Posts Tagged ‘public debates’

Open Your Senses

Neothink Literature gives me unending value. Every time I read, it always is fresh and cuts to the essence of things. Every day I am different in some way and I get flashes of wisdom (integrations) that widen my perspective of knowledge and understanding ever more. Neothink cuts through illusions to reveal one reality.
The clarity I have in my mind now is extraordinary. Compare myself to I of 10 years ago and yes I have matured anyway, but Neothink knowledge has given me something more than I could ever find anywhere else, which I describe as an Olympian-like perspective.
Everywhere people are like-minded about the myth of authority even if they don’t explicitly know the internal machinations. They see mostly through the lies but they feel nothing can be done and say, “oh well, what can you do?” With the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society they now have a voice, an outlet, a cause, a future, as hoax upon lie upon deception is unraveled with mind-liberating awe. They can think freely past that rationalization now. I can hear the cheering already as Neothink men and women reduce politicians to null points in public debates, I can see the politician sweating, knowing that their tricks are no longer invisible with large crowds booing them. I can see the proud faces of visionaries creating values and fixing up the mess left by big government. I can see the joy on the faces of children looking forward to school learning to be integrated thinkers.
Others close their eyes, ears, mouth and mind and take a vow of silence that they will never ask questions, never bring up their rights and never challenge authority, then choose the lazy attitude and worshipfully except that the false authority of government is absolutely necessary. It seems totally crazy to me that some people actually believe themselves and others should be controlled in order to benefit society, but they believe it because they are programmed to once they were born.
People everywhere, those of you that suspect the illusion and deception, now is the time you can do something and no longer feel helpless because the Neothink Movement is growing worldwide and also the Twelve Visions Party that grew from the Neothink Society. If you see or hear negative comments or campaigns against Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, know now from me that it is dishonest lies being spread that are pathetic and immature and intended to rob you, your children and civilization of a better future with abundant health, wealth and peace. With the world going the way it is, it doesn’t look like it is going to get better by itself, what with the endless spiral of wars and catastrophes spearheaded by parasitical elites. The time has come for us all to grow and take responsibility by applying Neothink to society, the visionary innovation with Neothink and the TVP is the answer to the current failing system inbuilt with corruption, people everywhere are seeing through the lies. Like when someone reveals a magician’s secrets to his magic tricks, it becomes plainly obvious and even disappointing at how easily we were tricked, same goes with those in power who feed us lies to keep us tame, naïve and subservient. Once you see how they do their tricks, it becomes so obvious. Don’t close your eyes and ears to what the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party is about, even if now you don’t understand, you should still support it and learn more later because you have my honest word today that this is pure genius innovation and permanent change, not just lip-service, there is no sleight-of-hand, there is no smoke and mirrors. Visionary work is being done in the world, not only by Mark Hamilton, but by increasing numbers of self leader neothinkers worldwide. This is truly a remarkable time in history, that you are learning about once and for all. A completely integrated solution is unfolding for the masses to rise up to better standards of living beyond what the masses have ever known, and this is not naïve talk or wishful thinking from me. When you have the growing wide and integrated perspective I have, you can recognize what does not logically follow or fit in place. There might be a lot of bad publicity by the media to come toward NT and TVP, but it is done by envious and ignorant people who want the “average” person, who strives to make a productive living, to not have a bright future, wealth, health or peace, while the bureaucrat and politician enjoys unearned wealth and privilege.
People stand together, now is the time, embrace and support Mark Hamilton and his heroic efforts in founding the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party.

March 2025