Posts Tagged ‘reason’

I support the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton

Honesty is a value that any thinking human being cannot be without. To be able to think honestly and know that your rights as a human being are being protected is the reason that the Neothink Society adds such a value to modern man. This is the reason that I support the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton. I want to be in a place where I and my children and their children can continue to think and express their thoughts in a honest manner.

others in the secret society have given me a reason to continue


I do have to say that you and the others in the secret society have given me a reason to continue to have hope for years I was misunderstood, where I live at they like to embrace small mindedness and only a select few such as myself like to read between the lines and look at things as they really are. My father used to talk about reading between the lines. I have to thank you for encouraging me to look beyond this realm of thinking. All my life I have had different thoughts on different aspects. To summarize, I have to say that not having all of us to follow our realities is like adopting a level of nonexistence! To take our life away from the real avenue of life would be a miscarriage of justice! I have been directed as to who I really am! It should be rendered as illegal to take away our true personalities!  Again, I thank you for directing my destiny. I know that this e-mail is somewhat brief, but I do sincerely hope that this helps. candace c

The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me

Anwser: The Neothink Society gave me the tools to cut the chains that bound me
to a self destruct, greedy, one tract mind, self centered society of idiots.
The world has gone crazy, I’m free with my own thoughts and answers to a better
place to live and work and hope for my Grand Children and future generations.
It also has presented solutions to change this crazy world, not just me.
To have wealth, health, love, peace and respect for each other is the goal of the
Neothink Society through the formation of the Twelve Visions Party this is very real.
Last: I’m 81 years old and it gave me reason to live to be a 100′
Long live Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Melvin G. Cornwell

March 2025