Posts Tagged ‘real peace’

Mark Hamilton has really given this world as a whole a real purpose


For many years there has been many places that I have visited and they all had some answers to life and some made even some sense. But I had a strange inward feeling that their was a higher calling. Something else was drawing me to a real realty. As I was drawing them to me. See a lot of people will tell you they care and some are sincere but others are not. Mark Hamilton has really given this world as a whole a real purpose and meaning. That is not only balanced and fair because it is based in realty and it makes a whole lot of sense his writings are incredible to say the least. Between the society and the writings of Mark Hamilton life has so much hope and real honesty that one can take these tools which he has given us so that we can make a real difference in this very sick and twisted society that we live in. Around the world we see so much hurt and pain I can not wait till the Twelve Visions World comes. A world of peace and love and mutual respect for one another,truth and liberty and justice for all that is what our brother an mentor and friend wants for all of us a fair shake for all the world. and for that, I will always be in such great debt to such a wonderful person who is not afraid to cry out loud and show the world through his writings that we dont have to be against one another, But that we can have a real peace that can be reached through the twelve visions. P.S. THANK YOU YOUR BROTHER AND FRIEND NICHOLAS VIOLA KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

The Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton will help everyone

To my Brothers and sisters:

My name is Nicholas Viola, and I want to tell my story on how I have personally been blessed to have come in contact with the Neothink Society . For many years I have been going many places and meeting many people. Who have made claims that they care for me or even others. I have heard many talk shows and opinions on how to cure the ills and sickness that exist in our world and this great country. But the materiel’s from the writings of Mark Hamilton have truly affected me in a positive way, it has made me really realize their are real solutions to help people all over this wonderful earth. And one real solution is the Twelve Visions Party. From a grass roots movement and with the message of peace and love and heath and wealth. Well what more can I say well the answer is plenty wile people play with our futures we want real answer to only help one anther. The Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton will help everyone. The writings will help take our thinking to a new level. I have a lot to be thankful for and the future now seam’s real bright now that these writings have brought a real peace to my life and others that I know. I will always be thank full for Mark Hamilton Twelve Visions Party and the Neo think Society, What a great place to be in history finally the world can really be one with the universe and with one and another thank you Mark Hamilton for your courage and honesty and your love as a brother and a friend may peace and love fill you and protect you and your family, you truly are a asset to humanity as a whole

Love always Nicholas Viola

March 2025