Posts Tagged ‘rebirth’

Everyday is a great day

Everyday is a great day

Everyday is a great day thanks to the guidance of Mark Hamilton, and all the Neothink members. One needs to experience the power that comes by being part of Neothink to believe it. The values that one gains from Mark Hamilton, and Neothink members is truly unbelievable. Each member provides each other with valuable information that empowers the individual receiving it. This information allows one to view things different than how it was viewed before, and that is what grants one the power to make a difference. First, one learns to identify what is valuable and what is not. Second, one would learns how to become a value producer, and a supporter of values. Third, one becomes a creator of new values that never existed before, helping civilization move forward.
I would encourage everyone to experience what is to me, a rebirth of ones own self. You are not yourself until you discover your true purpose in life. Life is not what someone told you, it is what you experience by raising your awareness level. The more aware you are, the more you aline yourself with your true nature. Only then will one experience everyday being a great day.


NT Warrior


Greetings to all. Let me start by making a long story short full of honest facts that are not taken out of context. Neothink, Neothink Society, or the Twelve Vision World is the universal, and honest way to all aspects of life. Without fear to mention ther is a war or battle between to worlds; the dishonest antcivilization vs. the honest Neothink civilization. I have recapture this new world and way of thinking honestly from birth as a child eleven years ago. I am rebirth back to my origin as a human being and my mind is free from the lies and illusions of that fake, powerless, leeching world and the corrupted ones with their false authority to control others. Thanks to Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society the battle can be won beyond victory. Neothink is life and shall prevail over death.

March 2025