Posts Tagged ‘Prime Law’

Twelve Visions Party Prime Law

Prime Law Removes All Illusions

The Prime Law Amend The Constitution

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I sent this to Judge Stephens, Maryland Clubhouse Coordinator, to submit to you, however, I am not sure he understands the importance of this matter. My apologies if you have already received this.
Problem: On the twelve vision world website there is a statement that the national parks would be sold to industry right at the time a national movement is taking place to save the parks from industrialization. , seen by the PBS week long series on defending the parks land and wildlife, the Sierra clubs nearly 100,000 signatures pledging to protect them, and other conservation groups efforts. This is a significant number of voters.
Solution: Instead of selling off the parks and perhaps other National Treasures, such as museums why not turn the parks over to the Audobon Society, (the original caretakers) the Sierra Club and similar groups for management of these lands and wildlife?
Groups use donations and fees for maintenance; government appropriations through taxation are not needed. The groups function through donations and member fees; administrative political actions they are involved in such as, lobbying, mobilizing voters, etc., takes alot from their budget. This plan would allow the money they presently spend for legislative reasons to be transferred to operational management of the parks and museums. Plus the entrance fees already available to the daily operation and through volunteerism the Parks are funded.
TVP has less opposition from voters. Voter image would be that the TVP are conservation advocates who see the prime law of protection as encompassing our indigenous wildlife and national parks. These lands are of such natural beauty no single adjective can fully describe them; people view them as national monuments and a birth right. Besides the fact ‘going green’, organic, conservation, sustainability and responsible technology is in, its everywhere!
Government regulatory beaucracy is no longer required. Because not just one group owns the parks, their regulation ( administrative duties, expenses and needs) are pretty much ensured. They’ll police each other.
Cons- Personally, I cannot think of any argument against it so I’ll leave thinking up these to the national committee members
Best Regards,
Clara T

Mark Hamilton, The Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society and Lies

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders, but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable!!! This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body!!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.
Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why? I have, and there are links to that answer, please take a look. With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO!!!! All U.S. media has been corrupted/controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting a true patriotic American, Mark Hamilton!!!
DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at its finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!
We must stand permanently firm against “The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S. population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.
With profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry F

Mark Hamilton is a genesis

One year ago I started my journey with the Neothink Society. My life has changed for the better. At work I have great relationships with my supervisor’s. I used to hate go to work
but Neothink showed me how to look and see my job at it’s essence.
Mark Hamilton is a genesis. He has taught me how to be an integrated thinker. I have learned the secret to life and can never go back to the way I was.
I believe that the United States needs the Twelve Vision Party. The foundation of the TVP
is the Prime Law. In today’s society man has turned our constitution upside down. Man and our leaders put themselves above the law.
WE NEED CHANGE! The TVP will bring the needed change because it replaces man with Prime Law. Thank you Mark Hamilton for believing in me. I am so thankful that I am a member of the Neothink Society. All the best!

Mr. Mark Hamilton is a gentleman of total HONEST Integrity!

Mr. Mark Hamilton is a gentleman of total HONEST Integrity! His character, well beyond reproach and refutation, is absolutely wonderful. The Neo-Think Society is the perfect answer for resolving this current world condition to alleviate poverty, suffering, war, sickness and illnesses and anything that would be considered detrimental to the establishment of a healthy Free Society.
The Prime Literature of the Neo-Think Society, when properly comprehended and implemented, gives every person valuable information that allows that person to really understand his true worth and potential as a value creator that empowers each and every one to live the life that was meant for every one to live beyond all dishonesty. That person then learns how to abandon the bicameral mindset and all mysticism to become his OWN AUTHORITY. Then he is able to receive “ten second miracles” and allowed to “ power think, manifest true Neo-Think Genius” and in general integrate his mind into The Supreme Cosmic Source Existence which is the basis of the entire Omniverse inclusive of the infinite Universes within. Mark Hamilton’s Philosophy stands as a “hall mark” and is truly far beyond any Philosophy that has ever been revealed. This has given me true VISION and the unrelenting courage to pursue the DREAMS of my life with the utmost confidence.
The Twelve Visions Party is the absolute answer for solving the ills of government on a Global basis. The involvement of Government would be greatly reduced to the role of” protection only “ dramatically reducing the burdens of taxation and exploitation that adversely affects societies on a global basis. The rule of “prime law” vouch safe’s the role of Government to a place that would immensely benefit everyone everywhere! The Prime Law Article 1. “ No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property or contract.” Article 2. Force is morally and legally justified only for the protection from those who violate article 1″ Article 3. No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 & 2.
I am a very serious Entrepreneur! Mr. Hamilton taught me that the way to wealth is to own your own business. I shall forever be grateful and appreciative to Mr. Hamilton for all of his teaching and instruction. I am now involved with many sound and practical affiliate businesses which serve as valuable income streams in my life. And soon, with the proceeds of these businesses, I shall be able to finance and start my OWN!
Many people are hurting today. Thousands are living terribly wretched lives of financial lack and poverty! Nuclear Holocaust is hovering and immanently threatening to reduce the planetary population. Millions of people will die! Something has to be done and very quickly if humanity is to survive!
Neo-Think Society is the absolute answer to cure this condition once and for all. Mr. Hamilton, you have my loyal and enduring support!
You are my True Brother and I shall always have the highest Regard , Respect and Love for you!
Very, very Respectfully,
Carl M.

The Twelve Vision Party

The Twelve Vision Party represent the first time ever a full body of integrated knowledge that can change our mentality and our way thinking that has us in a rut. It is the vehicle of real change, reality based down to the fundamental principals. The prime law is the law that will guide us as a people i am so grateful for this law. I am so proud to be apart of this great movement, that will expose the root cause of all this unnecessary death and destruction coming from the corruption and lies from career politician who tells have truths out of context. ” MAKE ALL the PEOPLE RICH including THE POOR “ This slogan must be taken to the people in a massive marketing campaign , let it become part of the people’s knowledge bank. a rallying cry for honest business men and women and the workers who put more into society than they take out. We must rally the grassroots around Mark Hamilton and the 12 Vision Party. any successful movement weather Lenin in Russia or Mao in China the condition was ripe to rally the people for change, to protect them from the enemy. This wall will begin to be built as we go public, and flooding our clubhouse houses with new members is paramount and a major task right now, not when you get a check in the mail but now let’s start the motion this is a very exciting time because change is good. To see something beautiful come into being, that we as a whole is creating. We must out compete the ruling parasitical class, career politicians who in reality talk about change but are dead set against change. We must win the minds and hearts of the American people, by presenting the 12 Vision Party as a alternatives to the present lazy politicians who only answer to the people’s problem is to raise taxes. This laziness must be exposed by presenting a political business model that the 12 Vision Party represent.
Mark Hamilton, I was part of the movement in the 60′ & 70′ the black liberation movement which was narrow in scope but genuine in our attempt to find solution to our day to day struggles, and to bring about change in America. One of my proudest moment as i was growing and coming to some understanding of the prime literature was when the new website went up and i saw how you integrated different men of creation was included, and to see Malcolm x included brought tears to my eyes. In the early 70′ we thought by replacing black faces in high places would change our conditions, conditions are worse know than when i was a child. the streets are lest safer know. I learned threw experience that was not the answer, to our problems. since being introduce to Neothink with it broad scope accounting have given me a honest understanding of were real power comes from and that is people’s power threw integrated thinking. Mark i stand with you a 100% in this struggle against evil, for the freedom of our minds and souls When we were kids and wanted to make sure we were together on anything that we were going to do, we would ask each other to give our word. and we would say ” word is bond” if we thought one of us was not telling the truth we would ask each other to give their word “give me your word” if they said word is bond we knew that the truth was being told and we valued that as the highest order at that time. and we was totally together at that moment in time. i give you my word i in for the long journey that we must travel.
Tbone w/ love Larry J

Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the TVP

Dear Mark,
I know how important this is to you for us to write our testimonial about you, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. I am not a writer but I do have allot of feelings about life within me; and I have a hard time putting them down on paper. Here I go with my testimonial about Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the TVP.
Four to five years ago, I was first introduce to Mark Hamilton’s prime literature and the Neothink Society. Before being introduce to his prime literature and Neothink Society; I was suffering in silence stagnation of not being a creator in life. Since I was very small, I was program to be a follower of others, even if I knew it in my heart it was wrong. Mark Hamilton has taught me to be a self leader, to be honest and an integrating thinker. Mark Hamilton’s prime literature exhilarates me and has awaken the inter-child within me. Now, I am member of the 12 Visions Party and I believe in the Prime Law and what it stands for all people. With Mark Hamilton, his prime literature, Neothink Society, and the 12 Visions Party there is hope for a long healthy, weathy and happier society.
We are all looking for a long and happy life.
I am a single woman, mother, retired military and cancer survivor. I have dedicated most my life helping others. Also, Mark Hamilton has dedicated his life to make the world a better place to live thru his writings, Neothink Society and the now the 12 Visions Party. I don’t know what I would do if I had to lose all this in my life.

This is written in Love and Appreciation to Mark Hamilton.

Twelve Visions Party
Mark Hamilton
This is written in Love and Appreciation to Mark Hamilton. I love Neothink as well as TVP. THANK YOU MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the TVP and Mark Hamilton Means to me is Americas Destiny, The rise of HOPE, TRUTH, and OPPORTUNITY for all around the world . THE PRIME LAW–NATURAL LAW–THE UNIVERSAL LAW
THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY is the ERADICATION of War, Racism, Cancer, Unemployment, Death, Destruction, Terrorism, Crime, Gayism, Lesbianism, Murder, Rape, Abuse , Rising Gas prices, Uninsured, Foreclosures,, Business Closings, Homelessness, Depression, Stress, Star- vation, Guns, Abortions, Bailouts, Politicians, Taxes, Dishonest Politics, Ego Justices, High Interest Rates,(astronomical) Fear, Misery, Loneliness, Single Mothers, Robbery, Teen Pregnancy, Hatred, Mental Health, Delinquent Fathers, Suicide, Education Deprivation, Aging, Divorce, Alcoholism, Adultery, Poverty, Rejection, High School Dropouts, Gambling, Lovelessness Prostitution, Prescription Drugs, Theft, Military Abuse, Swain Flue, Juvenile Delinquents, Americas Weight Epidemic, Disrespect, Job Losses, Deficit, Drugs: Heroin, Meth, Cocaine-Crack, and Many Other Drugs, No Insurance, Disease, Un-Curable Diseases-AIDS, HERPES,HPV, and HEPATITIS, Mysticism, ETC.
Martin Luther King identified in his 1963 “letter for The Birmingham Jail” that just Law rise from natural laws-universal laws. Just laws rise from objective reasoning of honest people discover- ing and obeying nature created reality.
For America to peacefully survive and prosper over the long-term requires achieving four
goals: (1) Outcompeting and the nullifying the hatred, dishonesties, and rationalities through- out religion, politics, education, and business. (2) Protect individual life and property rights at all levels of government and society, (3) Abiding by commonsense Secular-Natural law, and
(4) Establish the sanctity of legal contracts.

March 2025