Posts Tagged ‘Prime Law’
How will TVP deal with the current war on drugs?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Individuals have the right to use any drug they want and are responsible for their own health. Only initiatory force and coercion violate the Prime Law and will be dealt with through the judicial system.
What is TVP’s answer to people who are concerned about animal rights?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Only people have rights. The Prime Law protects individuals and their property which includes the animals they own. Preservation of wildlife will be provided with out force by individuals and businesses that consider human needs first.
Who will make sure the environment is protected?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government agencies like the EPA will be disbanded and private companies will fill the need of making sure the environment is protected. Motivated by profits and having a bottom line to answer to, these businesses will do a much better job than government. Using the environment to commit initiatory force against any individual is breaking the Prime Law. All violations will be dealt with in the judicial system.
What will happen to education after the Prime Law is in place?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Education has nothing to do with protection so it will be turned over to private industry through an integrated transition. Within a free market, private education will compete to provide the best education ever. People will be easily able to afford it through a booming free market economy.
How will a Prime Law government deal with terrorism?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …With the Prime Law in place, Government will concentrate only on protecting people. People will be protected from terrorism more than ever.
What is TVP’s stance on the death penalty?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Conscious individual life is the highest value in the universe so we should always strive to rehabilitate people who break the Prime Law and allow them the opportunity to change.
What will come of the Federal budget deficit after Prime Law?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government will operate within its budget when it’s only purpose is protection. People will be happy to pay for this service when a completely free market is unleashed.
How will the Prime Law affect the Social Security program?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Social Security will be repaid in full with fair market interest by the sale of all government assets that have nothing to do with protection. Existing government employee retirements and veteran’s pensions will be sold to and managed by competent private industry.
What will be the effect on inflation with the Prime Law in place?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Within complete free market competition, prices only fall with increasing buying power for everyone.
How will the Prime Law protect against investment fraud type scandals?
Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Legal contracts will be protected by the judicial branch of government. Those who break the prime law will be brought to justice within full context honesty.