Posts Tagged ‘read books’

I read most of the 3 Neothink books …


I read most of the 3 Neothink books and they have helped me a lot, I truly believe if a person reads & really studies them it would be the best education that you could get.


Your invitation to read the Three Neothink books …

Dear Mark,

Your invitation to read the Three Neothink books, encouraged and stimulated me to change a lot of my thinking.

I have read most of your books …


I have read most of your books that I have received and believe they show a new perspective on life.

With the Neothink Literature, I was able to open up a business …

With the Neothink Literature, I was able to open up a business that Mr. Mark Hamilton has and will always be conducting, with his literature, I have followed for the last 12 years, how to run a successful Business without having to read any other Book, or format or read 10 to 15 books, Following his format and following every detailed that he has written, I have been a very successful Business owner, nobody that I know has the master in Business that Mark taught me thru his Literature. I believe that Mark Hamilton has taken the time and the love to write positively to anyone that has read his literature, He is not only a teacher, an Inspiration to me, and I know that to anyone that has read any of his writing. We should have more writers like him, he teaches you about life, about what to expect from life, He directs you into the reality of life.

I have read Marks' books and I believe he's a visionary …

Hi, Mark

My name is Ralph C., I’m an apprentice, I have read Marks’ books and I believe he’s a visionary and has a system that can benefit all of mankind.

I believe Mark has a big heart and just wants all the population of the world to have great wealth and good health and romantic relationships for everyone.

The information I have received from Marks’ Neothink books has enriched my life to a higher level than I’ve ever been. I can now see through the illusions to the essence

of what is.

I have read the 3 Neothink books that Mark Hamilton wrote…

I have read the 3 Neothink books that Mark Hamilton wrote and it has changed the direction of my life.

Dear Mark Hamilton, I've read all three Neothink books.

Dear Mark Hamilton, I’ve read all three Neothink books.

I have read through the Neothink books you sent, I especially liked…

I have read through the Neothink books you sent, I especially liked the book on inner circle secrets.

As one of the people that have read your Neothink books

As one of the people that have read your Neothink books over many

Read three books all pages were total honest as the truth is for told…

Read three books

March 2025