Posts Tagged ‘prosperity’

I’m new to this, but already my life has changed.

I’m new to this, but already my life has changed. Knowing that I’m not the only one who believes there is a better world built from rational thought, one that is full of prosperity and love has enriched me beyond words. If only more would simply take the time to investigate I believe they would see the reality of Neothink. As I read through the initial material, I found myself becoming calmer knowing that there really is a possible fantastically bright future for everyone who wants it. As I continue through the more advanced material, the reality of Neothink becomes clearer and clearer. Thank God Mark Hamilton has taken the time and energy to put together the Neothink information and share it with others. In today’s world, most would simply keep it for themselves and maybe a few close friends. Instead, Mark has taken it upon himself to shine the light on anyone willing to take a look.
Keep thinking
Duane B

Track for a HUGE VICTORY!

Each day brings massive new understanding, because each day I read and re-read the literature by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! Those nuggets of honesty expand my vision, and today I am looking out into the future, knowing with full confidence that I am moving in the right direction! I am becoming more and more competent and competitive! I am growing and creating more and more values for EVERYONE! I have already WON! Like the chessmaster who can see his victory 10 moves in advance. I can see my prosperity explosion just on the horiZon, 5 to 10 years into the future. The steady building now is bringing that wonderful future into my life!

Mark Hamilton’s writings and the inspiring interactions with others in the Neothink Society were the spark and fuel that lit my fire!

Get fired up!


The Person We are Meant to Be

Let’s each one of us become the person we were meant to be. When we are little, say preschool age, we dream of a fun future full of success. We see our future full of excitement. When we become adults we find ourselves in a stagnated job, drab lifestyle and mostly difficult relationships. The motivational drive of those earlier years melting away.
The techniques we need to travel the path to find the person we were meant to be is found in the Twelve Visions with Mark Hamilton as our mentor. Mark Hamilton has found the person he is meant to be and is eager to give that gift to all of us. He is motivated by a deep desire for each of us to have prosperity and happiness.
I am still searching for my essence. But that is OK with me. I am filled with happiness and moving into better relationships with wonderful-minded people. As they say in the vernacular ‘I’m moving on up’.
I am filled with love. The love I am feeling within me is new to me. It is a radiating love. I feel it all around me. I am confident I will find the person I am meant to be.
One last thing: Thank you Mark Hamilton.

New York City

Mark Hamilton who turned my life 360 degrees


This lines of gratitude are for Mark Hamilton who turned my life 360 degrees
I am different ME now My child of the past came back to life again.That child
was burried for many years in this

In this anticivilization we have NOT CHOICE but to live suffer and die in a bizarrely-unnatural world in apolitically and religiously
But I’m happy because a great prosperity
awaits for us
Mark I am ready to take care BUSINESS
war your brother in this vision
mike c


Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created…

This will be short and to the point.  
Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a society that will accomplish what our forefathers first conceived, yet fell shot of bringing completely to fruition.  
I believe totally that the Neothink Society supported by the Twelve Visions Party will bring complete prosperity to America first and then the entire world.  
I have always believed that we as human beings are capable of conceiving and creating anything, plus nature can provide everything we will ever need.  
I also believe that becoming a Twelve Visions World is definitely an achievable goal and one that has always been our destiny.
Thank you Mr. Hamilton, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for helping to make all of this possible.

Douglas W. H


THANKS Mark Hamilton

My Name is Devin and today I just have to tell you what Neothink is to me.
For years I have struggled with myself because my persona reached its limits while my mind sought to achieve more. This created a great stress on my life wanting to obtain things so to become happy but my happiness was out of reach because like many I live and have lived paycheck to paycheck.

Neothink made me really look at myself and wonder why my goals aren’t being achieved.  Not only did it show my why I am unhappy but how to overcome it.  It continues to teach me so I am able to feed my mind what it wants and give my life success.  I’m currently in a building stage from the stand point of success.  Every day is better and along the way Neothink is helping me to appreciate what I am to be so not to ever lose it once I fully achieve.

I was always a grand thinker but my thoughts were misplaced or better yet, mismanaged.  Neothink is helping me to give my thoughts meaning as well as structure.  I am currently figuring myself out more so to build values for myself thus leading to my idea of success.  Values that one day I will be able to translate in terms others can understand and achieve their goals.

My family is already benefiting from my new (old but finally realized) thought processes.  I’m surrounded by just a whole bunch of love and appreciation but not only from my immediate family but my new Neothink family.  A family that will help you through your problems because even if you are a middle child you are looked at as equal.

I look forward to government officials who practices Neothink, after all the basis of it is success thru honesty.  Governments need virtuous officials whose only desire is to stand up and fight for honesty and prosperity for all.

To sum it all up for me Neothink shows how to achieve and utilize powerful mind, feel everything with passion, and live honestly.  The great news however about the tools Neothink provides is that im only just getting started and I’m excited to make that above list longer.

To the ones that will have honest virtues rule the world, THANKS Mark Hamilton, for letting me see with my very own eyes that good people can come in abundance.

Devin T


Who would you help?


Another breakthrough moment today!

I just discovered another thing that I LOVE about the Neothink® Society and it’s incredible Business Alliance!

If you had a gift that you had to give to someone else and you had a choice of giving that gift to one of two people, who would you choose:
1) a person who would enjoy your gift a little, but then go about his or her life still stuck in a life of non-productive/non-creative stagnation, or
2) a person who is also making efforts to be a value creator, and who will take your gift and use it to expand his or her value creation.

It’s obvious, you offer your gift to #2! Because your gift is MORE VALUABLE that way! The benefits go out to more and more people! It is SO EXCITING to suddenly find myself surrounded by Neothink® Society Members who are all STRIVING to CREATE VALUES for themselves and others through honest efforts.

When I think of who I want to help the most, it is OBVIOUS who is going to get my best support -> those that are going to DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH IT!

I can see our values growing faster and faster! This is SO EXCITING!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for founding the Neothink Society, for introducing me to so many incredible people! for inspiring me to want to create value – and MORE than is paid for! And for writing the Multigenerational Manuscripts that have fueled this incredible rocket ride into success and friendship and prosperity that I see around me… and more and more everyday!


Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society’s, Honest…


Think Your Way To Freedom And Prosperity With NeoThink

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society’s, Honest, Rational, Integrated thinking is most Valuable. Rational Honesty allows me to view life in a Reality Exists, Neothink Mentality.   By taking the time to think, I can avoid Irrational Choices that are Emotional Based.

Mark Hamilton and the Literature has helped to Identify and Purge Dishonesty and Self-Deceiving thoughts and Behaviors within me, and as a result, Thinking in a Honest Reality-Exists perspective.  The TVP Political Movement will bring Freedom, Individual Freedom, for Myself, my Family, and the World. Freedom is Myself, the Family and the People of  this Country and the World being who we were meant to be, Happiness and Prosperity, by way of Creative, Productive, Business, to afford to have and do what we want, with Millionaire Incomes. With the Twelve Visions Party, Minority, will no longer exist. Being regulated to what we can do will be Non-Existent. The only Function of a Government is the Protection of Individual Rights.              In contrast, without the TVP Movement and Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the Poor has No Freedom and Prosperity. Sickness and Disease will Quite Likely reach Disastrous Levels.                                                                                                                              Me and my Family and All the People of this Country and the World, would live a life unfulfilled. Instead of Happiness and Prosperity, the people of this World will continue to struggle and it can and will get worse, without the TVP Movement.                                    Without Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the People of this World, will not Discover the Potential they have to use the Brain in a new way, Neothink. The means to be the person they were meant to be, to Discover that there is More To Life than Each Individual has now. Wealth, Prosperity, Happiness, Peace,–  Freedom.                                                           Greg  K.

Mark Hamilton is a Gift to the World


America and the world have tasted what both the republicans and democrats have done and can do. I believe if we will be honest with ourselves, we can agree that none of these two parties have provided American and the world what they always promise. It has become even serious that we seem to accept theirs lies, deceptions and illusions as normal. We have allowed our minds to be played with all the time and we seems not to care anymore. How long will Americans continue to allow these rulers to “fool” them and the world? I believe we are in the turn of civilization and if our new civilization will be of peace, honesty, love and prosperity then, Americans and all humanity have to sit up to listen to what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party is offering Americans and the world at large. It is time to get people who will note seek the mandate of voters just to latter let them know its all political speech for votes. Americans, you have this time to free yourselves and the world to bring peace, love and prosperity to everyone through Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party. There is more to life than we really know. This is what I have personally experience and still experiencing with Mark Hamilton’s teachings through the neothink® Society.

Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a…


This will be short and to the point.  
Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a society that will accomplish what our forefathers first conceived, yet fell shot of bringing completely to fruition.  
I believe totally that the Neothink Society supported by the Twelve Visions Party will bring complete prosperity to America first and then the entire world.  
I have always believed that we as human beings are capable of conceiving and creating anything, plus nature can provide everything we will ever need.  
I also believe that becoming a Twelve Visions World is definitely an achievable goal and one that has always been our destiny.
Thank you Mr. Hamilton, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for helping to make all of this possible.

Douglas W. H

March 2025