Posts Tagged ‘private companies’

If there are no taxes where does the government get the funds to provide protection of the country? Is that just privatized so private companies provide that service to the populace?

If there are no taxes where does the government get the funds to provide protection of the country? Is that just privatized so private companies provide that service to the populace? Thank You
May. 31, 2010
Government could get its funding in many ways, which are all voluntary and in a direct value exchange dynamic. Government will provide the level protection that the citizens demand. Just like with any service, the provider (government) will tell the customer (citizens) how much it will cost. The payment for the service will come from those who desire the service, just like any other service. It is much like paying for insurance. If government gets underfunded it is the fault of the citizens for not providing the sufficient payment and demanding superior performance. It is most likely that the government, with its authority granted by the citizens, will utilize competing privately owned businesses to carry out the physical movements of protection. The specific details of how the government will get paid for its service is not an issue of concern and will probably vary among different jurisdictions, but it will always be a voluntary function.

Who will make sure the environment is protected?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government agencies like the EPA will be disbanded and private companies will fill the need of making sure the environment is protected. Motivated by profits and having a bottom line to answer to, these businesses will do a much better job than government. Using the environment to commit initiatory force against any individual is breaking the Prime Law. All violations will be dealt with in the judicial system.

March 2025