Posts Tagged ‘Prime Law’

read Mark Hamilton literature…

Mark, thank you for everything you know and you do. Thank you for my life. I now know how to pursue a meaningful life, full of happiness and love. This discovery to know that there is more to life than meet the eye is fascinating, beautiful and easy to grab by the man on the street. Your piece of literature is the Light – the light the World had been waiting for. It is here now. Yet. many will see and ignore it, same as was done during Jesus time . To you who want more out from life, read Mark Hamilton literature and discover the power of your mind and stop being a loser. All these comes to through the Neothink Society by Mark Hamilton. Neothink – the new way to think and bring out the power of your mind, that will change your life for good. And you live the life you were meant to live. Now, Mark comes up with the TVP-the “political wing” of the Neothink Society, with the sole objective of implementing the Prime Law-the law that will end all current irrationalities and dishonesties and pave the way for last the Golden Age to come.
Please, Mark, I know your intension of going public with TVP had long been considered, but my worries are that, should you consider the “numbers” at this time and is good, then go ahead with the launch. If not, please give it a second thought. I am saying this because we cannot effort to miss you should something happen to you. This AC is really full of madmen ready to take advantage perhaps of our small number at this time. However, you know best the timing.
My sincere blessings to your efforts.

Thank you so much for my awakening.

Hi Mark,
I wanted to drop you a line to let you know how appreciative I was of your mentoring. Thank you so much for my awakening.
Your illustrations in the Miss Annabelle story of the twelve visions provides a big picture view of how each of us collectively can build a better tomorrow. The Twelve Visions World working in tandem with the Twelve Visions Party is the goal of harmonization of all individuals. The process to actualize this goal is to dynamically change the political system within the 52 states with like minded individuals in office who believe in the prime law. How we will get there is by spreading the word of your visions to many individuals. They will then know they have the power to make changes for the betterment of all and not the select few. They will consciously break through the illusions and away from them once and for all. When that happens they will want and believe for a better tomorrow.
I know I don’t have to tell you that because I learned it from you. I can’t tell you how happy I am that the society has grown since I was an apprentice. And your skyway, amazing! If I can help out in any way, you know how to get a hold of me.
Once again Thanks!
In Love and Peace

The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law of no initiatory force!

A little history to explain.
I did 20 years in the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman, helping to defend this great Republic of ours, the US of A. That is 1/3 of my life, defending the rights and privileges we all share as citizens of the greatest nation on earth … US of A. I spent 6 of those years as a combat corpsman with the Marine Corps, 3 years on a submarine (USS Jack SSN605), and 3 years on an aircraft carrier (USS Carl Vinson CVN70). The rest was spent around the world providing medical care to our troops.
In those years I saw many things that were eye-opening. I traveled around the world, seeing the poor life-styles, the degradation, the disease and sickness, the unnecessary death evident in most of them; and none coming up to the beauty and freedom we all take for granted (with the exception of maybe Canada and Australia, cousins of the US). I saw the need world wide to educate, upgrade, and rebuild the lifestyles of peoples of all nationalities. I saw hundreds of thousands who dream of coming to the US because we have the best opportunities to create a happy and value producing life for each of the individuals. I worked with building hospitals, schools, villages; educating the nationals in better methods of health care, and hearing their dreams of “going to America”.
Since my retirement in 1987, I have seen our government leaders gradually degrade, tax, restrict, legislate, and … yes … destroy our standing of honor and respect among the nations who once looked to us as the “big brother”, but now we are the “thorn in the side”. I see our official’s international attitudes and actions slowly degrade the respect and love our military men and women worked so hard to build. I have seen our rights and privileges eroded, restricted, and in many cased legislated out of existence. When asked what is the constitutional validity of your actions … their response is “Are you crazy! It needs doing, so we are doing it!”
I have searched and searched for the answer! How, I ask myself, can the people allow this to happen? How can they continue to elect those who further destroy our honor, respect and standing world wide? How can we continue to keep men and women in office who have actually expressed the concept that “the people are too dumb to do it themselves, we (the government) need to do it for them!” How can we honor and respect so-called leaders who think we are “stupid sheep” who need them to provide each and every aspect of our livelihood!
After years of searching … I FOUND THE ANSWER!
The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law of no initiatory force! This is the only group which I have found which has the answer to returning to the people (and respecting the individual) to the freedom to grow, expand, and return to what many call “The American Dream!” – Happiness, health, wealth and success.
1. Removing the restricting laws and regulation!
2. Freeing the thinkers and developers to grow profitable, value creating, job producing businesses to the betterment of all.
3. FIRING the life-time politicians who do nothing but restrict and regulate the lives of the individual to their personal benefit.
4. REPLACING the value destroying politicians with value creating business geniuses who return government to a protection only government, as outlined by the greatest document ever written, the Constitution.
This, as I see it, is exactly in line with what I did for 20 years … protecting this great nation and allowing the individuals to succeed in their dreams. ONLY the Twelve Visions Party has this as their goal! ONLY the Twelve Visions Party can bring the American Republic back to the leader of health, wealth, vitality, technological leadership, that we once knew.
As I see it, I have simply changed uniform, but am performing the same function! Once as a US Navy member I helped protect this wonderful nation. Now, as a TVP member … I am still protecting the rights and privileges of the individuals of the greatest nation on earth! We will lead the way, first here in America, then world wide, in accomplishing this great goal of individual freedom, integrity, non-aggression, health and happiness!
I do this with head held high, chest filled with pride, tears of joy as I see the return to greatness of this once great nation! Without the TVP, the Republic of the United States of America will be a dusty tome of history; soon to be forgotten!
Charles “Doc” M



When I received my invitation letter to join the NEOTHINK Society, I knew I was about to embark in a journey that would change my life. Reading the secret information from Mark Hamilton’s heavily guarded literature really opened my eyes. Now, I am walking through life with thousands of years old of the Society’s Secrets and Visions. I am able to see through daily illusions to what is, see the future, start my own company, diet down to the body I want, focus downstream, create my own life, apply top marketing secrets that every marketers want, build super puzzles, and much more. I fear nothing. Now that I am illuminated, I am grateful for everything Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have done for me.

I am forever grateful for the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) that Mark Hamilton created, to depoliticize America and the rest of the world in order to bring Health, Wealth, Peace and Safety on earth through an indestructible protection law for humanity: The PRIME LAW.

With the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) president in the White House and the PRIME LAW in place; we will be living in the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD, A totally different Civilization. Wow!!!

Then and on, never again will there be War, Poverty, Malady, Hatred, Crime, Aging, Terrorism, Nuclear menaces, illusions, Politics, Inequality, Mysticism, and Silent Frustrations.

Integrated honesty will prevail. And the world will be at peace.

Looking at America among all Nations on Planet earth, it looks clear that it is a Nation where all good things are coming from. It is a blessed piece of land.


Thank you immensely, Mr. Mark Hamilton, to caring for humanity. It is a moral responsibility to opening the NEOTHINK Society and its TWELVE VISIONS PARTY to the world. Now, all human beings: The Highest Values of the Universe will be able to live a creation driven life.


The Twelve Visions Party


When I first learned about Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party, I learned that the only purpose for government is to protect its American citizens from violence, initiatory force, and fraud. The Prime Law shows us how our government is like a business, and as such will be run like a business – producing values for the people and increasing our means of living. As a business owner, a father, and a friend to many like-minded individuals, I discovered the value of making myself a better person every day. Through choices I make and accepting responsibility, I value using my mind, or Neothinking, how to be a self-leader, and also being a part of something our children will look back on and be grateful for what Mark Hamilton is doing and this priceless information. The best part is anyone, regardless of their situation, can benefit by getting the literature and reading it for themselves. Then everyone, including the poor and the elderly, can discover for themselves how life will be with the success of the Twelve Visions Party!

Adam H.
New York

NeoThink perspectives from a new member


“When you drink the water, remember those who dug the well”
– Chinese Proverb

I could not wait to share how grateful I am to be exposed to the Neothink Society and the NeoThink way of life. I will absolutely post more as I get more into the work, but as a lifelong learner I have always sought out new ways to learn and use my mind to create an outstanding life.

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and all the thinkers that have come before to create the NeoThink literature and build the community of people that are willing to become leaders and build a quality experience that promotes honesty and integrity in business and in life.

I am also excited to learn about the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and can see a world where the Prime Law guides our evolution.


Mateo Brown
Los Angeles, CA

Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

The Twelve Visions Party means to me a life full of happiness, wealth, health and love, all based on individual freedom.  By having the Prime Law in effect, we will all have the freedom our Founding Fathers wanted for our Country and for all of the future generations to come.  It will be freedom for everyone, down to the lowest individual, because no one is more important than anyone else.

I have learned from Mark Hamilton what the most important thing in life is…Happiness.  I have learned how to achieve that happiness by living a life of honesty, and being a value producer or a value creator, and putting more value into society than I consume.  I learned something from him that is so simple, yet has the power to change any life. That is, you must keep learning and growing in your life, because if you are not growing you are stagnating and slowing waiting for death.  For many people their lives are so boring they just want time to pass quickly to get to the end sooner, the end being death.  For death has been glorified so they think death will be their escape and better than the life they have now!

If these people would only read Mark Hamilton’s literature with an open mind, they would see the honesty and love with which it is written.  His literature teaches you how to be a value producer or even a value creator. …Creating values for your fellow man.  Then you are not wasting your life, and waiting for a hand out.  Then your life becomes too exciting!  You also learn just how important you are and how valuable you can be to the world. It teaches you to live your life right here on earth to the fullest.

The literature teaches you how to use your own mind to learn the truth in any situation, based on reality.  Our current leaders do not want you to use your own mind to discover the reality of a situation.  They want to use the smoke and mirrors to keep people from seeing reality.  They use the media to get their agenda across because they know that the masses do not have the knowledge or motivation to dig in and discover the reality of the situation.  We have been lead to believe that the media tells the reality of the situation, when in fact they do not, they pass on what they are told to.

Our Country is headed now to a Socialist/Fascist Country.  We are losing our freedoms every day, the freedoms our Fore Fathers fought to guarantee us.  The freedoms all of our Veterans fought to have for all of us.   The Twelve Visions Party guarantees those for all of us, for it would return our Government to its proper purpose.  …To protect all of the citizens from initiatory force, fraud or coercion.  Twelve Visions Party would mean I would not have to fear my Government any longer.  I would be free to live my life as I see fit, as long as I am not putting force, fraud or coercion upon anyone.  It would mean that I no longer have to pay taxes to a Government that spends my money for things I do not agree with.  The Government would be based on a business structure.  I would then be able to pay for the services I want, if it is a value I am willing to support with my earned money.

Without the burden of Government, technologies will explode as the computer industry did.  Prices will drop; this is what will solve our Medical/Health care crisis in this country.  …Along with the Government getting out of the Health Care business, and basing it on capitalistic business principles.  We will also be able to get the message out that diet & exercise are the best preventative care there is not X-rays and Scopes.

The Twelve Visions Government will make everyone responsible for them, as nature intended.  For we all have that ability within us.

Mark Hamilton teaches you that with love and kindness and occasionally a bit of tough love. Thank you for changing my life, Mark Hamilton!

Teresa D

Mark Hamilton’s writings


The Twelve Visions Party, who we are and what we want.

The end of poverty and crime in a land free from corruption – sound like a dream?

What most worries me as we open our doors to share our exciting visions and hopes for the future is the spread of misinformation and the distortion of who we are and what we stand for.

The Twelve visions party is built upon absolute honesty, and we want to make sure there is total transparency in everything we do. Our ways are based on effort and integrity, no gismos or phony gimmicks, just a straight forward focus working towards the most free and productive society we can achieve.

The writings of Mark Hamilton and the pursuit of happiness.

The writings of Mark Hamilton are hard thought words derived from his unrelenting effort to recognize what is real and true and are based on many years of observation and discovery. Mark Hamilton’s books are full of insight focusing on the true nature of men and women and how they integrate with the world of objective reality (the world as it really is, free from falsehoods and mysticism).

Taking the human desire to live happily as the foremost, fundamental and pure reason underlying the human condition, Mark Hamilton’s writings reach down to analyze and show a full understanding of the human consciousness mind. He has  read and drawn from many philosophers, aligning with some and standing against others, in order to hone into and evolve his Neothink position. Then taking what he has found to be true, Mark Hamilton has built a picture, piece by piece, within the literature, revealing visions depicting the way to a world of wealth, health and fulfillment for all.

The Prime Law (available at

With The Prime Law of the Twelve Visions Party amended to the US constitution the great society of the future will quickly grow as it frees the people from endless suppressive rules and regulations.

Since childhood the power of our minds has been suppressed, diluted and exploited by false authorities, as they pressure and coerce us to do their bidding. In the twelve visions World that power will return and grow. People will live much freer as they find the power within themselves to lead their own lives. They will live for themselves, no longer subject to the abusive force and distortions of fake “authorities”.

Once free from the “authorities”, their wasteful bureaucracy and so many irrational rulings, a super society will erupt with accelerating technology solving the needs and ailments of humanity as well as the problems of the world we live in, while at the same time creating a world of peace and prosperity for all. A place where poverty will no longer exist and most crime will be rendered obsolete.

Please do not believe the negative portrayal that will undoubtedly be painted of The twelve Visions Party by those who would have the world stay as it is: continuing in a downward spiral to a place where life is no longer worth living. Instead we ask that you join us in our journey of peace and hope on our way to the future we all deserve in the Twelve visions world.

In this new society all honest and fair-minded people will be welcome and, of course, welcome to their own beliefs, in fact everyone will be welcome to do as they please with only one exception: that they do no harm to anyone else. You will see that this is the premise of the Prime Law, that people can do as they please so long as they do not hurt or cheat anyone else.

I urge everyone to read the books of Mark Hamilton to better understand who we are and what we want before listening to those who would keep the world set on the disastrous course of the present day.

Thanks for reading,

Ian A.

Because of Mark Hamilton teaching


Dear Mark Hamilton,

You discovered me. I feel extraordinary again.  I received a letter of invitation in November 2005. In this letter was statement about possession of very special and rare traits in me.

Because of these traits, the society is willing to send me their secrets that lead to enormous wealth, love and the most phenomenal personal abilities.

I responded to that letter and received one after another three Large Multigenerational Books full of Love, Honesty, Hope and Guidance.

I read the material many times and began applying what I read in my life.  Early America was known as the land of opportunity. Many people came here with a dream and a passion to fulfill that dream.  My dream was: be the best value creator in this country. Took for many years of disappointments, illusions, and struggles.  I met in my life regulations, legislation, taxes, and routine-rut value-producing jobs. The smartest people lost their dream, they become nobody. Thank you my Dear Mark Hamilton for Mentoring, for your Greatness, for your Visions. I love them all! I knew now: I am truly special, feel extraordinary person, because of YOU Dear Mark!

I am very happy be a part of exclusive association of the successful people in the world. Thanks for finding me and bringing in that New World of Neothink Society. The Prime Law will remove man from creating, interpreting, and executing and new freedom will be everywhere on this planet.  The Prime Law is Universal Law.  The Prime Law is axiomatic. It needs no interpretation. It is what it is: No Initiatory Force.  Non-force/non-mystical business evolves conscious life toward peace, prosperity, and non-aging worldwide. I discovered my Friday-Night Essences: Twelve Visions Party and Vision Business Alliances. I was patient and took steps to learn more and more about the visions, party platform, and bylaws and implement it in real life.

The TVP is here in the State and in the country to make everyone healthy and wealthy by introducing a moral and just government of protection only. We have growing Clubhouses in the State, in the Country, and in the World!

Because of Mark Hamilton teaching, I am completely different person in terms of Success, Wealth and Happiness.  Our Twelve Vision Party will succeed and survive any pressure.

Wealth, Health and Peace





It all started back on the 24th of January, 2009. My Life changed. I made a commitment to take a stand for something. That “Something” is, to take back Our Country from the neo-cheaters. Life is not meant to be this way, a constant struggle day in and day out. I am a Proud Member of the Neothink Society, thanks to One Great Man, Mark Hamilton. A True Visionary.

Those Visions are, and there are Twelve. V1; Become the Person You Were Meant To Be, V2; Live the Life You Were Meant

To Live, V3; Feel Extraordinary, V4; Stop Aging, V5; Get the Job Of Your Dreams, V6; Start the Company You Always Wanted,

V7; Embrace the Lover Of Your Fantasies, V8; Diet Down To the Body You Always Envied, V9; Become A Genius, V10; Surround

Yourself With Geniuses, V11; Ride A Prosperity Explosion That Will Make You A Millionaire, V12; Enjoy Perfect Physical and Mental


We need a Change. That Change is,

*The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.

*The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.

*The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person

or group against any individual, property, or contract.

Article 1

No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property, or contract.

Article 2

Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article 1

Article 3

No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.

Next, we need to bring The Prime Law to fruition, by means of the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).

The Twelve Visions Party is here to make everyone Healthy and Wealthy by introducing a moral and just government of protection Only. We, the people, now more than ever need proper leaders in political office. TVP is here to fill that need.  That Need is Change. Thank You Mark Hamilton for this well needed change, The Neothink Society/TVP.

James H

March 2025