Posts Tagged ‘religious control’

I believe that person is Mark Hamilton!

Long before I was ever invited into the secret society, I believed that someone would rise from the ashes and create a third party in this country that is truly based on the protection of all people from any form of political or religious control.
I believe that person is Mark Hamilton!.I have read many of his writings and will say that they truly are life changing. Everyone should have the opportunity to read his work before the main stream media makes him out to be the villain, he is not the villain my dear people, instead he may be our greatest ally.
Mark Hamilton has taken it upon himself, at considerable risk I might add, to lead us in another direction. One that is truly of the people and for the people, to help all people realize there individual dreams of health, happiness and unlimited prosperity.
Please take the time to read Mark Hamilton’s writings, especially Miss Annabelle’s Secrets! This one book alone will forever change your life.
Make the time to learn about the Twelve Vision Party and what it is all about, I believe in my heart if all of you do this, we the people will finally be free to experience the greatest gift of all, a life of incredible health, happiness, prosperity and love!
The time has come, we must all work together to move this from the planning stage to the action stage where we will succeed and fulfill our ultimate destiny.
Please join the Twelve Vision Party and Mark Hamilton now.
Larry Z.

March 2025