Posts Tagged ‘profound thoughts’

Mark Hamilton, thank you, thank you for the joy this information has brought me!


Dear Mark, 

Even though I haven’t received any response from you, I feel the need to continue writing. Because the Neothink book gave me such joy in reading, I am reading it a second time. I believe I will get even greater joy and more profound thoughts the second time around. The sequence of events in this “faction” is more than logical. It all comes together not by coincidence (I believe everything happens for a reason, we create our reality) but by knowing the greatness and beauty of our soul, going inward to find our purpose; our greatest values..sharing them and acting on them.
Everything I read is possible. I am sure some of it is reality. If even the smallest portion of it is reality, it brings my heart and soul great happiness. I want to be a part of this. I want to remember my talents and specific purpose and share it! My truth is that I am and every human is a piece of God or the Source. The name doesn’t matter. Its the pure love, intelligence and creation that matters. My truth is not that I need to learn who I am, but to remember what I know. The soul knows all, because it is a spark- a twinkle of the same stuff as my creator. And what I just wrote is not mentioned in any way in the book. I am a believer in reincarnation, but maybe that scares most people. I’m not sure why. Up until the time we don’t have the desire or need to come back to earth, it has been a comfort to me in the understanding that our souls are eternal- that we can (if we chose) come back and experience our soul in the physical realm. I love my physical body and want to be immortal. I have no desire to start over in a different body. I’ve visited this earth too many times! I just want to heal and erase the accumulation of “battle scars”.  What and incredible thought- to get our loved ones back from the spirit real into their previous, yet perfect bodies! And to live in that body as immortal! Words can’t describe how this makes me feel. I would do anything, anything to have my brother back. He committed suicide going on 3 years now. He had degenerative bone disease- between all the medications, pain and emotional distress he couldn’t take it any more.  I apologize if what I write is not in any kind of sequence, but these thoughts come from my heart. To have a Neothink President to depoliticize the US Government and then the world by the help of many value creators/neothinkers really would change the world. Mark, once again I want to be apart of this. I want to put all my heart, mind and soul into this endeavor. I’m ready. Please tell me, show me what’s next! 

Your Friend, 

Cathy Johnson

March 2025