Posts Tagged ‘religious background’

To anyone interested in finding the truth within themselves!

To anyone interested in finding the truth within themselves!

My name is Terry R. I live in USA. I am 57 years old and I would like to share my story with you now.

All my life I have searched for answers to my purpose and to understand why life is the way it is. I am not a stupid man but I have done many stupid things. I have always been a hard worker and respected the rights of others to believe and to live their life as they wish. I am not here now to change your mind. Only you can do that. Only you can decide what is right for you. I believe that an example from real life is full of hidden and useful answers. If you have ever had an Ah Ha moment then you understand what I am saying. I do not know what I might say that will trigger your Ah Ha moment or even if you will have one but I believe that if you are reading this then you are also a seeker of the truth of your life and it is my great privilege to offer this opportunity to share my story.

When I was 20 years old I was serving in the US Army during the Viet Nam war. I was full of pride and I thought I knew all the answers. I believed that I could accomplish anything as long as I was good to people and gave without expectation of anything in return. I had a basic religious background as a Methodist and I believed in God and Jesus Christ. I married at 21 while I was in the service and my first child was born a year later. When I left military service in 1976 I was completely unprepared for the life that was ahead of me. My marriage was very unhappy as my wife was not interested in being faithful or loyal to me. She hated being tied to one man and forced me to divorce her after 6 years of tumultuous marriage. I was completely heart broken and disillusioned. My ex-wife had primary custody of my two children. At that time I never wanted to be with another woman again and because I worked away from my children I drove many miles each weekend to be with them. My profession was a civil engineering technician as I was a combat engineer in the army and I was able to find work in my field of expertise outside of the military. Over the next 8 years I worked away from home and I was bitter and depressed. The only thing that brought me any joy at all was being with my son and my daughter on the weekends. I had completely given up on life and I felt a victim of uncaring cruelty. I asked myself all the time why God had deserted me. I still had a lot to learn!

One day when I was home from a work assignment my friends asked me to go to the local bowling lanes for some fun. I did not wish to go but they insisted and so I went. One of their friends was there. She was single with two children of her own. I was being set up. It turned out that I became close to her and after some months of dating I moved in with her and her kids and I forgot my hatred of women and I began to think I could make a wonderful life again. It was during this time that I found Mark Hamilton and Neothink.

A New Puzzle-Picture of Self-Discovery


My name is Adam, and I would like to share my personal story of what Mark Hamilton’s multi-generational manuscripts have personally done for me with the Neothink Society®.

I would first like to speak about Mark Hamilton and who he is. He has become one of the greatest mentors and visionaries of all time. By publishing his own literature, the heirloom manuscripts, he has created these values for society that everyone can share in. Not only is he a teacher, but he is also an artist and a friend. He has painted a beautiful puzzle-picture of the future, and everyone needs to get their hands on his multi-generational manuscripts and be “in the know” about really what is controlling society today and going on in the world.

I grew up in a very religious background, began public speaking in my church when I was only eight years old. I also spent most days evangelizing. When I was eighteen, I even traveled to Mexico, BAJA, and was a Missionary for six months. However, I always questioned the world around me versus the information I was told was factual. Well, I never have necessarily just “taken” what others have told me, so while other kids were playing outside or watching their Saturday morning cartoons, I was studying, reading, and cross-referencing scripture. My knowledge and my mind began evolving as unlocked little secrets for myself. These “secrets” I unlocked through my Volumes of research and study were like little puzzle pieces to a bigger picture. So I started snapping those pieces together, and as I was doing that, I instantly “snapped” out of my mysticism, and ALL the religious knowledge I had – I was able to see exactly what it was.

Well, this ostracized me from my family and ended my marriage at 22 years old. I was living in Oregon at the time. Well, as there really wasn’t much left for me, I decided to start over and begin living my life the way I saw it, which was with a NEW way of thinking.

I only had two suitcases of luggage, jumped on a flight within thirty days of concluding that leaving Oregon is something I wanted and needed to do, and traveled all the way across the country to New York where I am at today.

It wasn’t until about eight months or so being in New York, as I began working, I met a member of the Neothink Society® through a very interesting series of events. You see, even though I thought differently, it was something I came up with on my own, and I never know what I don’t know. So that’s what brought me here. I discovered abilities within myself I never new I had. It was the association I had, who I listened to, and the mentoring from my teacher and friend, Mark Hamilton.

While getting to this “spot” in my life, I hit rock bottom several times. I was broke. I was alone. I attempted suicide three times in my life and couldn’t even get THAT right! Well, obviously I’m here, and there must be a reason. And that’s where my PASSION comes from! Those who know me know my thoughts and feelings with Neothink® and TVP® which is why when Mark Hamilton gets maligned and LIED about, those things strike an even stronger chord with me….and with my friends in the Neothink Society®. We become stronger, more united than ever….not weaker!

If you are an individual like I use to be, who listens to outside influence rather than figuring out the TRUTH on your own, then listen to the influence Mark Hamilton gives. That’s the person you need to listen to! He’s here to help! And you won’t get that from “leaders” today. You won’t get that from the President. You won’t even get that from Judges, journalists, police officers…not with the way society is today – bent on crookedness, deceit, lies, and dishonest propaganda. Who do you listen to?

I suggest everyone begin to look inward, to themselves, and discover the person you were meant to be and live the life you are MEANT to live! Thank you Mark Hamilton for your guidance. I’ve been at rock-bottom. I’ve been in that world. And now that I’m here, I only move forward with personal growth and discovery after discovery. I am still snapping puzzle pieces together, again – this time with a new way of thinking – and I can see the puzzle-picture of self-discovery forming. I can now see the bigger picture before it is even complete. What do you see in life?

Love and Peace!!
Adam Huntley

March 2025