Posts Tagged ‘Prime Law’

Twelve Visions World


Reading the three Manuscripts by Mark Hamilton has changed my life. My child of the past was awakened and I am anxiously awaiting the Twelve Visions World.

Only through the Twelve Visions Party, founded by Mark Hamilton, can this be possible. Dishonest career politicians will be silenced, Big Government will be taken down. It will be replaced by a Protection-Only Government guided by the flawless Prime Law.

In the Twelve Visions World, everybody will become rich, including the poor. We will all have productive jobs following our Friday-Night Essences. We will all live longer, Healthier, and happier lives.

Peace be with you.

Jill S

Twelve Visions Party testimonial


Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton,

It is with great appreciation/ admiration/ salvation that I write this testimony to the concepts/ objectives of the “The Twelve Visions Party” and Neothink Society.

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders , but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable !!! This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body !!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.

Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why? With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO !!!! All U.S. media has been corrupted/ controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting to true patriotic Americans; Mark Hamilton, his father, brother and associates !!! DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at it’s finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!

We must stand permanently firm against ” The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S. population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.

with profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry Flower.

Power of a Huge dream


Thank you Thank you Mark Hamilton for having the boldness and courage to seek me out and then proclaim me the searcher. Thank you for telling me I am more than a human being, I am a human becoming. Thank you for giving me hope for the future and what a glorious future it will be. A future with the gorgeous simplicity of prime law. I stand in jaw dropping, drooling Awe at what you have done at such a young age and am thrilled and grateful that I can recognize it. Seneca said, “nothing is more disgracelful than that an old man should have nothing to show to prove that he has lived long, except his years”.You and anyone that learns Neothink will never suffer that affliction. You are a brillant brillant man and with all humility say that I and anyone can achieve the same genius. WOW! Neothink. A new way of thinking.You have shown me the power of a huge dream.I know this is just the beginning. I do not know how I will fit or integrate into the scheme of things, but after I close my jaw and wipe my face I am going to find a way to “participate” not just watch in the wonders of the Twelve Visions World. JG

Thanks Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton and the TVP has given me peace of mind.If I didn’t know about the Neothink world I would be scared to death right now.I would have no hope.We have to give the people hope to fight the Progressives and politicians we have now. Without hope for a better world a lot of people will give up We have to give them that hope.We have to show them the truth.We have to show them what WE stand for. We have to give them the PRIME LAW. If we could get a couple of states to start using the PRIME LAW we could show the rest of the states what we are all about.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party Mean Everything To Me.


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Your Neothink Society and your Twelve Visions Party mean the world to me. Thank you for creating these two wonderful entities.

I know the Twelve Visions Party will change this country to the perfect republic. I can’t wait until the day comes when I can walk into the voting booth and cast my vote for a TVP candidate. Many wonderful changes are in store for the world with TVP and the Prime Law.

And the Neothink Society is becoming more and more a part of my life. Thank you for creating this playground and social network for like-minded people like me. I have found so many wonderful life long friends and associates in it. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done and continue to do!

Jeff Smith

I want to tell you my story of Mark Hamilton


I want to tell you my story of Mark Hamilton and his TVP, the Neothink Society means to me. My first contact was when I received my Neothink book and opened it, I opened my heart and mind to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. The power of Neothink is so real all the feelings that was going through me that day and night I will never forget, It wonderful, fantastic and I loved It, I felt like a child again. I am in my late sixties not a educated person, left school at 14 went to work with my grandfather whom I loved, went through many hardships in my life, All through all my life I have been always searching for that something I could not find, until I got a letter from the Neothink Society, That was the starting of my new life, I am now moving in the direction of becoming the person Im meant to be, thank you. Mark every word in all your literature is right, It has opened my eyes to all the corruption, greed and lies that the Governments and Neo Cheaters are doing to us all, it must be stopped. Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party who are the Voice of Honesty with the Universal Law (Prime Law) must not be stopped. Only by Depoliticizing America will ordinary people be able to live the life they were meant to live. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, TVP have their way and means to turn the U S around once again to make their Country a World Leader.  Thank you I am with you all the way.  David .

Integrared Honesty


Mark Hamilton, (a peace loving man) has taught us to look at all of the rational facts for ourselves, by doing our own research on what he has to say, in the ways of honesty integrations. Now, when new information is discovered and accepted about facts, facts will change of society. For there is only one perfect law (rational integrated honesty/Prime Law) in the universe, and that is everything must change. The principles of integrated rational facts will help you to discover what ‘IS’. So, know what the facts are before accepting an illusion of lies from the media and others, about Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton, has demonstrated his love for those that have made him their enemy, by sharing the Prime Law of love to all of society.

Soon, there will come a time that those (value destroyers) that produce every little value in society, if any, will want to stop Mark Hamilton, from bring the honesty mentality to the public, because of the threat to their dishonest earning and unearned power off of the USA public and the world, with their illusions. They will try to prosecute him to destroy his honest works to the world, with their dishonest media and by other means, as they did prosecute Jesus over two thousand years ago. Honesty needs no defense!

Since being exposed to the Neo-think Society principles (for over twenty years) and the Twelve Vision Party, as mentored by Mark Hamilton, I have been able to live the principles in my life, as a responsible self-leader, the life I was meant to live, with integrated honesty.

Blessed is Mark Hamilton, for helping so many to know live as it should be lived. All of the principles from Neo-Think, which I have applied in my living, has bought out the unique genius we all can process from inside us, and not the genius of the status quo. The genius that I discovered within me (with honesty integration), helps me to create and produce great values for all of man kind.

In my Neo-Think studies, I found that there are two mentalities (encouraged by philosophies), honesty and dishonesty, evolving in the world today. We live by the principles of our accepted philosophy. The most noted philosophers are Plato and Aristotle, for over the last twenty-five hundred years.

The Platonian philosophy decreased the value of all conscious being here on earth to day, which led to valve destruction in these times that we all live. His philosophy takes away the individuals rights, which sets in place external authorities, a ruling class, the elites, and value destruction. The core meaning of his philosophy, means altruism, the cause justifies the means. Sacrifice of the cause! Whether if it means giving up your life, rights, property or taxes. The Platonian Philosophy (mentality) gives you happiness after your death.

The Aristotle philosophy: the coming mentality to society today, stresses the individual’s rights, because when the individual right is protected, all rights are protected. He also defines that the conscious human being is the most precious value in the universe, and that not even one should have to sacrifice any of his values other than by choice. This philosophy, also defines that an individual has the right to create and produce his own values for himself and others through business, without initiatory forced, fraud, or coercion. Aristotle’s Philosophy: says creation own values of happiness during your live.

Mark Hamilton, has discovered the missing piece to bring this new mentality to fruition, through his Twelve Visions. He found that flawed man can’t be trusted with implementing the universal law with honest integrations; therefore, man must be under a signed contract, which will manage him, instead of him manage it.

Mark Hamilton, has created and produced most value in society with his Twelve Visions Plan, than any man or woman that has ever lived on planet earth. To those that are reading my testimonial, please join with Mark Hamilton and the Neo-Think Society, so that we can eradicate suffering, poverty, crime and war from our planet.

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Otto Beasley

Mark Hamilton eliminates the need for government regulation


Mr. Mark Hamilton,

I thank you for creating the Neothink literature. It clearly conveyed your vision of humanity’s next leap in cognition. I enhanced my cognitive dissonance through principles, techniques, and strategies learned in your literature. The material showed me how to see through the illusions of hoaxers, while maximizing my own value creation. My enhanced cognitive dissonance maximizes the highest degree of personal responsibility humanly possible, and empowers me with freedom from illusion, which is the true basis to higher consciousness, and the next big leap for humanity.

The Twelve Visions Party’s credo is honorable and founded on the Neothink® Society’s principles of higher consciousness. The Prime Law is the ultimate destiny of humanity in its highest cognitive realm. Mark Hamilton taught me how I and all humanity can pierce the glass ceiling of illusion to achieve permanent peace, health, wealth, prosperity and eternal happiness.

I expect the Neothink® Society will receive suppressive pressure from the political elite, because their current playbook demonizes opposition to their hoaxes. This seems to be acceptable to the statuesque public, because they have been prepared for, and have been willingly acclimating to a massive Marxist conversion from Capitalism; under political disguise (hoaxes) of “urgency”, and ”necessary changes for the greater good”, or in some cases “survival of humanity”.

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans have slipped into a “following stupor”, under hoaxes of grand illusions at the hands of political value destroyers. The majority of America’s career politicians are not value producers, nor value creators; they are unqualified people elected as servants “leaders”.  American Career politicians usurp unearned values and unearned power from U.S. citizens through illusions of prosperity and other self-serving hoaxes; thus they are value destroyers. Their currently popular ”transformation” hoax has an unprecedented following of deceived people, who have a high disposition to believe anything that sounds good, and they voluntarily turn to others (unqualified idealists) for leadership. Those very misguided people are inadvertently empowering the perpetration of unprecedented losses of freedoms, rights, and liberties while increasing the national debt, and taxes of The United States of America, and the rest of the Capitalist World.

The political hoaxers have comrades in the business sector that also empower them in exchange for political favors as they too are value destroyers and inept in the capacity of value creator and absolutely need unfair politically acquired advantages to survive. Business hoaxers are also value destroyers, yet their positions lend credibility to their political counterparts hoaxes.

The political hoaxers’ created and continue to perpetuate a cause for improvement for the general welfare of all, while only usurping values from value producers, to be given to non-value producers; a government sponsored (Robin Hood thievery) wealth transfer scheme of the highest historical magnitude. Knowing their hoax cannot work, they are creating clever schemes to increase tax burdens of the value producers.  Many of the misguided believe in the false claims of hoaxers, because these people have a disposition to believe in and have faith in the mystical whims of others.  They are led to the slaughter house unknowingly because of their blind faith in the highest profile hoaxers in human history.

Since the Prime Law proffered by Mark Hamilton eliminates the need for government regulation, career regulators and politicians will attack the Neothink Society because it is a threat to their self perpetuated necessity; it is a threat to their very existence. The only winning strategy for a free-market America and the eliminating the dilemma of self-serving career politicians (hoaxers) is to guide the masses towards higher genius-level consciousness through cognitive dissonance enhancements taught by Mark Hamilton his Neothink literature. The Neothink Society is all about empowering humanity with the ability to explore and develop the higher consciences only available to humanity through his cognitive dissonance principles and strategies.

For that little blessing, I thank you very much Mr. Hamilton.

As long as the Neothink® Society propagates pure CAPITALISM they will represent Value Creators and Value Producers and will remain the antithesis to Value Destroyers, regardless of their Marxism, Communism, and Totalitarianism traits, and consequently be under assault from the opposition to True and Pure Capitalism.

Kurt – San Juan Capistrano, CA

Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton


Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton,

It is with great appreciation/ admiration/ salvation that I write this testimony to the concepts/ objectives of the “The Twelve Visions Party” and Neothink Society.

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable !!!  This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body!!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.

Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why?

With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO !!!!  All U.S. media has been corrupted/ controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER.  Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting to true patriotic Americans; Mark Hamilton, his father, brother and associates !!! DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at it’s finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!

We must stand permanently firm against ” The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S.

population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.

with profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry F

The time for the TVP® is NOW!

 “Once we recognize and remove from politics and law the inherent problem of man – flaw-filled creatures easily influenced by power and money – then we will quickly rise into a wealthy world…even the poor will rise.
Ruling-class power must be taken out of the hands of man. Freedom and prosperity throughout history suffered when man created, interpreted, and executed the law. On the other hand, freedom and prosperity throughout history soared when man was removed from the political and bureaucratic controls. Our own country soared when we largely removed the rule of man (ie., removed a monarch with our U.S. Constitution).
To complete the evolution into universal prosperity, the power of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches must be taken away from the opinions and agendas of flaw-filled man and put into a flawless Prime Law®.
Man is an easily influenced, easily corrupted creature. Therefore the laws that govern man (ie., protect man) must be free of man. The only way to free man is to reduce the law to its essence. Once at the fundamental nature of something there is no going deeper. All opinions, agendas, illusions, dishonesties and corruption – all of mans faults – no longer matter. The fundamental nature stands unchanged, unscathed, unconditional, uncorrupted…plain for all to see and know, which is the nature of the Prime Law®.
Indeed, the fundamental, biological nature of protection is captured in the Prime Law®, which supersedes all law. The Prime Law® removes man – including all the smart law- school graduates – from the decision-making process of law. Law leaps to another level altogether, for the first time completely free of man.
The Prime Law® determines the creation or lack of creation of new laws, not man with his endless opinions, agendas and faults. The fundamentals of protection – Prime Law® – determines the interpretation of laws, not man with his endless egos, selfish ambitions, and many human flaws. The Prime Law® determines the execution and enforcement of laws, not man who is drawn to intoxicating power, rampant dishonesty, and a capacity for evil.
When the Prime Law® removes man from creating, interpreting, and executing law, something amazing happens: the heavy and corrupt ruling-class of man comes off society. In that new freedom, society and technology will soar. A Great Technological Revolution takes off and causes our buying power to multiply a hundred fold, maybe more, making everyone rich, including the poor! *
Let us now introduce a new grassroots political party with the sole objective to remove man from creating, interpreting, and executing law in order to make all people wealthy, including the poor.

The name of this new political party that removes man from governing – removes the corrupt ruling class – is the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP®).
* © 2009Mark Hamilton

March 2025