Posts Tagged ‘realist’

Neothink Society & TVP (Twelve Visions Party)

Neothink Society & TVP (Twelve Visions Party)
I have been with the Neothink Society for many years. My life has gone only one way due to that, only purely positive. I want only things that I have earned through hard work. I want only to help others. I don’t want to hurt or harm anyone.
My mind has evolved like it should have due to what I have learned through
Mark Hamilton’s literature. During my school years my mind was kept in a state of stasis due to what is “taught” in the school system. This is the way that your “government” and “government” controlled media wants you to stay. These things have to stop and go the way my life has been going. If things are left to the way things are going now… we are in deep trouble. You were duped by two words during our last Presidential election, and these two words were: HOPE and CHANGE. These two words were used to brain wash you into thinking that it would come true to get you to vote for them. Well it did come true but not the way you thought it would did it? We got change, but it was just a change of how destructive the government can be, in effect more and more of what has been done to us in the past, just more than we ever thought possible.
Soon you will be hit with another brainwashing technique used to discredit
Mark Hamilton and his Society, and also the Twelve Visions Party. The media will let loose another governmental forced false information onslaught of Mark Hamilton. Just take a realist look at what they tell of Mark and trust what I say here to you: Mark is a man that you can trust with your life! Can you say that about anyone in the “government” or media? NO! You can not. Mark Hamilton is a man who loves everyone on this planet and wants only to help each and every one of us to get out of this mess that “others” have constructed.
One way I can prove what I have told you is: Before all of this brainwashing starts. Go and get some of Mark’s literature and read it. That’s all you have to do to see what I have said previously is true and honest. It will open your eyes to what has been happening to us all and how to fix it. It is time to take back your own life and start living like you were always meant to live. I did it many years ago, and I will never turn back!
I love Mark Hamilton, and our huge growing Neothink Society.
Best wishes to all,
Scott Jordan

March 2025