Posts Tagged ‘real desire’

I urge everyone who has a real desire to survive the current economical and political …

     My name is Raymond and I’m 57 yrs old. I had been searching for that “Some Thing More” in my life that had been eluding me for the first 54 years of my life. Now I have found my reason for living, my purpose in life,and a passion I never knew I had before.

     I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for his wonderful literature and The Neothink Society for enlightening me to the honest reality of the person I was meant to be. I thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for introducing me to the fantastic world of Neothink and the visions of the Twelve Visions Party that would enable people of this country to climb out of the down-ward spiral of living in a world of lies, dellusions,fraud and coersion that has kept us all from the pursuit of real life,liberty,prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.

     I can not imagine a world where the ideas of Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party did not exist. I fear that without the hope that Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party can bring to the world; we will end-up destroying this country, this civilization and this planet by sheer frustration and ultimately creat a cataclismic catastrophy that will enialate us as a species.

     I look to the future of mankinds’ ONLY real hope for survival to continue to move forward and usher in the kind of world that the Fore-Fathers of this country risked all to bring to us many years ago. The future they envisioned is Not the one we are all living. The future they had hoped for and paid dearly to secure Finally has a chance to become a beautiful reality with the emergence of Mr Mark Hamiltons’ Neothink Society and the new political arm of this Society know as The Twelve Visions Party.

     Our children and our grandchildren are counting on all of us to rally behind Mr. Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party to secure not only our futures but theirs’ as well.The Neothink Society and all that this Society stands for is the ONLY way that any of the people of this world can continue to look to their futures and say,”At last!” we have a real and lasting way to accomplish all that our individual hearts desire of living in peace and harmony and love with the inhabitants of this beautiful place we call Earth.

     I urge everyone who has a real desire to survive the current economical and political state of the world today to seek out The Neothink Society Clubhouses around the country and learn for themselves the real value offered to them by Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party. Go to for more info.

 Thank you, Raymond D

March 2025