Posts Tagged ‘puzzle’

I really like the Neothink Discovery books with a whole new way of thinking …

I really like the Neothink Discovery books with a whole new way of thinking as value creator teaching integrated thinking puzzle thinking.

Every day, I am watching what is going on around the world.

Every day, I am watching what is going on around the world. It seems like I’ve seen it in the puzzle and the stories you have created in the Neothink Inside Secret books.

The Twelve Visions Party is an important…

Mark Hamilton
The Miss Annabelle’s story was the most touching and inspirational story I have ever read. The story touched my soul deeply, at times I cried and by the end I was filled with such happiness and hope for the future. Miss Annabelle is truly my hero I deeply love her. I can not convey the emotions I feel as I write this. In the end I thought it was just a story, until I was introduced to the Neothink Society and was able to experience the vast integrations from other people, that I realized the Miss Annabelle’s story would be actualized out of the Neothink Society. This society would change the world and bring about the Twelve Visions World. The Twelve Visions Party is an important puzzle peace to expose the great values of the Twelve Visions World to the people.
Thank You
Jon Quigley

I picked the book up again and read about Mark Hamilton


I received your letter to me in April 2007. I was curious so as the letters kept coming I was becoming interested to find out more expecting it to be a scam. I was at the point of my life that I was very disgusted with (what I later learned was the AC) all I wanted to do was let my life run out so I could go to heaven where I had my mansion and would not have to live with people abusing everything. After I read my first heirloom, some of which I did not understand but as you said, I would absorb it. Then came the second heirloom which was very shocking. The worst part to accept was the religious part. I had always had God to depend on and when I found out that was everyone and accepted that as the truth. It was a great relief to finally not have to feel guilty about not wanting to be humble and my feelings that I have always had about most everything was right. Then I read the 3rd heirloom and it was so interesting I did not want to put it down until I found out it was not this present world .  Then I said “O.K. That is the scam not I can feel like a fool. A few days later I picked the book up again and read about Mark Hamilton. So I finished the book and found out about the levels and got my trust working again and have had so many fascinating thing happen to me. I am ready to help anyway possible but I find my FNE wanting to work with Neothink cities eventually. Thank you for finding me and I know that I am a part of the puzzle. Pat Stanfill

Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly…


Hello Mark,

Below please find my response in regards to what Neothink has done for me:

1. Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly in the real meaning of life for me.  Together with power-thinking, I’m able to snap together puzzle pieces immediately.

2. It has affirmed the eternal honesty state of being in my future development with a clear plan of action.  With this plan, I will move forward in the never ending journey of my life, as a self-leader.

3. Neothink has measured and made known to me my progress in all phases of life. By honesty integrations of reality into my time and space, values are created, I’m able to take control of my environment and conditions thereof, where by creating time for all our future.   

Otto Beasley

Making a Decision


A few years ago I made the decision to get the Prime Literature, and in one year my life changed drastically. Mark Hamilton told us when we were going through the different levels how much our lives would change, and he was right. The group of people that I am involved with are all working to better our lives, and the lives of all the people we know. As we progress in our society, and we see the picture more clearly, we are now snapping the pieces of our puzzle into an amazing framework that others will be able to replicate.

My life is getting better everyday as I use the tools that Mark has shared with us. I have stepped out of the familiar routines that I use to do, and have stepped up, to take on responsibilites that I have never done before. This is challenging, but very rewarding as I continue to grow into the person I am meant to be.

I am looking forward to the journey that I’m on, and with the amazing people that I have met; I really look forward to meeting all the people that the society is attracting, learning about them, and watching them grow with me. We are such a diverse group, but the common dominators are so obvious now. It is really fun to get together with like-minded people,and the time goes by so fast, that I don’t want our time together to end.

I know that as we continue to work on our puzzle that our world will keep changing for the betterment of society. Mark Hamilton is responsible for bringing about this change in all that he does for us; Thank you Mark, and I hope that you will continue to lead us as you always have with integrity, and love for all.



I am an educated man. Since I began studying and applying Neothink principles there has been a quickening in my life.

Life has become an interesting puzzle-snapping experience vaulting me forward to unimagined material success.

I am 54 years old and have lived a life most would envy. However, the missing piece has been found- Neothink.

In a few short months, I will be bringing into my business a fortune chain of investors to create a force the world has never seen- overnight.

It has been right in front of me for at least five years; but, I didn’t have the eyes to see it.

NeoThink has been a solid part of my daily life since mid-2009. I had a plan for my life. I was 15 years into it, a 25 year plan. I was making progress on all fronts.

Enter Neothink: the plan was realized in a white hot flash of an instant.

Though the wheels of execution will take 8 more months- I am skipping 7 years of stagnating drudgery.

Neothink is right now.

I am right now.




MY life has changed ever since reading the work of Mark Hamilton. His work is so real and accurate that reality has became more understandable, Before I knew about neothink my life was vague and uncertain but thinks for Mark Hamilton and neo-think the missing parts of the puzzle are found.I can’t began to explain what neothink has done for me

Hey Neothink world,


            If it weren’t for Neothink and the society I myself would still be in the everyday rut.  In reading the second multigenerational package I was able to find the person I was meant to be.  Before that, out of boredom, I would leave work and drink beer all weekend long and watch tv, but know I spend many hours researching penny stocks, buying into dividend reinvestment plans and am now beginning to look into options investing.  Although not exactly where I’d like to be just yet in my portfolio, it is getting easier to see the end results I’m looking for through doing the puzzle building in my mind.  If it weren’t for Neothink and the society, I’d probably still be “working for the weekend” as the song goes, but now life is new and exciting and full of options.

I call Neothink the rut buster.  If the government wants to take that away from me, there going to have to physically come and get the manuscripts!  If more folks were privy to our writings and ideas we might be able to truly adopt a Neothink Constitution.  The politicians are scared of these publications not for the fact that the ideas in our books won’t work, but for the fact their days are numbered once the anticivilization catches on to our teachings.

Thanks to you Mark and the society for showing me how to truly be my own authority and be who I want to be.

Brian N

Mark Hamilton’s work fulfills my expectations


My experience with Neothink Society has been incredible, It’s literature and whole information gave me  a new way to see the life ( recovery the faith on people),  and regain confident on me.  And the most important be certainty that the human being has a bright and  a wonderful future in his own hands.  Mark Hamilton’s work fulfills my expectations about the great man’s destiny.  I has been a privilege to be selected to become a member of this Society and I am eager to do my part of job to get the goals  that let us to drive the human being to that road to reach its unlimited happiness and creativity.   Thanks with all my heart for the opportunity of become a tiny piece of this supper puzzle!
Teresa G

March 2025