Posts Tagged ‘religion and politics’

The Neothink Society has played a major role …

The Neothink Society has played a major role in allowing me to have clarity with definiteness of purpose, I can wake up knowing where I want to go in life, and the people of the Neothink society are tremendous benefactors in helping me stay the course, it’s not about the mundane chaotic origins of religion and politics.

” Mark Hamilton ” is showing people to better their lives

This book will open your eye’s to what I believe a lot of people believe but the master of illusions keeps people from attaining their true promise of what they can become. Religion and politics the two most corrupting influences that mislead people and manipulate them . The people at the top of all this live off of everyone else and tell you that you cannot have what they do and they know what is best for you . People open your eye’s . I want you to know also that Christ was a great teacher but his teachings have been taken over by the illusionist . Why is our crime rate the highest ? Why are we ranked 35th for health care ? Why are the rich getting richer and the poor are getting poorer ? There are answer’s that this man ” Mark Hamilton ” is showing people to better their lives. There are answers to solve problems in his Twelve Vision Party .
Larry J. E

I want to thank you my Beloved mentor Mark Hamilton

Last January 2009 I entered the hospital for a operation on my lower back. I walked in and came out several months later in a wheel chair with some paralysis in my arms legs and hands. I am working hard with hopes of one day walking again. My typing never was very fast but even slower now. I set my hands this day to give you my feelings and a gratitude I cannot put into words. You gave me a reason to live again. I am 75 years old and have been down a lot of roads and dead end streets. When I read in The prime literature about the AC it took no convincing on my part. I have lived it in my own life. At every level in our society of religion and politics, it’s broken. People living off the productivity of others. They are very clever in building illusions why they are needed and must
be followed for the public good. I have read all three large heirloom books and other Neothink books and literature. I value the information contained therein as priceless gems for myself, my family and dear friends. I want to thank you my Beloved mentor Mark Hamilton for making this information available to me and for your life’s work in protecting and enhancing it. Deepest Love and Gratitude.
Leonard D

I want to thank you my Beloved mentor Mark Hamilton

Last January 2009 I entered the hospital for a operation on my lower back. I walked in and came out several months later in a wheel chair with some paralysis in my arms legs and hands. I am working hard with hopes of one day walking again. My typing never was very fast but even slower now. I set my hands this day to give you my feelings and a gratitude I cannot put into words. You gave me a reason to live again. I am 75 years old and have been down a lot of roads and dead end streets. When I read in The prime literature about the AC it took no convincing on my part. I have lived it in my own life. At every level in our society of religion and politics, it’s broken. People living off the productivity of others. They are very clever in building illusions why they are needed and must
be followed for the public good. I have read all three large heirloom books and other Neothink books and literature. I value the information contained therein as priceless gems for myself, my family and dear friends. I want to thank you my Beloved mentor Mark Hamilton for making this information available to me and for your life’s work in protecting and enhancing it. Deepest Love and Gratitude.
Leonard D

The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have been a member of the Neothink Society for over one year.  Both of my parents (who are deceased) were intensely patriotic Americans.  I Mention this because the Twelve Visions Party embodies the core or heart of the principles which created this country.  The freedom of the individual was fundamental for our founding fathers.  Neothink Society not only echoes this important value, it provides the tools to restore
and expand the original intent of the framers of our constitution.  My mother always taught me to “separate the wheat from the chaff”:  The Neothink Society is a viable kernel of a healthy strain of wheat that we will all benefit from nurturing.  The Twelve Visions Party takes the focus off of the divisiveness of minority rights by concentrating on the complete development of the individual.  “Far easier to fight for your rights than to live up to them” (Adlai Stevenson).  For America to remain a vital and viable nation; we need the Neothink Society in our lives.

The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound.  He is like an older brother who guides you through the labyrinth of an antiquated and crippled civilization towards a consciousness rooted in awareness.  The Twelve Vision P@rty is based on the essence of truth and reason.  When I began my Neothink journey, I was concerned that my deep spiritual beliefs could be sublimated to a society which is very upfront about their skepticism of religion and politics.  The more I studied the Neothink Society and its values, I realized that not only were my beliefs respected; they are an intrinsic part of the Twelve Vision Party.  Specifically, The Ten Commandments are living and breathing through the basic tenants and intentions of
the Neothink Society.

In deference to the patriotism and love both of my parents instilled in our family for America (“The land of the brave and the free”), I support the Neothink Society.  Wake up “Sleeping Giant” and receive “the dawn’s
early light”.

Gayle G


The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have been a member of the Neothink Society for over one year.  Both of my parents (who are deceased) were intensely patriotic Americans.  I Mention this because the Twelve Visions Party embodies the core or heart of the principles which created this country.  The freedom of the individual was fundamental for our founding fathers.  Neothink Society not only echoes this important value, it provides the tools to restore
and expand the original intent of the framers of our constitution.  My mother always taught me to “separate the wheat from the chaff”:  The Neothink Society is a viable kernel of a healthy strain of wheat that we will all benefit from nurturing.  The Twelve Visions Party takes the focus off of the divisiveness of minority rights by concentrating on the complete development of the individual.  “Far easier to fight for your rights than to live up to them” (Adlai Stevenson).  For America to remain a vital and viable nation; we need the Neothink Society in our lives.

The trust I have for Mark Hamilton is profound.  He is like an older brother who guides you through the labyrinth of an antiquated and crippled civilization towards a consciousness rooted in awareness.  The Twelve Vision Party is based on the essence of truth and reason.  When I began my Neothink journey, I was concerned that my deep spiritual beliefs could be sublimated to a society which is very upfront about their skepticism of religion and politics.  The more I studied the Neothink Society and its values, I realized that not only were my beliefs respected; they are an intrinsic part of the Twelve Vision Party.  Specifically, The Ten Commandments are living and breathing through the basic tenants and intentions of
the Neothink Society.

In deference to the patriotism and love both of my parents instilled in our family for America (“The land of the brave and the free”), I support the Neothink Society.  Wake up “Sleeping Giant” and receive “the dawn’s
early light”.

Gayle G

Very grateful that Mark Hamilton is my mentor

Hello Mr. Hamilton:

Even though I am just beginning my 3rd level in the Neothink Society with you; I am envisioning my own development, especially in the integration of my way of thinking. I imagine in all levels of school years, the introduction and teaching of this new method and perhaps in the early years (Elementary School). I am so excited to be a member of NTS and very grateful that Mark Hamilton is my mentor and with his direction I’m in my way to reach my goal which is to evolve in everything I meant to be and live.

Thank you to be a part of NTS and together we will be able to eradicate all illusions and misconceptions in religion and politics; but honestly I can say that I was responsible for their manipulations; because unconsciously I gave them the power. Now with the help of everything that NTS, TVP, and the whole MEMBERS have to offer; we can only expect victory for many years to come.

It’s all I have to say for now and thank you to allow me to be a part of your successful TEAM.


Fabio R.

There are answers to solve problems in his Twelve Vision Party

This book will open your eye’s to what I believe a lot of people believe but the master of illusions keeps people from attaining their true promise of what they can become. Religion and politics the two most corrupting influences that mislead people and manipulate them . The people at the top of all this live off of everyone else and tell you that you cannot have what they do and they know what is best for you . People open your eye’s . I want you to know also that Christ was a great teacher but his teachings have been taken over by the illusionist . Why is our crime rate the highest ? Why are we ranked 35th for health care ? Why are the rich getting richer and the poor are getting poorer ? There are answer’s that this man ” Mark Hamilton ” is showing people to better their lives. There are answers to solve problems in his Twelve Vision Party .

Larry J. E

Personally, I appreciate that you are striving to make the world a much happier and prosperous place

Dear Mark Hamilton,

 I have responded to your messages in the past requesting testimonial write-ups.  I am not sure if this is just a mass distribution request to everyone.  In any case, I hope you receive the messages necessary to accomplish your goals.

Personally, I appreciate that you are striving to make the world a much happier and prosperous place for all to live.  It is most definitely needed.  If we (the people) do the service we all love to do (our Friday night essence), there will be an exponential growth in creations, improvement in attitude towards others and service and in general a much nicer world to live in.  Though, I simply cannot understand why anyone would oppose to such a plan. 

However, I would give an “opinion” about something and I hope you are open to it. I want to add I have thoroughly enjoyed the writings of all your books, as I love to read interesting material.  When I read, I know it is the view and story of the writer (and not necessarily my view).  In one of the readings however, (Wallace’s writings), I took notice that his opinions may offend some who do not have an open mind to a writer’s way of thinking. 

Religion and politics are the most sensitive topics and it is very close to some people’s heart.  The media, religious and political sensitive people will “defend “their stance.  Just as anyone will defend what they believe in.

In my opinion, people have a right to believe in what they believe in and if people put others work, or belief down, it may cause some anger and resentment.  For me it is not my place to tell someone that their religion is not working or is more violent than the other.  What I believe in my mind is what I believe; however, I don’t think it will serve its purpose to put it down.

Every religion, politician and media has negative and positive aspects.  It is my opinion that we should point out the positives of each of the three aforementioned and dwell on those aspects.  In fact, that is for everything we do.  I am not, of course suggesting ignoring those things that are causing harm, but in our society, we do tend to hi-light the negatives instead of hi-lighting the positives. By pointing out the good and dwelling on the goods of the service of that religion, politics (politician), it just may soften their need to strongly “defend” their position.

This is only my opinion and felt compelled at this time, to express it.

In peace, harmony, love, freedom, happiness and prosperity,


With Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party – TVP, things are going to be much different

For too long Religion and Politics have been crippling the minds of people all over the world.  Here we have a man Mr. Mark Hamilton who through his writings is allowing men and women from all walks of life to free their minds from the brain washing that has been going on for far too long.  It is just mind boggling to me how so many of our present leaders; be it Political, Business, or Religious are so unscrupulous and no one in the media or anywhere else is doing much to shine a light on the deception of these leaders.  Twelve Vision Party – TVP wants for everyone; health, wealth and happiness.  It is a party that is based on honesty, which is lacking in most organizations out there today.  Why would anyone want to stop a movement like this?  Could it be because it may just bring an end to the control they have over the masses today. 

Mr. Mark Hamilton whose name is synonymous with Neothink & Twelve Vision Party – TVP must given the opportunity to be heard.  TVP is nothing but a breath of fresh air, when considering what we have at present.  Candidates hired by you to carry out your business and seek your interest are not thinking about how best to represent you, but how they can best cement their place in the position the find themselves by taking bribes and kickbacks.  With Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party – TVP, things are going to be much different.  Give TVP and Neothink a chance where peace, prosperity for all, long life and happiness and above all protection of person and property will be paramount.  Thank you Mr. Hamilton for all your effort.


March 2025