many more which are true and in desperate need of being sincerely taught.
All these simple truths are being constantly manipulated and disguised. Our children should be learning the secrets to happiness and success. Every single one is unique and so unbelievably precious. Yes there are facts which should be taught, but in line with the interests of the individual child.
So I ask you to please read the platform of the Twelve Visions Party with an open mind. Forget for a moment the doom sayers who see only the negative. Look at your inner child and ask what if . This attempt we take is a long shot. It is a dream. It is similar to what our founding Fathers sought when they stated the pursuit of happiness. We all have a right to progress. We all have a right to happiness.
Whatever benefits the individual, benefits every one of us. We have before us choices. To keep doing and thinking as we have in the past which leads to some horrible massive life loosing scenario in the near future either from terrorists or medical crisis , or to slowly change the very basic way in which we think and feel and welcome all the positive life benefiting rewards due every one of us.
I have been so blessed by learning there is hope for every single individual. That there is a logical, sound plan by which we can move forward into a bright future.
I , playfully, always looked at the show Star trek as a possible bright spot in mans future. To go where no man has gone before. That statement is here now and possible for every just, loving sincere person to take a small amount of hard earned money and read exactly what this plan is. If you have ever thought what legacy can I leave my children for them to know I cared for their future, then read this, think about it and if you too agree that it is about time we take the next step, then join this movement of trust and belief in the future. It is but a small contribution to give for the massive potential benefits we shall all realize.
With my heart felt hope, sincerely, Tom K


I take this over due opportunity to say a very big thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton, the neothink society and the upcoming twelve vision world that is being initiated by the Twelve Vision Party. The noethink society has really changed my life at a 180 degree. In fact, for the many days of my life that I kept on asking myself of many questions as why almost everything in the world seems dishonest with no regards to honesty, Mark Hamilton and the neothink society have provided me with the perfect answers. How do I prove that the information I receive from Mark Hamilton and neothink are the perfect answers? Jesus said it in the Bible that we should know the truth and the truth shall set us free. I have been a Christian and in church through out my life, have heard many messages from different pastors, evangelists and ministers all in search of this truth, but can honestly say that non of such messages have really set me free as my inner self could bare witness. Not until I was fortunate to be invited to the neothink society, that I really realized what Jesus really meant by being set free. It is really a different feeling! It is exhilarating! At times I really feel sorry for many who might not be fortunate to have the opportunity which I had or who might have it, but thrown it away for one reason or the other. At times I wonder if even the pastors and religious leaders who have a duty to lead humanity into this salvation really understand the messages of Jesus to humanity or they do but just choose to go the dishonest and broad way. This point also gives me the exact explanation why again Jesus said, “Not all who call my name” will enter the kingdom of my father” The kingdom that is manifesting through the TVP. Oh really, it is true what the Bible said – “ In the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions” I believe we are in those days when the likes of Mark Hamilton and the fortunate members of the neothink society are manifesting the sayings above through the twelve vision party. Neothink is not about becoming wealthy and powerful in a mystical way as some might think, but achieving these states by principle of discipline, thinking by researching for information and integrating those information, self control and hard work. Living by these principles without a compromise, really can make anyone to achieve what ever he / she wants. These are the understanding Mr. Mark Hamilton and the neothink society provide to its members as myself. These are the passion of the TVP, that all other people who might not be fortunate to be invited as me, will also be set free as I am.
I pray that the world will understand and follow the visions of Mr. Mark Hamilton, the neothink society and the twelve vision party. These are the only ways we can find solutions to crimes, fraud, abuses, recession, depressions, terrorism, wars and all that humanity is fighting without victory.
Once again I say a very big thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the neothink society.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society…

I am an individual living in the supposedly free country of the United States of America.  I am writing this today because I am concerned for the future of our country and for all peoples of the Earth, and mostly for myself and my family.  There is a storm coming.  It is a positively charged storm that will, in time, bring happiness, health and much longer life and prosperity to everyone, if we will let it happen.  I know this sounds incredible, it is.  But it’s also real.  Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society are working hard to push the ceiling up off of everyone that is being held in place by politicians, political businessmen and religious leaders around the world.  I am a very happy Neothink customer.  I have been one for many years (since the mid-eighties, in fact) and have ordered numerous products.  I have received great value and personal benefit from the materials I have purchased.  Neothink information helps one to see things as they really are–to see reality.  Neothink (N-T) literature has helped me to become well-grounded and to recognize politics and religion for what they really are:  mechanisms for controlling and extracting wealth from “the common man.”  N-T has given me concrete steps that can be applied in any business or job I can think of to be more efficient and productive.  If I had not encountered Neothink, I would have foundered in a sea of mental uncertainty and I know without any doubt whatsoever that I would not be as well-off as I am today.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton & Co. from the bottom of my heart.

Great T

When I look at the leaders today, I do not feel confidence.

My fellow brothers and sisters,

  I understand how difficult these times are and how precious your time is. I know how hard you work every day to keep yourself or family afloat, therefore I feel it of the utmost importance that I plead this case to you. There are in this world today a number of people who have labored to find answers to the problems we all see daily. By learning from these people, I have changed my life from one of ignorant conformity, to one of unlimited potential for our entire universe.

    When I look at the leaders today, I do not feel confidence. They all talk the same and end up doing the same.  Believe me when I say there is a solution.  It begins with a new way of thinking. First and foremost, it gives hope for the world to move forward and take the next step towards the future.

This way of thinking is coming, and it is sound. It is the natural next step for conscious human beings.

It is this progression which our founding fathers were expecting our country and the world to move towards. We have been caught up in a control the masses mentality from our religious leaders, to our own government.

  The people I speak of are your neighbors, co workers and friends. They had all yearned for answers. And in their search found Neothink and Mark Hamilton.  It is logic which should rule. It is for the benefit of every living , conscious human being that these ideas should be given thought.

  There is at this time a movement which you too can be a part of. It is political in nature only to the extent of making politics a thing of the past. It is revolutionary yet so simple, but it does desperately need your support. I would ask you to put aside your social heredity for a moment and look at the possibility’s .  Can you be open to learning something so new it would change the direction of the world in which we live. It would give every man woman and child an unlimited potential for happiness and well being. The ideas are here. They have only been hidden. They have been hushed and censored by the powerful.

  The movement I speak of is called the Twelve Visions Party.  It is a political movement to give all of us who scream from within for a correct path for this country and world to walk. One which stops terror. Stops coercion  and brings true civility to our planet. A great man proclaimed His dream.

Another taught that Heaven was in our midst. Someone else stated, Ask and it shall be given. And believe me there are many more which are true and in desperate need of being sincerely taught.

All these simple truths are being constantly manipulated and disguised. Our children should be learning the secrets to happiness and success. Every single one is unique and so unbelievably precious. Yes there are facts which should be taught, but in line with the interests of the individual child.

  So I ask you to please read the platform of the Twelve Visions Party with an open mind.  Forget for a moment the doom sayers who see only the negative.  Look at your inner child and ask what if . This attempt we take is a long shot.  It is a dream. It is similar to what our founding Fathers sought when they stated the pursuit of happiness. We all have a right to progress. We all  have a right to happiness.

  What ever benefits the individual, benefits every one of us. We have before us choices. To keep doing and thinking as we have in the past which leads to some horrible massive life loosing scenario in the near future either from terrorists or medical crisis , or to slowly change the very basic way in which we think and feel and welcome all the positive life benefiting rewards due every one of us. 

 I have been so blessed by learning there is hope for every single individual. That there is a logical, sound plan by which we can move forward into a bright future.

  I , playfully, always looked at the show Star trek as a possible bright spot in mans future. To go where no man has gone before. That statement is here now and possible for every just, loving sincere person to take a small amount of hard earned money and read exactly what this plan is. If you have ever thought what legacy can I leave my children for them to know I cared for their future, then read this, think about it and if you too agree that it is about time we take the next step, then join this movement of trust and belief in the future. It is but a small contribution to give for the massive potential benefits we shall all realize.

   With my heart felt hope, sincerely,   Tom K

March 2025