Posts Tagged ‘Prime Law’

Thank You Mark Hamilton for being here

Thank You Mark Hamilton for being here
in this century of a troubled and uncertain future of America and the world. Your neothink Literature such
as The Neothink Package and Miss Annabelle`s Secrets, PaxNeothink all make sense in this Anti-Civilized,psycotic,irrational,dishonest world disguised as politics and religion. These are not philosopys but
accurate truths that you and others have uncovered. Today,that reality provides
a new psychology for replacing impoverishment with prosperity, stagnation with romance, hatred with camaraderie,war with peace and death with life. Everyone will be rich even the poor,Congressional members of both House and Senate both Federal and State will be replaced with honest,Value creation business men and women and the Prime Law of the Land when added to the Constitution and end the terrany that has plagued humans for thousands of years. Mark Hamilton is the true Phrophet of today and the future and it is a honor and privledge to help change this world to one for happiness, prosperity, Love and immortaltlity.
Live Long and Prosper,
S.W.(Mike) Cramer 3rd
will end

With Great Appriciation Mark Hamilton

A day does not go by without giving thanks to Mark Hamilton for finding me and exposing the unticivilation of the world in which I was a part, as well. Through his Neothink literature I learn to integrate my thinking and now I can evaluate isolated political events and find the common denominator which is suppression of individual rights to name just one common denominator. Now I know that only a political system which puts human rights above all else is a system for everyone, and The Twelve Visions Party is such a system with it’s Prime Law. Also, through Mark Hamilton’s literature I learn to stand on solid ground, knowing without a doubt that I am responsible for whatever shows up in my life, that is priceless. Life looks much brighter, optimistic and above all wonderful because I’m in a group of like minded individuals who wish to bring the Twelve Visions World on earth. Everything is possible when a determine group comes together in a single thought, and I know it’s possible. Many Thanks To Mark Hamilton for his Courage and Clirity of Vision.
Paola A

More than Thanks to Mark Hamilton

Where do I start? well to keep this short and too the point; Mark Hamilton is indeed the World’s answer to peace,
prosperity, Love, everyone to be rich even the poor; Depolitizeing America and the world, and of course moving
the sciences along(eliminating govt intervention) so cures for all diseases are eliminated and the ageing process
also so one if they wanted to live for eternity. Also to replace our teaching way of youth and younger adults to
take rule and regulations away in order to teach subjects that bring out the future scientists, artists, ect in what
one`s destiny is meant to accomplish.
Just think and visualize a world in harmony, no wars, no corruption, and the Prime Law added to Americas Constitution!! WOW!!!!!!!! Mark Hamilton should receive all Noble Prizes and some. Thank You again Prophet Mark
Hamilton and lets travel the Galaxies and create universes/planets together.
S.W.(Mike) Cramer
12VP Member
Neothink Society
Neothink Warriors

Ongoing Appreciation

As the minutes go by, I am realizing more of the building of my greatest desire, from about age 14, which was and is to developed an efficient mental state that would allow me to achieve whatever value I choose to set as a goal. With the “Prime Law” as my Guide and my integrating other Neothink-Science to my life, I am confident, counter-productivity, is not an option for me. With an exhilarated disposition, thank you, compassionate and brilliant man; Mark Hamilton.

Ongoing Appreciation

After receiving, invitation to join Neothink World, in Aug. 2004, I decided to begin the journey with Mark Hamilton. So with total confidence in myself and trust in Mark, turning back was never an option for me. Through the months up to the present I have faced many psychological-warfare encounters, along with being harassed, I declare, I shall always refer to the “Prime Law” when making decisions and Neothink to build and preserve values. Thank you Mark Hamilton.

Dail Thanks to Master Hamilton

Since I was approached over 2 years ago from Mark Hamilton to join the Neothink Society I thank Him Daily for his honest truthful helpful Heirloom packages/books such as neothink tech Society, The Neothink Discovery, Neothink Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and of course Pax- Neothink. Also for establishing the A teams, Club houses, Twelve Visions Party National Party and thru this each state in the Union and the territories the Twelve Visions Party state affiliates party.
Real soon we the people shall see the Visions coming true and the depolictizeing of America at all levels, state and Federal and the Prime Law being included in the Constitution. Then with honest, integrated, business’s with value creative creation. Everyone rich even the Poor. I am honored and proud to be part of the puzzle and other opportunities that Master Hamilton has invited me to join.
S.W.(Mike) Cramer 3rd
Neothink Society
12 Visions Party (CA)
Neothink Warriors (Team Delta)
Neothink Business Alliance

The lifting of the curtain

In my life I have always been a man who has been an independent individual. Though I recognize the influence and teaching of others have contributed to my thoughts and development I none the less have preserved my individualism. One day, three years ago, I received a letter that perked my interest in many ways; this letter was from Mark Hamilton. I have always had a vision, a dream so to speak, of a wealthy man pulling up beside me in a limousine as I am walking down the road, opening the rear door and asking me if I wanted to learn how to make it in the world and become wealthy. The first letter from Mark Hamilton was the realization of that vision and dream. It was not a limousine nor have we ever met in person but what he reviled to me in that letter, the letters that followed and the literature that he presented to me not only opened my mind and eyes on how to live a life of wealth, it showed how I could live a life of Peace, Health, happiness and Love. Mark Hamilton Literally took the growth of individualism within me and fertilized the ground it grows in. Mark Hamilton’s work gave me the knowledge to organize my life and take control of everything that passed through my life. It showed me how to manage time, the knowledge to integrate, the importance of business and the beauty of creating. Mark and the Neothink Society has opened closed doors and presented a new way of thinking more dynamic and exciting then all the self help and motivational books that I have read combined. The value in what I have learned far outweighs any money I have invested to gain that knowledge. Then there it the Twelve Visions Party, the fruition of hope, that brings the future of a life of Health, Happiness, Wealth, Peace and Love to everyone. The TVP will bring and make paramount the right of the individual by introducing the prime law, a universal law which will govern us. It opens the door where individuals come together and share their ideas and creations through the free open market. The prime law, the right of the individual will eliminate and set us free of Initiatory Force which is any action that is harmful, dishonest and wrong. With the prime law in place and the right of the individual honored we will no longer need Native American Indian Rights, Black Rights, Woman’s Rights, Hispanic Rights, Minority Rights, Homosexual Rights and on and on. We will be protected as individuals to chose and live the way we are and wish. There is no better freedom than that. Free to create, free to accumulate wealth, free of government interference, free to live the lifestyle we chose. Before you judge Mark Hamilton, take the time to read his literature, know the purpose of Neothink and what it can do for you and take a look at what the Twelve Visions Party proposes to make us a freer Individual, people, nation and world. I am sure you will find that the value you receive will be well worth your time.
Shanawa C. Littlebow

Free Bill

When I got my first letter, I was curious, so I replied. What was started, by doing so, has very much changed my life. I thank Mark Hamilton for this. It took a year to go through the three heirloom books. The more I studied them the more I want to read.
I feel I have reached a point of conscious competence. I have raised my mind control of doing this for the better of all around me. This has raised a love of all that’s around me and how I react to other people’s love of life and getting fulfillment.
Neothink thinking will come up with the how, no need to worry. Using the mini day schedule to free-up and make your day more productive. As we get rid of the smoke and mirrors of the mysticisms and see the truth, how great it is.
The prime Law acting as a filter for all law, will bring peace and prosperity to all. With it we will be able to create and make our Friday night essence come true.
Which will benefit all mankind.
Free Bill

Mark Hamilton – Thank You!

I cannot remember the many times I have thanked the universe that Mark Hamilton had sent me the second invitation to join the Neothink® Society. It was an invitation to life, a new and excitingly wonderful life! I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.
I had no idea of the changes about to take place in my life. The changes were so subtle as I read the manuscripts and followed their directives, guiding me in the direction of a purpose and a goal, to learn all that I could from this manuscript and the ones to follow. I began to take an interest in life around me. I climbed out of a lethargy that claims so many who have no incentive or discipline to keep growing and learning. Regardless of age.
The first and biggest awakening interest is in the Twelve Visions Party. I had never and I mean NEVER had an interest in politics, but the Visions and Miss Annabelle really inspired me to become involved. By learning and thinking the Neothink® way I now know how large my potential is. I am amazed as my power grows everyday as I integrate the steps set forth in the manuscripts to follow. They have taught me to wisely manage all aspects of my life with: Thought – first, Discipline – conscious actions, Control – of conscious actions. Now the most wonderful thing! The TVP and the Prime Law.
The TVP with its prime law protects my freedoms from; man-made laws that stops my growth in wealth, inhibits my good healthy living and ultimately peaceful life.
Living in the TVP world we do not need Amber Alert! There are no criminally minded people. There are no criminally minded people because we have the prime law in place that says” no initiatory force, fraud or coercion” against the people of our society. This lets me live safely, peacefully, happily and free to chase and catch my dreams-my Friday Night Essences. Everyone is happy pursuing their ideal careers (FNE) without fear of taxation and/or litigation.
My wealth is not measured in $$$ dollars but in the many friendships I have accumulated. Recognizing my Ten Second Miracles. The drive to achieve more, leading me to my Friday Night Essence. My desires, my passion to accomplish things of value for myself and others. Living in a Twelve Visions World is feeling the freedom of childhood, dreaming dreams of young adulthood and acquiring my dream of dreams of producing values that will assist other in producing their values.
The meeting of and integrating with many others aspiring to create the Twelve Visions World today to give to our children and grandchildren and all future generations.
The way to accomplish this is to have the Twelve Visions Party and the Prime Law.
Thank you Mark for such a precious way of living.
Betty-Jane O

Hello Mark Hamilton

Hello Mark Hamilton,
Here is my first testimonial per your request this week. I will complete another one, based upon my passion for the Twelve Visions Party and how it has already improved my life (Prime Law application) and how its’ success will apply, even further, to my family and me.
Blogs were discussed both Friday night and in the Ever-Loving Saturday call today. I plan to write about: 1) Bill Gates (technology), 2) pig heart transplants (health), 3) Discovery of DNA (significance to medicine and law), and 4) Curvature of the Earth (effect on business and social wellness).
Reviewing a level meeting reminded me that many of us have the same Friday Night Essence, and it is obtained using the nature of Neothink. I have many reasons to help others, in this pursuit. In doing so, I find great happiness, love, and success each day.
This Neothink Society provides an environment for me to create, within this essence, which makes a difference in my life and the lives of others, on a daily basis. Prior to joining this Society, I dreamed of the opportunities, that I now see, accept, and create value with. I do this, in more ways than I ever imagined, and find satisfaction doing so for others. The pursuit of happiness is not as difficult, as I thought, now that I think differently.
Pursuing public speaking engagements, is liberating, and the happiness, I share and receive, makes it an easy pursuit for me. Being in this Society brings real meaning to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” when one discovers their Friday Night Essence and starts living it.
Most do not know that as a child I had a lisp. My loving, observant 1st grade teacher gave me the gift of speech classes. One loving, observant man, Mark Hamilton, gave me the gift of a circle of friends to share this gift with.
The circle is complete, and I am using Neothink, driven by love, and creating the future.

March 2025