Posts Tagged ‘Prime Law’

I believe that the United States needs the Twelve Vision Party

One year ago I started my journey with  the Neo Think Society. My life has changed for the better. At work I have great relationships with my supervisor’s. I used to hate go to work

but Neo Think showed me how to look and see my job at it’s essence.

Mark Hamilton is a genesis. He has taught me how to be an integrated thinker. I have learned the secret to life and can never go back to the way I was.

I believe that the United States needs the Twelve Vision Party. The foundation of the TVP

is the Prime Law. In today’s society man has turned our constitution upside down. Man and our leaders put themselves above the law.

WE NEED CHANGE! The TVP will bring the needed change because it replaces man with Prime Law. Thank you Mark Hamilton for believing in me. I am so thankful that I am a member of the Neothink Society. All the best!

Dave Koppenhaver

Neothink Society and the now the 12 Visions Party

Dear Mark,

I know how important this is to you for us to write our testimonial about you, Neothink Society and 12 Visions Party. I am not a writer but I do have allot of feelings about life within me; and I have a hard time putting them down on paper. Here I go with my testimonial about Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society and the TVP.

Four to five years ago, I was first introduce to Mark Hamilton’s prime literature and the Neothink Society. Before being introduce to his prime literature and Neothink Society; I was suffering in silence stagnation of not being a creator in life. Since I was very small, I was program to be a follower of others, even if I knew it in my heart it was wrong. Mark Hamilton has taught me to be a self leader, to be honest and an integrating thinker. Mark Hamilton’s prime literature exhilarates me and has awaken the inter-child within me. Now, I am member of the 12 Visions Party and I believe in the Prime Law and what it stands for all people. With Mark Hamilton, his prime literature, Neothink Society, and the 12 Visions Party there is hope for a long healthy, weathy and happier society.

We are all looking for a long and happy life.

I am a single woman, mother, retired military and cancer survivor. I have dedicated most my life helping others. Also, Mark Hamilton has dedicated his life to make the world a better place to live thru his writings, Neothink Society and the now the 12 Visions Party. I don’t know what I would do if I had to lose all this in my life.



We will prosper like never before.

I’ve read Mark Hamilton’s books since the early 1990’s, and have come to realize that, we all are coming into a future of a new world order. Simply by adding the Prime Law to the constitution as an amendment.

This will get the government off our backs and an end to all the regulation, and taxation and government entities, that keep popping up.

We will prosper like never before.

The Prime Law will give us a Protection only Budget. Taxes will decrease, crime will decrease dramatically. Our health and wealth will soar.

The Prime Law will depoliticize and deregulate and get the government into a Protection only status.

Better health will be apparent without the FDA regulations.  Jobs will beabundant with the technological revolution.

Our love life will blossom like never before. We will be happy people.

This is what my family looks forward to.

Eric L. L

Twelve Visions Party is the only way out of the financial crisis our country is now in

I am a proud member of the Neothink Society.  I honestly believe that the Twelve Visions Party is the only way out of the financial crisis our country is now in.  The absolutely brilliant simplicity of the rule of prime law without any possible interference or interpretation from man AND, everyone even the poor becoming millionaires, is undeniably the answer whose time has come.  We  need it Now,  with the urgency of drowning debt and a crashing dollar suppressing more with each day that passes. With a current administration that is insanely trying to inflate ( a balloon that has burst) and a previous administration that contributed to the inflation of the balloon before the bust.  Both guilty of self perpetuating engorgement.  We need a new party.  We need the Twelve Visions Party to get rid of government and put it in its rightful place of protection of the people and property only.  Leave the social good with all its costs and abuse out of the unearned hands of government and in the earned hands of the business community for they know the true value of the dollar instead of the government’s inept actions devaluing the dollar.  We need a new party with solutions not rhetoric and motivation only for self perpetuation.  The Twelve Visions Party has answers.  Well thought out solutions.  Mark Hamilton is a brilliant visionary with his feet firmly planted on the ground.  He is an exceptional business man and a brilliant writer.  His literature is full of eye opening discoveries and valuable lessons in how to lift a society out of forced suppression into creative freedom. If we continue on the path we are on now, without the Twelve Visions Party and all the wonders it possesses, it would truly be a colossal waste. Like standing next to a jet and not knowing its power and potential.  The power and potential of Neothink is the tide that can lift all boats, sinking, drowning or otherwise.. I love what the future holds with the Twelve Visions Party.  I love Neothink and I love Mark Hamilton.

Jean G

TVPNC Officers On Neothink Radio May 9th 2010

TVPNC Officers On Neothink Radio May 9th 2010

The Prime Law & The Twelve Visions

The truths exposed by Mark Hamilton and his writings cannot be disputed

It is with great humility, objective rationale thinking, and depth of feeling that I provide this testimonial.

Having simply read the Inside Secrets (the first package), and with only limited exposure to Prime Law, I already feel compelled to read, learn, and think more in order to expand my knowledge, awareness, consciousness; it is the elevation of these things at the individual level, that the universe is thereby elevated.

I believe the very foundation of my belief system(s) is expressed, exposed, verbalized, intelligently discussed through the brilliant Neothink writings, and in my exposure to Mark Hamilton’s writings, leadership, and commitment to the effective execution of Prime Law, in order for individuals to achieve flawless love, wealth, health, and safety through honesty, rational self interest, objective thinking, and value producing business. These concepts expose, and heighten awareness of ego justice and flaw-filled politicians, lawyers, and bureaucrats (as I write this, I am hearing chapter 31 read out loud (the recent brilliant writing by Mark Hamilton – Wealth, Health, and Peace).
I am humbled by hearing about the Prime Law and the Twelve Visions Party. It is my self oriented, non sacrificial perspective and exposure to Neo Tech’s writings that provides a framework and context for my limitless compassion for individuals, and true commitment to value producing businesses.

This learning curve is critical (I’ve only had the Inside Secrets for about 3 weeks).

I’m very much looking forward to being a part of this brilliant, honest Neothink Society. Regardless how many people will disagree, will try to prevent value production, prevent honesty…. The truths exposed by Mark Hamilton and his writings cannot be disputed, as truth persists regardless of false assertions and claims, regardless of those that will dispute these honest assertions and writings. As people learn more and as the Neothink writings reach the objective minds of individuals committed to the truth, to honesty and integrity, the more status quo and current bureaucratic structures and paradigms will topple like cards.

Roevel M. G

To Mark Hamilton


I have been trying to write this for about two years. Thank you for inviting me to participate in the super puzzle, through your heirloom literature, Neothink® Society, and the Twelve Visions® Party.  I have received great value and have many new like minded friends. 

I have been with the Neothink Society for several years and have grown considerable.  I have used integrated thinking all my life.  It is wonderful to have friends that understand me.

I am helping establish the Twelve Visions Party® in Oregon, because, TVP will fulfill a need to empower the people to take back responsibility and control of their own lives.  The Prime Law Amendments into the Federal and Oregon Constitutions will and help to make all the people rich including the poor.

Again thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

Judi C

Little did I know that the world’s greatest author and legend was about to captivate my heart with some of the most genius values ever created. My life would never be the same again. I am proud and most honored to introduce to the world” Mark Hamilton”. Throughout his literature Mark stresses the importance of creating values. Let’s take a look at some of the values he’s created. Mark Hamilton’s literatures, The Neothink Society, The twelve Visions party political movement, The Prime Law. These value creations were creatively designed by the mastermind genius” Mark Hamilton himself!

One of the most important value I’ve received is to help mark further  his genius valued creations, as much as possible. I believe in Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party political movement. Deep in my heart I believe in these values Mark Hamilton has created and I’d like to join forces with those who also feel the same and want to unite as one and help Mark with his” unstoppable”, “Untouchable”, value creations. You can’t help but to love Mark and the brilliant values he’s created.

  I can’t imagine the excruciating rage and pain I would feel if I were to ever hear that Mark Hamilton and his literatures, Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party political movement filled with creative values were gone, taken away or destroyed by some deceitful scheme that had been plotted against Mark, ruining our only hope for saving America, “Mark Hamilton”. My heart would be shattered into a millions pieces. Mark wants to protect and heal this badly wounded economy.. We need to give Mark a chance to heal this economy. We’ll be making a huge mistake, and tremendously sorry if we don’t give him a chance and hopefully it won’t be too late by them. The only hope we have is Mark. We need Mark and his creative values now!

The twelve Visions political movements platform is to make all the people rich, even the poor. The Twelve Visions Party makes politics only about protection not  about power.  Give Mark a chance to fix the mistakes that both Republican and Democratic party created” the fight for political” power ruining our economy tremendously financially. These senseless affect has affected us and now our economy is paying for both Democrats and Political parties’ mistakes.

Let’s swallow our foolish pride, let by gones be by gones and put all our differences and mistakes behind and move on. Give Mark a chance. We owe it to ourselves and we owe it to our country, and this falling economy. It’s just a matter of time until our economy crumbles and tumbles down to the ground. Give Mark a chance to save this economy now! Mark is Americas only hope…


                   Marcia our economy severely. Devastating!

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love a human can give to their family, friends, and others. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and a country where the honest Value Creator is king and the destroyer is justly ostracized.

Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in “ruling class” abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.

The Twelve Visions Party will open up the floodgates of prosperity and lift the walls of slavery and dismantle neo-cheaters from our civilization through The Prime Law. That can only lead to Man taking full authority over himself and living as a powerful genius creating and producing values for his fellow man like he is meant to. Not from external authorities who block his progress and try to control his perception of what he really is.  

Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness and Neothink will win over our primitive natures and over those who choose to take the incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use deception and force.

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Stephen J. May

Twelve Visions Party means Protection

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, also  The Twelve Visions Party has meant a whole new World to me. I have never thought that I would or could ever learn Integrated honesty. The Twelve Visions Party A new and more improved Government of Completely over-hauled honest Government, No matter how power-full or how much back-up Our current dishonest government (THINKS) they are. No matter how much force our current Government uses on (WETHEPEOPLE)!We do not need their dishonest, behind closed door schemes they (THINK) they can get away with or hide from (THEPEOPLE)I will not be the one to get arrested for anyone threatening me with a Gun, Like I been in this current anti-civilization! The right person will be arrested, even if their company is government controlled!.I will not have to pay corrupt COPS,JUDGES,GOVERNERS,CONGRESS,SENATORS,ATTORNEY GENERALS.I will only pay for Protection from those who insist on using force on others, because they don’t believe in their policies! I will not get a better job because I am democrat or Republican! I will get equal treatment because I am human! I will get equal treatment because Human Life and the Human (MIND) is more Precious than any Bicameral animals whose only purpose is survival living for whatever kill they can make for that day and their family. Twelve Visions Party means I get to live free, the life I was meant to live! I will be able to create (MUSIC) without end! Without having to wake up at 5:00 in the morning for some job you get paid enough just to get by until the next week! I will be able to live and prosper, and also help others become that person they are meant to be, creating (Health, Wealth, Peace) for any man ,woman, child. No matter what color or religion they may believe in. Just as long as they agree to sign a contract, agreeing to live by the Prime Law! Not using force or threat of force against any other human being! We as the (Twelve Visions Party)bringing the future to (The People)eventually curing aging and death. The (Twelve Visions Party) terrorist will not get away with the type of attack we have all seen, lived, and breathed on (September11.2001)! Twelve Visions Party means new technologies, protecting our military. Protecting and saving human life as much as possible by use of robots, machines in the battle-field making conflict shorter and without as many human casualties as possible! Twelve Visions Party means making trips to space like a ride from Disney World, for anyone wanting to make the trip! Twelve Visions Party means learning from newly discovered planets, never-ending sources of Knowledge! Twelve Visions Party means Protection Only, keeping business out of the hands of corrupt politicians stealing our tax money for those believe that Big Government is the answer to their Problems!(Mickey Baker)Twelve Visions Party wrote this letter of life on this date(3-7-2010) Twelve Visions Party is our future of Life!

March 2025