Posts Tagged ‘purpose of life’

A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton,
A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton,and I purchase his literature. I read all and I gained so much knowledge, my life change for the better its so enlightening knowing about harmony,the universe and learning about yourself and the real value creator. Knowing the purpose of life is to live happily and the government must provide that condition; no initiatory force, fraud or coercion by any person or group against any individual property or contract; means freedom to all. We must have universal law wealth, health and peace.
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink society the TVP is the bridge for all humanity of the universe where pure love and honesty, peace, making people rich including the elderly and the poor along in great health and happiness for ever.
And, TVP’s aim is to depoliticize the present form of Government and release the geniuses of the world, to create values and meet our every need and feel the millionaire life. That’s why I am so proud member of Neothink society.
Mark Hamilton is so compassionate, so very genius, helping the whole world most especially to all of us, our loved ones, for all our children’s future!!! and most important we are all in the way to immortality life!!!
Wake up every one read and learn Mark Hamilton’s literature!!!
Luisa P

I want to thank Mark Hamilton

To the Neothink® Society,
I want to thank Mark Hamilton for being the business minded genius that he is. The books he writes and publishes through his publishing company shows that genius. He has developed a philosophy that is unprecedented to any other. Out of this philosophy has emerged a new way of thinking. I am so grateful to be a part of The Neothink® Society. I am shown something that many don’t see. I have learned how to think for myself. This is quite a new concept for most of society. I am growing to know who I really am. Not what others say I should be. It is a wonderful, empowering experience. I am on a journey of no return. It is an exhilarating journey.
Out of The Neothink® Society has emerged a new political party. The Twelve Visions Party. I believe in this party with all of my heart. The TVP stands for individual rights. It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.
The purpose of life is to live happily. The purpose of government is to provide that condition. No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. This means FREEDOM for all! Not just a minority. No more government interference in anything other than protection. What a wonderful THOUGHT after the farce that the career politicians have made of OUR Country. Time to take it back! We are all smart enough to know that the small bit of freedom we think we’ve got will only get smaller if we continue to travel the political path we are on. We need a new way of thinking. Neothink®. We need to take our country back. We are also smart enough to know that when these career politicians begin to feel the importance of The Twelve Visions Party they will do everything in their power to silence this party, this philosophy, and this man. EVERYTHING.
I must stand up for what I believe in. For the future of my family, my friends, and the world. I WILL THINK FOR MYSELF! LET FREEDOM RING! Thank you for this gift to ME, Mark Hamilton. I am now a Neothink®er. I am also becoming a self leader. What a wonderful gift you have given the world.
With Gratitude, Happiness, and Love,
Rhonda L. F

Mark Hamilton is the person…

The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party will save America and the world from going down the drain. Mark Hamilton is the person that has given us the tools to correct what is wrong with everything. What a political nightmare we are living in, where it isn’t anything about the left, right or even the center, but rather a bunch of politicians that just keep messing things up by doing nothing to help us, just line their own pockets to get re-elected. The current media seems just to be a tool to help them mess things up a little faster.
Here is what Neothink has done for me:
I absolutely embrace life. I love my life, my family and my friends. I honestly am living the life I was meant to live. I have grown so much during my journey in the Neothink Society, that I can say I am a new man, I’m not the old guy trapped in my body living an insane life. I am a vibrant, enthusiastic, fun loving, energetic person that acts like I’m much younger than I really am. I have learned the true secrets to life, the true meaning to life. I now have controls over what I thought were once limited and impossible to do anything about, but now realized were just mere illusions.
What the Neothink Society means to me is Everything. That’s right, everything in my life now has purpose and true meaning. I have discovered my true essence, and am currently loving and living life to the fullest every moment.
I’ve learned it’s not just OK to be happy occasionally, In fact I have learned that happiness is the moral purpose of life. I find much happiness in all things. I find happiness even in the difficult situations most would just not see. I have discovered a very special person within that completes me, my child of the past that never gave in. I removed the so called common knowledge that most succumb to in belief it is just the way it is suppose to be. I have learned how to free my child of my past to run free, grow and flourish. I am living my “Friday Night Essence.” I’m doing what makes me happy, but I become extremely happy seeing others discover and live in their essence too.
My newfound knowledge and belief in myself has yielded some nice results, but does not even compare to my confidence and fully integrated honest approach to my personal and business life. I am able to out-compete in every competitive situation plus protect myself and my loved ones from most all dishonest, greedy and deceitful individuals. It is as though I can put on special goggles and see the truth. I now know this is merely peeling off many layers of un-truths and discover that I always knew the truth, but it was shrouded in cleverly disguised dishonest manufactured facts.
It is as if I have a special friend in the know that has taken me under his wing and given me all of life’s advantages and protections. The great thing is that I do have a really great friend and mentor and you can too. His name is Mark Hamilton and he, along with some really fantastic integrated people are just waiting to take you on the same wonderful journey I have been on along with some of the most truly wonderful and amazing people you will ever meet.
The Neothink Society levels the playing field in an honest and fully integrated way. This is a journey that has already changed my life for the better, and my sincere wish is to encourage you to check out our Neothink Society and let us help you free your beautiful child of the past and help you discover how to live the life you were meant to live too.

Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, and…

Dear Mark;
Thank you for your life changing literature and everything that you stand for with Neothink. IIt has been life changing for me.Joe-NewYork
I am thankful for the gifts of knowledge I have gained thru Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, and The Twelve Visions Party. I have discovered the power within me that has laid dormant all my life. I am a Self Leader, responsible for everything I have and everything I have become.
Through Mark Hamilton and Neothink I have come to realize that true happiness begins when one accept the fact that everything, good and bad you have in your life is there because you have asked for it. I have become a Self Leader though my apprenticeship with The Neothink Society. I am very thankful that I was approached by The Neothink Society!
I believe the only way to return to the base principles that this great country was founded on and to grow toward a real future full of promise is with The Twelve Visions Party. It is obvious that what was intended has been perverted by those in power and elected office now. It is time for us all to have self responsibility, and less government involvement and control of our daily lives and activities!
The purpose of life is to live happily. The purpose of government is to provide that condition. No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. This means Freedom For All! Not just a minority. No more government interference in anything other than protection.
Thank you Mark so very much for thinking enough of me to invite me into The Neothink Society and the mentoring over the years! I look forward to the Twelve Visions Party getting this country back to its intended principals brought by the founding fathers!
Rick B

I am thankful for the gifts of knowledge I have gained thru Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark;
Thank you for your life changing literature and everything that you stand for with Neothink. IIt has been life changing for me.Joe-NewYork
I am thankful for the gifts of knowledge I have gained thru Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, and The Twelve Visions Party. I have discovered the power within me that has laid dormant all my life. I am a Self Leader, responsible for everything I have and everything I have become.
Through Mark Hamilton and Neothink I have come to realize that true happiness begins when one accept the fact that everything, good and bad you have in your life is there because you have asked for it. I have become a Self Leader though my apprenticeship with The Neothink Society. I am very thankful that I was approached by The Neothink Society!
I believe the only way to return to the base principles that this great country was founded on and to grow toward a real future full of promise is with The Twelve Visions Party. It is obvious that what was intended has been perverted by those in power and elected office now. It is time for us all to have self responsibility, and less government involvement and control of our daily lives and activities!
The purpose of life is to live happily. The purpose of government is to provide that condition. No initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract. This means Freedom For All! Not just a minority. No more government interference in anything other than protection.
Thank you Mark so very much for thinking enough of me to invite me into The Neothink Society and the mentoring over the years! I look forward to the Twelve Visions Party getting this country back to its intended principals brought by the founding fathers!
Rick B

Thanks to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society…


Thanks to Mr. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society being selected to join the Society is the utmost stimulating event that I have ever had happen to me. Thank you Mark  Hamilton.

After receiving and reading the 3 manuscripts that were written and published by Mark Hamilton I was very able to see that he is true to his name a literary genius. Changes in my life started happening soon after I finished reading his manuscripts. At  first I began to feel better physically .My business started growing beyond belief and is still growing. My home life with my wife and children has become so amazingly smooth that it looks as though it were a fairy tale.

The next awakening that I received after reading and understanding the Twelve Visions Party in manuscript #2 it became very clear to me that the TVP is so simple that I cannot imagine why more of us did not recognize it sooner. It’s probably due to the fact that we all have lived our lives in the bicameral mode until now. This is the point in our training that Neothink takes hold of our thinking. This brings the ten second miracle  to our minds and is available to everyone.

The wonderful thing about the Neothink is that it trains a person to think for themselves. Thinking for one’s self leads us to what is the purpose of life? The purpose of life is to  live happily. This has brought an aura of utopia into my life  as it does to all members of the Neothink Society. It will be a very special day whenever everyone reaches this level in their lives.

The Neothink Society has laid the foundation for the last piece of the puzzle  to be completed. Our forefathers laid the first piece of the puzzle by writing the Declaration of Independence. The Twelve Visions Party will provide the solution for the final piece to be snapped into place.

The future of mankind looks very promising and with the guidance and leadership of Mark Hamilton the transition to a new life will be smooth and rewarding. We need him Mark Hamilton to lead and make sure that our health, happiness and wealth will be available to all during our lifetime.

I am writing this in all sincerity Mark Hamilton. You have my vote and support.


After reading your Prime Literature…


Dear Mark Hamilton,

I am writing this letter to express to you my deep and heartfelt appreciation for the tremendous positive impact you have had on my life. I am truly thankful that there is someone like you spending his precious time thinking about, and developing methods his fellow human beings can use to live healthier, happier, and more prosperous lives.

I have been a member of your Neothink Society for almost four years and I have discovered the life I was meant to live. I now believe there is hope for all mankind to contribute to society in a positive way which will bring a rewarding sense of fulfillment to their lives. After reading your Prime Literature, I now realize the purpose of life is to live happily and prosper. Previous to being contacted by you, I was growing more and more anxious about the years passing by so quickly. I was playing out the back nine of my life, and quite concerned about what lay ahead for me as I grew older. Now as a result of my association with you, and other Neothink Society members, I am on a path which has brought me great happiness, personal growth, and a renewed jest for life!

I have read about, understand the principles of, and believe in your new Twelve Visions Party. I believe it supports what the “Founding Fathers of these United States” originally intended when they developed the Constitution. I believe that the Founding Father’s purpose of the constitution has been lost over the years with the ever expanding size of the government, and it’s involvement into citizen’s lives. We have lost focus of what “Government for the People” is supposed to mean. I believe the Founding Fathers created our government to serve “We the People” It was not their intention for government to be involved in every aspect of our lives. We were meant to be self leaders responsible for our own lives. It was not meant for us to be totally dependent on the government which is where we are heading. Because of you, I now take responsibility for my own life, and do my due diligence to research all aspects of my life to care for myself and my family. The Twelve Visions Party will provide personal protection for all citizens and at the same time allow individuals to pursue the lives they were meant to live.

Thank you for all you’ve done, and continue to do for us!

~ Bruce A.

I read the Neothink manuscript…


Dear Mark

In answer to your request I sincerely hope you will not get shut down. I read the Neothink manuscript and I can’t tell you how long I have waited for someone to put into words what we all suffer throughout life but could never really fully express. It is so eloquently stated in your manuscripts. I have believed in your thoughts and ideas long before I ever saw them in printed word. I just did not think that such a huge undertaking of a life’s work could ever be put into the written page. I am so glad you were able to do so and in so doing are giving of yourself so that others will also have the ability to see as clearly their life’s path and the many directions it can take with a little push and some clear knowledge and understanding.

No matter if the media and all the nay-sayers oppose your work the main message that comes to me loud and clear is that to have a beautiful life you must understand the value of the life you do have and make changes if you want to make it even more amazing. This gift of of life is so precious that to give in without fully understanding this gift is really truly a sad state of affairs in this world we live today. I can only hope you will continue your amazing work that has so enriched my life already and made a lot of the principles of life even more valuable than I had ever realized before. You make the purpose of life abundantly clear in the written and spoken form in which you present your visions. If a multitudes of people had more access to your work perhaps their wouldn’t be so many depressed and despondent souls out there in the world.

I truly and honestly encourage and support all the work you do now and in the future. I pray this will not be the end of your life’s work for you have reached so many, but yet so many more still need to be reached in what ever available format necessary so that your work will not die.

In my life your words have already become a part of my life. And I am very grateful.

For me your words and the work you have done will never die.



Mark Hamilton

I have been reading Neothink books since the ’80s. My greatest gift from Mark Hamilton’s books has been to be an independent thinker. Mark Hamilton’s mentoring has given me self-leadership. There is an athenticity in his writings that urges me into self-leadership. I am guiding my family and friends into the mental shift and that shift is to know the purpose of life and that purpose is to live happily. Mark Hamilton’s mentoring is guiding the Neothink society into creating a government that will not use initiatory force against us. They will offer us protection ONLY. I am very excited about this. My life gets better every day. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Kay S
New York

University of Life

Hi, everyone !

My name is Antonio and I came from Brazil and I’m living here in USA since 2005, and more specifically in Colorado State since June/06. I’m very proud and happy in belonging to NEOTHINK SOCIETY as a member. I’m very grateful to this Society because its changes a lot my life, and of course, for better.

I’ve experienced many things on many fields during my lifetime before get into NEOTHINK SOCIETY. I have done many studies and researches on the path of my life, but nothing can be compared with I’ve learned and what I’m learning in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY. The NEOTHINK SOCIETY is the highest graduation that a human being can have at the ” UNIVERSITY OF LIFE”, because it can be applied on all segments of our lives.

NEOTHINK SOCIETY to me, is main piece of my life, its show me the way of better living, better relationships, better loving, and the most important, I’m knowing others NEOTHINK SOCIETY members that will be friends for LIFE. It’s so amazing that we are a group of people(brotherhood), who want to see the world changed, and it’s possible to break out our world to a DREAM world with the power of NEOTHINK SOCIETY.

The NEOTHINK SOCIETY has opened up a whole new world for me. It shows me the purpose of life, that’s the purpose of total consciousness of life as a target for all of us.

At NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I’m feeling and understanding better my interactions with our world, because its allow me to brings everything to knowledge and then consciousness, which means a better CONTROL of my LIFE. Now, with the knowledge of an INTEGRATED THINKING, which it means better solutions to our life and its permits to expand to other people making them more happier and wealthier.

Before NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I was a dreamer but now, I’m a dream doer of positive thoughts with production values. I upgraded myself to the heights that I never have experienced before, and now I’m stepping forward a big turnaround in the essence of my life.

I have no words to express my gratitude to MARK HAMILTON and NEOTHINK SOCIETY

March 2025