Posts Tagged ‘real truth’

Now give Mark Hamilton a chance…

Have you ever noticed that everything the government has its hands in, that price always goes up, never down?
This is called inflation, or production costs or whatever other label they put on it.
To hide the real truth from you, and that is to keep you financially drained.
Here are just a few things that the government has control over:
-The Medical Industry…With all its assorted departments
-Oil and Gas: Government regulation and taxes
-Automobiles: there again regulations and taxes
-Energy: taxes on Electricity and fuel oil heating
The list goes on.
Every thing goes up up up never down. Caused by useless government rules and regulations, whose only purpose is to impose unfair burdens on you, the public.
They are constantly pushing Bills and laws to further stifle you.
Have you ever noticed that you are occasionally given a tax break ( Which make them look good to you) in one area, only to pay double in an other area. These are false government promises to you.
On the other hand any thing that the government is not involved in the prices go down and the value goes up. An example would be the computer industry.
Think about that. That is what the Twelve Visions Party will deliver.
Be aware that the government does not want you to know this or they will loose their power over you. So they will black list and lie to protect themselves.
If you listen to these lies and twisted truths you will loose your freedom, future prosperity and happiness.
Only to ruled over by an authority that in short order has no qualms of keeping you in the dark (ignorant) and financially broke. This way they have the power over you.
Open your minds. Learn as much as you can about the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for. Talk to your relatives and friends. So that you and your country and the rest of the world can enter a new era of peace and prosperity, filled with happiness and true freedom for all.
Many famous people have changed our lives… Einstein, Newton, Darwin etc..
Now give Mark Hamilton a chance to make our world a better and freer place to live.
Normand D

I want my Family and Friends to know this Beautiful TRUTH

Dear Mark Hamilton, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me into your Society. I knew right away I wanted to know more. I ordered and read all three manuscripts. I knew I would never be the same. It was like I had waited all my life for this. IT kept getting better and better my eyes had been opened to the real truth. IT was like some where inside I had already heard this many times before. IT had come from some where inside of me. Now Mark Hamilton from the books and tapes I am learning how to live the life I was meant to live. I want my Family and Friends to know this Beautiful TRUTH. Thank you, Thank you so very much for the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Parity. The Twelve Visions Party is in Actuality The World’s Peace Formula when The PRIME LAW TAKES EFFECT. Thanks Again, V. A.

Now give Mark Hamilton a chance…

Have you ever noticed that everything the government has its hands in, that price always goes up, never down?
This is called inflation, or production costs or whatever other label they put on it.
To hide the real truth from you, and that is to keep you financially drained.
Here are just a few things that the government has control over:
-The Medical Industry…With all its assorted departments
-Oil and Gas: Government regulation and taxes
-Automobiles: there again regulations and taxes
-Energy: taxes on Electricity and fuel oil heating
The list goes on.
Every thing goes up up up never down. Caused by useless government rules and regulations, whose only purpose is to impose unfair burdens on you, the public.
They are constantly pushing Bills and laws to further stifle you.
Have you ever noticed that you are occasionally given a tax break ( Which make them look good to you) in one area, only to pay double in an other area. These are false government promises to you.
On the other hand any thing that the government is not involved in the prices go down and the value goes up. An example would be the computer industry.
Think about that. That is what the Twelve Visions Party will deliver.
Be aware that the government does not want you to know this or they will loose their power over you. So they will black list and lie to protect themselves.
If you listen to these lies and twisted truths you will loose your freedom, future prosperity and happiness.
Only to ruled over by an authority that in short order has no qualms of keeping you in the dark (ignorant) and financially broke. This way they have the power over you.
Open your minds. Learn as much as you can about the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for. Talk to your relatives and friends. So that you and your country and the rest of the world can enter a new era of peace and prosperity, filled with happiness and true freedom for all.
Many famous people have changed our lives… Einstein, Newton, Darwin etc..
Now give Mark Hamilton a chance to make our world a better and freer place to live.
Normand D

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton:

The Neothink Society has been a life changing experience for me and my family in a positive way. Our way of thinking has been enhanced to see a clearer picture of where we want to go instead of where we were headed. Without Neothink and the associated people and prospects that we have been exposed to, the outlook we had did not look very promising. We have found many positive and similar thinking people through this life changing adventure. This is what this Country needs right now, millions of positive, like minded people. If people have not found out by now that the Government does not have their best interests in mind, then I do not know what will wake them up. Maybe reading messages like this one they will see that there are many people out there that have found a better way to deal with life’s issues and challenges. People need the support and encouragement of their fellow man to help achieve happiness and success, and that is what can be found in the Neothink Society. Instead of people trying to hold other people back or hold them down in a mind set of non-achievement.

Like you said in previous correspondences, the media will try to discredit Neothink and that is unfortunate. People should not make up their minds about something without actually checking into it for themselves. I believe most people would prefer to see something for themselves than just follow the lead of a media that is driven to slant the real truth just to make headlines. The public is starting to wake up as to what is really going on in this country and the world as a whole. I just hope enough people will become interested in finding the truth to a better way of living through an organization and people like that in Neothink. Being involved in Neothink has introduced me to people and opportunities that would not have been possible without it. I truly see that there is a better way. Life is not without it’s challenges and there is no free ride. We must all pull together in a common cause and help each other to achieve Health, Wealth, Peace, and Happiness. Thank you for continuing on with your father’s work to to educate people that there is a way to make life a happy, loving, and adventurous experience. All they have to do is open up and allow a new positive way of thinking to enter into their lives, which can be found in the Neothink Society.

Hopefully this letter will let a few people open up and see that any negative press you and Neothink will receive is not true.

I hope all is well with you and your family through the Holiday season.
Kevin T
New York



Have you ever noticed that everything the government has its hands in, that price always goes up, never down?
This is called inflation, or production costs or whatever other label they put on it.
To hide the real truth from you, and that is to keep you financially drained.

Here are just a few things that the government has control over:

-The Medical Industry…With all its assorted departments
-Oil and Gas: Government regulation and taxes
-Automobiles: there again regulations and taxes
-Energy: taxes on Electricity and fuel oil heating
The list goes on.
Every thing goes up up up never down. Caused by useless government rules and regulations, whose only purpose is to impose unfair burdens on you, the public.
They are constantly pushing Bills and laws to further stifle you.

Have you ever noticed that you are occasionally given a tax break ( Which make them look good to you) in one area, only to pay double in an other area. These are false government promises to you.

On the other hand any thing that the government is not involved in the prices go down and the value goes up. An example would be the computer industry.
Think about that. That is what the Twelve Visions Party will deliver.

Be aware that the government does not want you to know this or they will loose their power over you. So they will black list and lie to protect themselves.
If you listen to these lies and twisted truths you will loose your freedom, future prosperity and happiness.

Only to ruled over by an authority that in short order has no qualms of keeping you in the dark (ignorant) and financially broke. This way they have the power over you.

Open your minds. Learn as much as you can about the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for. Talk to your relatives and friends. So that you and your country and the rest of the world can enter a new era of peace and prosperity, filled with happiness and true freedom for all.

Many famous people have changed our lives… Einstein, Newton, Darwin etc..
Now give Mark Hamilton a chance to make our world a better and freer place to live.

Normand D

Twelve Visions Party

Normand D

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Have you ever noticed that everything the government has its hands in, that price always goes up, never down?
This is called inflation, or production costs or whatever other label they put on it.
To hide the real truth from you, and that is to keep you financially drained.

Here are just a few things that the government has control over:

-The Medical Industry…With all its assorted departments
-Oil and Gas: Government regulation and taxes
-Automobiles: there again regulations and taxes
-Energy: taxes on Electricity and fuel oil heating
The list goes on.
Every thing goes up up up never down. Caused by useless government rules and regulations, whose only purpose is to impose unfair burdens on you, the public.
They are constantly pushing Bills and laws to further stifle you.

Have you ever noticed that you are occasionally given a tax break ( Which make them look good to you) in one area, only to pay double in an other area. These are false government promises to you.

On the other hand any thing that the government is not involved in the prices go down and the value goes up. An example would be the computer industry.
Think about that. That is what the Twelve Visions Party will deliver.

Be aware that the government does not want you to know this or they will loose their power over you. So they will black list and lie to protect themselves.
If you listen to these lies and twisted truths you will loose your freedom, future prosperity and happiness.

Only to ruled over by an authority that in short order has no qualms of keeping you in the dark (ignorant) and financially broke. This way they have the power over you.

Open your minds. Learn as much as you can about the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for. Talk to your relatives and friends. So that you and your country and the rest of the world can enter a new era of peace and prosperity, filled with happiness and true freedom for all.

Many famous people have changed our lives… Einstein, Newton, Darwin etc..
Now give Mark Hamilton a chance to make our world a better and freer place to live.

Normand D

March 2025