Posts Tagged ‘principles of life’

I read the Neothink manuscript…


Dear Mark

In answer to your request I sincerely hope you will not get shut down. I read the Neothink manuscript and I can’t tell you how long I have waited for someone to put into words what we all suffer throughout life but could never really fully express. It is so eloquently stated in your manuscripts. I have believed in your thoughts and ideas long before I ever saw them in printed word. I just did not think that such a huge undertaking of a life’s work could ever be put into the written page. I am so glad you were able to do so and in so doing are giving of yourself so that others will also have the ability to see as clearly their life’s path and the many directions it can take with a little push and some clear knowledge and understanding.

No matter if the media and all the nay-sayers oppose your work the main message that comes to me loud and clear is that to have a beautiful life you must understand the value of the life you do have and make changes if you want to make it even more amazing. This gift of of life is so precious that to give in without fully understanding this gift is really truly a sad state of affairs in this world we live today. I can only hope you will continue your amazing work that has so enriched my life already and made a lot of the principles of life even more valuable than I had ever realized before. You make the purpose of life abundantly clear in the written and spoken form in which you present your visions. If a multitudes of people had more access to your work perhaps their wouldn’t be so many depressed and despondent souls out there in the world.

I truly and honestly encourage and support all the work you do now and in the future. I pray this will not be the end of your life’s work for you have reached so many, but yet so many more still need to be reached in what ever available format necessary so that your work will not die.

In my life your words have already become a part of my life. And I am very grateful.

For me your words and the work you have done will never die.



March 2025